Mission Architect Handyman




I can definatley tone down the number of accolytes and toss some LTs in there for "lesser accolytes" or something.

The problem with Clear mind bothers me and needs to be looked at.

I am waiting to get a full report on Part II before I fix it.

I'm glad that my story is coming through more so now that the typos are fixed now to fiddle with the game mechanics. I wish we could control more it.



My internet went down yesterday and I have class today so I'm not sure how soon I'll get to edit those typos

Originally Posted by Scootertwo View Post
And I realize that I have a different concept of fun from others... part two is supposed to be more challenging..and in honesty it's part of the story to fail.

It's not supposed to make the heroes feel all warm and fuzzy. It's to see how far they will go to save what they percieve as an innocent. not everything is a comedy. Meaning they all lived happily ever after. Sometimes stories are tragedies where the "good guy" dies and thats it.
Arguably, setting your arc keywords to "Challenging" or whatever it is will help and perhaps mentioning that in your arc description. While I still feel she shouldn't run in Arc 2: Mish 1 due to how small the space is, I retracted that for Arc 2: Mish 2 because it's a doable challenge even if soloed--just hard. So that Mish 1 is still failable, remove Lady's ability to run but add a 5 to 10 minute timer so there's still a bit of pressure on the player to act swiftly which will fit in with the urgency of the story.

It's interesting that I feel like devil's advocate for both ScooterTwo and Defenstrator's views. I feel that the good thing about the MA is that it allows you to make stories that you can't get in the main game so while it might need tweaking, a horror/tragedy arc is perfectly fine. I have two arc concepts I have planned that will break the mold slightly so while there may be frustrations, I'm more than willing to give different styled arcs my attention.

On the flip side, Defenstrator makes a valid point that people hate to lose and are more likely to complain than offer valid critique. It also has to do with setup and wording. Oddly, your arc may be hurt simply from MA's limitations that force you to have to split the arcs into two parts. I think with enough warning that "this is a tragic arc" people should have little room to complain since they will know beforehand that it will be darker and there is ample chance at failure.

Concerning ratings, I dunno. I tend not to tell people what I rate an arc though it's usually obvious. It's entirely possible that one of your arcs had mostly 4 stars and got 4 starred again which will eventually round down. Technically I feel like bad ratings can help IF they drive us to make improvements. After about a week's time, a player can re-rate an arc and it will override the original rating. Plus, I don't feel like 3 stars is truly a bad rating. Granted, it's preferable for it to be higher but it's not actually a bad rating. One of my arcs got 2 starred in two different review threads. One drove me to fix some things and the reviewer publicly noted that he raised the rating afterwards. The other is unfixable since it was a comedy arc and the author simply didn't find the arc funny.

My goal of the Handyman is to essentially force us all to raise the bar and to help spread our arc's publicity. Typos are easy to fix but story and gameplay is a bit more nebulous and is subject to taste. It's also subject to AT. I don't test my own arcs with my Scrapper anymore because there's things I don't notice as far as difficulty (which is ironic since my main arc is sort of meant for my Scrapper as far as story is concerned). I'm assuming you (ScooterTwo) tested this with your Dominator, correct? A control based AT would have a noticibly easier time with the arc and a Dom specifically would have a bit of status resistance if Domination is up. In fact, I've been testing your arcs with my Stalker but I plan on switching to my Dom to see how the gameplay experience changes. I look forward to seeing the end of the arc.



Like I said I am willing to look at tweaking mechanics if shown just cause. Not just it was hard!!!

And I will once I get a full rundown of the mistakes/typos. (I know I made grammar nazi's cringe with that)
As far as the rating. Part two had 6 rates average 5 stars and I personally know who the rates were from and it was 5 stars accross the board.

And since you mentioned her running twice now I'll take a look at that part with different ATs and see what happens.

Actually I wrote with the mind set of what would I do if I were the "bad guy" and controlling the character, in an attempt to force the AI to be less A and more I.



