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  1. HurriKane


    What does it take to make World of Confusion worthwhile? Can it be done with SOs? Basic IOs? I am going to take it. I'd take it even if it was garbage with slots, simply because it lends an an aura for me. Yes I know, taking a power for it's looks only...silly maybe...but that's me. Soooooo, since I'm taking it anyway, how can I make it useful and worthwhile?

    NOTE: I'm not looking to invest much money into this. I mean, MAYBE basic IOs, but preferably just SOs. Thanks.
  2. Possible, your method sounds a lot better than buying enh every few levels. while it's not biggy to take 15-20 minutes to do it, I'd much rather be standing at the tram telling the broadcast channel I'm looking for a team. lol. But on a serious note, thanks for the tips. I really do want to get into IOs. I started reading invention and market guides. Now, I'm not an unintelligent person, but the market stuff just really goes over my head! But that's a whole different topic for another day and forum. I've started leveling my DB/WP. I created my Spines/Regen, but am not sure I'm happy with the concept(yeah I need to have a concept I like, I'm silly like that). Nonetheless, I'll be starting that one tonight. I'm dedicating my night to the 2 scrappers.

    FreezeWave...I'm willing to spend bajillions on any toon. But I just don't have it. If I did, I'd spend spend spend. I'm trying to learn the market and what not to earn inf and craft IOs eventually. But that's a slow process. There's always those sites that sell influence, but isn't that a sin or something? Heh.
  3. Doh, after reading your post Possible, I'm having second thoughts. Well, I think I'll stick with DB/WP, as it sounds like a great pairing for me. But Regen has always been the one set that I've avoided because it wasn't resistance based. dunno why, but resistance is like a crutch for me on melee toons. I do want to try Regen someday. I think I may create a Regen scrapper also along with my DB/WP. If I stick to them both for a week or two, I should get a good idea of which I like better. Though with my luck I'll like both. That's not a bad thing, but when I log on, making the choice of what toon to play is always tough. I have too many favorites! Ok, so maybe like 6 favs. But anyway, I got my eye on Claws/Regen or Spines/Regen. I have Spines on my stalker, but skipped a lot of powers that I couldn't see skipping on a scrapper, so I'm missing out on half the set really.

    Does Regen perform well with SOs? I can't completely rule out IOs though. I just started playing with the market. I've avoided it completely till recently because I've never really had time to deal with it and it simply didn't appeal to me. I have always gotten by just fine with SOs, since I mainly PvE anyway. I've been playing more and for longer periods recently though, so I'm trying the market out. I've sold a few recipes and salvage as practice. Not excited about the buying process. I've heard that I16 may balance the market prices, so I'm gonna wait till then before I consider buying. Well, that and I need to level up a lot to earn some influence. And there I go off topic and rambling. Sorry. Thanks for the replies.
  4. Thanks guys. You helped a great deal. I'll be going with WP. And I'll definitely be getting the combos in Dual Blades to try them all out. I also saw this morning that you can choose to pretty much take the WP XF off come I16 which I plan to. Never been crazy about the yellow glow. (I'm even excited to take the XF off of my INV tank too!). I'm quite excited to roll a toon that is completely new to me. I've been playing a loooong time too. Very few sets I haven't tried...

    ...still gotta roll one of those Kheldians someday, but that's another thread, lol.

    Thanks again guys for the advice.
  5. HurriKane

    Dual Blades help

    Ok, so I'm going with Dual Blades for my scrapper. My secondary is still undecided, though likely irrelevant for what I'm asking for. Basically, I don't quite understand Dual Blades. More specifically the combos. I understand which powers are needed for each combo. I even understand, sort of, what each combo does. Should my goal be to get all the attacks for all the combos, or do people go for certain combos that they prefer? Are any of the combos "must have"? Are any of them "meh"? I notice that the finishers for a couple of the combos come really late in the game. Is it a good strategy to pick up the powers for the earlier combos until I get the other ones and then decide what to go with from there? If....and I say IF...I were to essentially ignore the combos and just pick powers as if they were like powers in other sets, would I be 'gimping' myself? Are the attacks by themselves weaker in any way because they have combo potential? That's all I can think of to ask. Thanks for your time in reading and responding.
  6. Hi all. I'm going with Dual Blades as my primary. That I know. But my secondary is up in the air. I do know I am not going with DA, FA, ELA or INV. I have them on other toons. I've never touched SR, WP or Regen. So it is between those three. Part of me really wants to try SR because I've avoided defense like the plague for a long time. But I hear it can make for a tight build and doesn't shine till later on. I have reservations about Regen, probably because I'm so used to relying on damage resistance. As for WP, I do not know much about it cept that it's a combo of regen, def and resistance? So my questions, in no particular any of those 3 sets compliment DB better than the others? In terms of power choice flexibilty, who reigns supreme? I'd like to pick a lot of attacks(especially my 1st time through, to try them all) without sacrificing mitigation from my secondary. Which of them blooms the fastest? Which are most survivable in general.

    To give you an idea of my playstyle-I am not looking to take down AVs. I am not looking to solo much, I prefer teaming on missions. No plans to farm. I do not do the market, therefore I pretty much stick to SOs. (though I just recently started to ATTEMPT to learn the market for the 1st time). I'm pretty poor with no rich alts. So IOs are not much an option...maybe cheap ones down the line. But I'm looking to plan my build for SOs for now. I think that covers it. Thanks for any input. I appreciate it!