So, I'm bored at work.
I feel your pain. My company has a good IT team that has managed to block all possible avenues of IM type communications. Except the internal ones of course and the tech support guys like to go back to sleep after they handle the calls I send them.
I am pretty new to Virtue myself, playing mainly with a static group I joined a couple of months ago in the mornings, the Daybreak Patrol. Most of my characters are centered around them, Daybreak Sigma, Daybreak Gamma and Valerie Bellemont. I also have a new scrapper, Ace Maguire and Dawnstar Dioscuri (PB of a PB/WS duo) on hero side. My villains are Lectric Lex, Riff Rumbler and Vlatok.
So nice to meet you fellow night owl. Maybe we can meet up in Faultline for a donut and coffee one morning after work. Send me a pm if you want to arrange something some time.
Hah, that sounds great. Actually, my IMs aren't blocked at all. I bring in my laptop and use Skype and MSN on my computer but the problem is that everyone I have on my list is not only normal daytime people but daytime people who live on the East Coast, which is two hours ahead of my time.
Hey! Long time no see. Glad that you haven't jumped ship to that other game
�Let there be truth, happiness, and waffles�
-Vagabond, Dark Lord & Avatar of Gnarr
The Justiciars
Never! And, in fact, I've actually reactivated my second account that had Acro Bat on it. I've decided, rather firmly, that I'm going to be here until they shut the servers down, even if I become slightly bored with the game. I just want to support what I feel is the best MMO on the market.
I tried it and after playing it I can say this... I will be here till the servers are shut off. Drop me a tell if you see me ingame.
�Let there be truth, happiness, and waffles�
-Vagabond, Dark Lord & Avatar of Gnarr
The Justiciars
You mean you can't play at work? Like me?
Mr. Hilton would be so angry if he knew the fun stuff I did while he was paying me.
It's 1am and I just finished work. Working from home is not as stress free as people think.

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I could play at work, I'd just need a 3G connection for my laptop... which I've seriously been considering.
Well I have crappy hotel internet but its certainly better than nothing.

and Sorah...
I was a stay-at-home Father for about 7 years. Not an easy job certainly but WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than any job I've ever had.
PS Being able to "work" in your PJs makes it less stressful.
So...what were you wearing?

I am playing from work atm, of course i'm also in the GMT +1 timezone, so it's day for me >.>
And welcome to Virtue! (sorta, since you've arrived a while ago now )
Like Underworld? Then take a look at!
And don't forget to join the fight for our City!,134.0.html
I was a stay-at-home Father for about 7 years. Not an easy job certainly but WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than any job I've ever had. PS Being able to "work" in your PJs makes it less stressful. So...what were you wearing? ![]() |
2) while I love my job, it's not "easy." I have constant deadlines that I have to regulate myself on, all the while attempt at living at the same. I didn't eat for the last 4 days, finally decided I should eat SOMETHING tonight.
3) while I can work in PJs, I try not to. Helps separate my work from home.
4) unlike being a stay at home parent, there is no "sense of a workplace". With my job there is. But unlike a regular job, when I'm done, I am still there, and p.s. Even whn I'm "done" I'm never really done. Blah.
As for my clothes, I was in jeans and a simple smock-tee. :P

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Like "I was dressed like [Insert a Sorah character here]"
Like Underworld? Then take a look at!
And don't forget to join the fight for our City!,134.0.html
Maybe next time she can make something up? >.>
Like "I was dressed like [Insert a Sorah character here]" |
I was wearing Karnal Sin! A shoulder-less short, skin tight dress with a plunging neckline! :O
Upon further examination...that doesn't sound so comfy for Karnal. Lame. LOL

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Ah, boredom at work, I know it well. Not well enough to venture into the Rookery, but still. Damn people need to take out more loans! Make my day go faster!
Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.
good luck D.B.B.

Back at work and bored again. Sup, people?
Stuck at work, got an hour to go, then back home to game time!

Hi everyone. I play on Virtue too.
I figured, since I'm completely and totally bored doing the night shift at work I'd say hi.
My heroes are Acro Bat, Crimson Charlatan, Black Bellatrix and Presight among others. My villains are Electric Feel, Adam Apex and Fixate (who is only a level 1 concept right now, but she'll be a full fledged one before long)
So, uh, yeah. I like to RP, though I haven't met a lot of people who do so on a regular basis so I'm confined to some ultra-light RP, and I also like to farm and powergame. Haven't got into PvP yet but I'm sure given time, I could. I started playing during the Beta and have been on and off since then. Which sucks for the veteran rewards situation.
Anyway, just looking for some people to talk to while I'm bored out of my skull and can't play.