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
It's interesting that I feel like devil's advocate for both ScooterTwo and Defenstrator's views. I feel that the good thing about the MA is that it allows you to make stories that you can't get in the main game so while it might need tweaking, a horror/tragedy arc is perfectly fine. I have two arc concepts I have planned that will break the mold slightly so while there may be frustrations, I'm more than willing to give different styled arcs my attention.
I don't think a horror or tragedy arc is a bad thing. But, at the end of the arc, I think players want to see:

1) That they accomplished SOMETHING good (or bad, if playing a villain) and that something good came out of the story, even if it has a tragic feel to it. (I forget the title, but there's a Lovecraft story where the protagonist "saves" the world simply by delaying the death and destruction for 500 years, for example. Oh, and he's driven insane, which isn't really doable in this game.)

2) That they were the focus of the story. While we may be writing "our" stories, as soon as a player accepts the missions, "our" stories become "their" stories. They are the protagonist. Their characters are the ones that are "living" these stories and so must be engaged in that way. If their characters are dragged along as second fiddle or bootlicks, they will probably not enjoy the arc.

If you can keep focused and succeed on those two points, you will have a good arc.

Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!

Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.



I think I can try to make it more about the contact and the player than the protaganist.



Originally Posted by Scootertwo View Post
Any color should work for me I use the villian skin so it's all good. as long as the typo fix is different from the rest of the text...
Does the above text (top of the page) work better for you? I think I'll try to do the rest of my typo fixes in that style from now on.



Yes very much so.

have you finished the arc yet?



I'll try to get that done tonight. With my internet crapping out earlier in the week, it put me behind in a bit of coursework.



Ran through arc 2. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts which helps the storyline but I can also see where people could dislike part of the time loop aspect of it all. Intriguingly, the difficulty seemed to edge off somewhat after the second mission.

Zig Inmate, Fire Pet, Darkness Pet, and the mish 3 version of The Lady are lacking proper bios. Speaking of the Lady, there's parts like the mish 2 success outro that sound confusing since Helena and the Lady seems to overlap in parts.

The two biggest problems with The Lady running in the first mission is that the map space is small and that she runs at 75% life. In mission 2, she doesn't run until she's down to 25% life which seems much smoother. However, there was a quirk with The Lady in mission 2 where she would attack the ambushes that were coming after the player. I really like that you used the much ignored (though bugged...) Defendable option for the files instead of a clickie.

As far as The Lady herself, Singularity is something pretty rough to fight against if your aren't designed to resist it (mission 1) and with Build Up she's able to one (and a half...) shot a squishy (mission 2). In mish 2, Lady actually able to successfully use Lift on a Carrion Creeper Vine.

Mish 3 was a pretty smooth progression though I initially struggled with the boss since she was a altered canon EB which meant Purple Triangles and I was on my Dom. I laughed when she said "Pity" as I died since it reminded me of Infernal. In fact, The Virgil Tarikoss SF gave me on idea of how to defeat the Priestess. Since The Lady was there, I pulled her to the Priestess and watched them duke it out. The pull was made surprisingly easy since The Lady actually used Dimension Shift of all things to attack me with. Then I finished off the Priestess after she beat The Lady.

Mish 4 was pretty smooth in progression and the final boss was vastly easier than the bosses in any other mission. I notice what you were attempting to do with the altars in having multiples but only having two of importance. It might be best to simply remove the nav text for the non-required ones. The player will still see the fake altars and need to test them since there's no visual indication of the differences between a fake altar and a real one.

I think the mish 4 outro + mish 5 intro do the main job of tying the story together on what exactly has happened. As said, I can appreciate the ending from a storytelling perspective even despite my dislike of time loops but I can see how some others might not. I'd suggest you submit your arc to Bubbawheat since he officially likes and requests people send him arcs about time travel but I don't know how he'd react to some of the other aspects of the story as far as difficulty and structure are concerned so it is entirely up to you on that front.

One interesting little difficulty quirk is the Fire Pets. Technically they aren't that hard but I can see how a large team would stuggle with nasty stackability of the "rain fire from the sky" targeted AOE. In fact, Seeds of Confusion allowed me to cheat a bit when fighting them. I'd suggest that you add one more minion to their enemy group with a different powerset. This will mix things up a bit (though it's good that the LTs are /dark instead) and while it'll make things more bearable for most, it'll help avoid making them a cakewalk for scrappers/brutes with Fire Armor.

One last thing. Since these missions are clearly meant to be challenging, I'd suggest level locking them to lvl 45-50.

TYPOs (I missed some from last time...)

