We need more exploration




Slickriptide really hit it with his initial reply, you created your adventure. I think that a sense of roleplay is what can turn a mundane travel into something exciting. It can be done solo but you can multiply your fun when doing something with other like minded heroes.
My first experience with this was when i mentioned that i was running some striga missions in SG chat and a handful of other members joined and exemp'd into the 25-29 range and we assualted the council base by going through the Wolf's Thoat tunnel breaking into the base and causing havoc. It was so much fun!
since then i've tried to spread that same feeling by grabbing random players and assualting the Forge in Sharkhead, hunting on the Islands in Nerva, grabbing some rockets in warburg with a team can be a blast too.
The biggest part of it though is making your own fun.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I'd love more stuff like the fires in Steel, but a bit more repeatable. Or, as Fred S. suggested somewhere else, use the invasion code for zone events/monsters so everyone who happens to be around can join in and get some exp.

The occasional APB for an escaped villain would be fun, or even something like the 'Vandals!' alert from the Safeguard missions.

For villains it could be reacting to a Freedom Corps strike force, or hijacking a ship that strayed from the safe waters of Paragon.

There's a lot they could do to liven up the zones- I'm hoping GR will feature a more interactive 'world' than the one we've got now.
Here, here. I liked these sort of open-to-all objectives when I tried the CO beta. It was fun to stumble across something where people could work together without being on the same team. Of course, they repeated too often, making it feel as if you hadn't accomplished anything at all. I like the general premise though. Couple something like that with the world changing mechanics in RV and I think you'd have a winner.

As for exploration in games, one of the most fun experiences I had was on a persistent world module in NWN called Three Towns (think of an MMO, but with a cap of 40 or 50 people to the server). As I was skulking through mountains fighting giants spiders I stumbled upon a cave and slipped inside for a look. There I found a little girl turned to stone. Probably not a good sign, but I crept forward bolstered by the a ton of skill points in Hide. I turn a corner and stare down a basilisk. No problem, keep creeping. Then another and another. Thinking I may be getting in over my head, I started back to the entrance. Somewhere along the way, I failed a hide roll and suddenly I've been exposed so it was time to run for my life. Sadly, my little rogue never made it out alive. I was petrified then shattered to pieces.

There were a lot of situations you could wander into and find yourself feeling not so safe. Maybe you would push a little further or turn back the way you came. Not knowing if the next turn brought an insurmountable threat or a safe haven was pretty fun. Of course, after you know where they were you avoided them until you hit a higher level, but even areas you would revisit would occasionally surprise you with a deadly trap or a the side trip into somewhere even more dangerous. The proximity of safety and danger was well paced and it seemed like the module had exploration in mind from its conception.

Of course, that goes to show that part of the fun of exploration is danger and that's something lacking in CoH unless it's self-imposed. In part, it's due to how our zones are laid out and filled with wide open spaces. Mostly I think it's due to the modes of travel we have. Flight and teleport keep you out of enemy range and superspeed grants you stealth. Superjump could be the most dangerous form of travel, but it even it allows you to escape danger fairly quickly.



Originally Posted by GeoComet View Post
Slickriptide really hit it with his initial reply, you created your adventure. I think that a sense of roleplay is what can turn a mundane travel into something exciting. It can be done solo but you can multiply your fun when doing something with other like minded heroes.
My first experience with this was when i mentioned that i was running some striga missions in SG chat and a handful of other members joined and exemp'd into the 25-29 range and we assualted the council base by going through the Wolf's Thoat tunnel breaking into the base and causing havoc. It was so much fun!
since then i've tried to spread that same feeling by grabbing random players and assualting the Forge in Sharkhead, hunting on the Islands in Nerva, grabbing some rockets in warburg with a team can be a blast too.
The biggest part of it though is making your own fun.
This reminds me of something I had completely forgotten about. One time I was tooling around Sharkhead on a villain (I forget which one) and joined a PuG to do radio missions I think. After the second or third one the leader said "we should go attack that Wyvern base on that one island near here." It didn't exactly go over well. "Aw, c'mon, it'll be cool!" So we sort of begrudgingly went along, as players in a PuG who don't have the star tend to be a lazy bunch... only to discover that we were really too low level for the foes that spawn there. I think we all died twice before we realized what a big mistake that was ("outside debt" too, ouch).

Still, now that I think about it, it actually would have been kind of cool, if it had worked out. Maybe they need to drop this "outside debt" stuff to make such walking about a little less crazytalk-ish.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I'd love more stuff like the fires in Steel, but a bit more repeatable. Or, as Fred S. suggested somewhere else, use the invasion code for zone events/monsters so everyone who happens to be around can join in and get some exp.

The occasional APB for an escaped villain would be fun, or even something like the 'Vandals!' alert from the Safeguard missions.

For villains it could be reacting to a Freedom Corps strike force, or hijacking a ship that strayed from the safe waters of Paragon.

There's a lot they could do to liven up the zones- I'm hoping GR will feature a more interactive 'world' than the one we've got now.
So I started that thread I was talking about; you might find something there you agree with.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)