Mission 1

"I don't like this anymore then you do. but it has to be done." should be "I don't like this anymore than you do but it has to be done." <- misspelling, remove period

outro popup
"Evelyn is not happy, she looks like the file is about to bite her." should be "Evelyn is not happy. She looks like the file is about to bite her." <- ended sentence

Mission 2

Clue - A file
"A quick read through of this reveals a rather tragic story. Helena grew up in Kansas until her parents were killed by a Tornado. then she moved to Paragon City to live with her Aunt who passed away from a heart attack. She's been alone for several years. Sad really." should be "A quick read through of this reveals a rather tragic story. Helena grew up in Kansas until her parents were killed by a tornado, then she moved to Paragon City to live with her Aunt who passed away from a heart attack. She's been alone for several years. Sad really." <- caps fix and replace period with comma

success outro
"Let me see the file....
I need time to see if this information helps me discover what her plans are.

What do you mean The Lady was there. It can't be a coinsidence. Something if forcing my magic towards her."
should probably be (as stated above, this sounds sorta weird)
"Let me see the file....
I need time to see if this information helps me discover what her plans are.

What do you mean The Lady was there? It can't be a coincidence. Something is forcing my magic towards her." <- question mark, misspelling

Mission 3

"I have looked back onto the past and my vision is clouded except when the Lady is involved. I think this is Helena trying to reach out to me, Begging me to save her. After using every divining spell I could think of I have determined that the Acolytes were not succesful in bringing 'The Mother' back to this world. This is a good news, bad news situation. The good news is the demonic spirit possesing the Helena is not 'The Mother' of all Succubi, who is pretty much the harbringer of Doom. The bad news is that the Succubi tried again, this time by simply opening a rift to hell and freeing her. You must to stop this from happening. I have seen this and The Lady will be there to stop the Succubi, I don't know her motives. but she will be distracted it is the perfect opportunity to take her out.

Be on the look out. I don't know if the Lady will be there and if she is what her intentions are."
should probably be (once again, weird wording when the Lady is involved)
"I have looked back onto the past and my vision is clouded except when the Lady is involved. I think this is Helena trying to reach out to me, begging me to save her. After using every divining spell I could think of ,I have determined that the Acolytes were not successful in bringing 'The Mother' back to this world. This is a good news, bad news situation. The good news is the demonic spirit possesing Helena is not 'The Mother' of all Succubi, who is pretty much the harbringer of Doom. The bad news is that the Succubi tried again, this time by simply opening a rift to hell and freeing her. You must to stop this from happening. I have seen this and The Lady will be there to stop the Succubi. I don't know her motives but she will be distracted so it is the perfect opportunity to take her out." <- caps, misspelling, "the", adjust sentence

"Great we are not going to all die, but the Lady got away again. We need to make sure she stays gone." should be "Great, we are not going to all die but the Lady got away again. We need to make sure she stays gone." <- commas

Mission 4

"I have only one vision of the past left. The Lady took the missing piece. She planned on rebuilding the altar to bring forth untold hordes of demons into this world under her control. I have been too concerned with the safety of the girl she has possesed. I know now from your description of her, she changed and that poor Helena was lost to us that first night. She has rebuilt the altar, you need to find the piece and bring it here so I can dispose of it.. And finally put an end to her evil.

Be careful she's sure to have her pets guarding it."
should be
"I have only one vision of the past left. The Lady took the missing piece. She planned on rebuilding the altar to bring forth untold hordes of demons into this world under her control. I have been too concerned with the safety of the girl she has possesed. I know now from your description of her, she changed and that poor Helena was lost to us that first night. She has rebuilt the altar, you need to find the piece and bring it here so I can dispose of it and finally put an end to her evil.

Be careful she's sure to have her pets guarding it." <- periods

"The hair on your arms stands on end, is it exicitment or is the air actually charged." should be "The hair on your arms stands on end. Is it excitement or is the air actually charged?" <- end sentence, misspelling

Clue -> A piece of the old Altar
"You have the piece of the old Alter that Lady Lylith stole from the Acolytes." should be "You have the piece of the old altar that Lady Lylith stole from the Acolytes." <- misspelling

Clue -> A piece of stone
"This is it the last remaining piece of the altar. all this trouble over a piece of stone." should be "This is it the last remaining piece of the altar. All this trouble over a piece of stone." <- caps

Mission 5

"There is only one chance left......I thought that I had outlived my usefulness as a Hero of Paragon. My greatest ability came from from my disability. I was born blind it allowed me to see the world in a different way. My strength came from my death. I was no longer part of this world and could not be harmed be conventional weapons. I was in The Angels base and I used the majority of my power to restore my life and heal my eyes. It cost me my youth. These blood seals on my arms are the only thing that keep me alive.

Please you have to stop me from making that mistake. Explain what happens to me in the future to my past self and tell me just to pass on. If I never return to life I can never send you back to the past. and this will have never happened.

Please will you tell me to go Home."
should be
"There is only one chance left......I thought that I had outlived my usefulness as a Hero of Paragon. My greatest ability came from from my disability. I was born blind and it allowed me to see the world in a different way. My strength came from my death. I was no longer part of this world and could not be harmed by conventional weapons. I was in The Angels base and I used the majority of my power to restore my life and heal my eyes. It cost me my youth. These blood seals on my arms are the only thing that keep me alive.

Please, you have to stop me from making that mistake. Explain what happens to me in the future to my past self and tell me just to pass on. If I never return to life, I can never send you back to the past and this will have never happened.

Please will you tell me to go Home." <- wording, comma, period, comma, question mark

"Some thing is horribly wrong. Why are Her paets here?" should be "Something is horribly wrong. Why are Her pets here?" <- misspellings

"I keep telling those fools, that I cannot be stopped. Yet they insist on interfering. Dearest Eve, where would I be with out you? You did your very best to save our poor Helena and for your efforts. I'm going to reward you. I am giving you the gift of life and in restoring your life I will restore your sight. No need to thank me. Just remember our story and share it with whomever will listen to you. And Mother told me I would never make anything of myself. That note I planted was genius." should be "I keep telling those fools that I cannot be stopped. Yet they insist on interfering. Dearest Eve, where would I be with out you? You did your very best to save our poor Helena and for your efforts I'm going to reward you. I am giving you the gift of life and in restoring your life I will restore your sight. No need to thank me. Just remember our story and share it with whomever will listen to you. And Mother told me I would never make anything of myself. That note I planted was genius." <- comma, period

"Eve: What did those men do to me." should be "Eve: What did those men do to me?" <- question mark


So...is part 3 of Power of Magic the last thing needing to be critiqued?



Originally Posted by Baryonic_Cell View Post
I've tried other maps, but visually the pirates looked better in St. Martial than say, an office or sewer setting.
Try the Unique Maps -> Outdoor Maps -> Nerva - Fountain Island

To my understanding, Nerva Archipelago is actually UN controlled instead of a direct part of the Rogue Isles. This is why the Longbow headquarters Agincourt is placed there. I think it'll work for your needs both in layout and it'll be more canonically kosher to intercept a villain group there.

Ah, found it: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showt...va#post1075862



Wow, triple post


Just finished part 3 of the Power of Magic series. I'm still not feeling the title but otherwise the plot seems to be making a natural progression. There are two intriguing issues with the arc.

First, Lucky Six + boss objective = bad. From personal experience, the only two spawn points for bosses are near the doorway so it might be better to use a different casino.

Second is level range. It's good that those weird scaling issues in mission 1are sorted out. It's best to level gate things so there's a more TF styled feel and so it's a bit easier to search for stuff your level in the MA. Problem is that the 8-15ish level you mentioned for the beginning won't really support the Freakshow in the final mission. This isn't something to immediately change (especially since custom Freaks are much harder to make than custom Family or custom Tsoo) but it's something to keep in mind.

BTW, the Familybots were lacking bio descriptions


Mission 2

Clue -> "The Vice's" HQ located
"One of the Family thugs sent to collect from the Professor finally spit out his location.

"OK, OK, I'll tell ya. Guy gives me the creeps anyway. I won't shed a tear if that degenerate spends some time in the Zig. He's got this underground lab near the Steel Canyon U. Check under the "dance parlor" on Infantino Ave. That's where we were supposta drop of that gizmo, and I guess he's workin' on something else, too. Guy owes us a LOT of scratch - whatever he's putterin' around with, it better be good."

should be

"One of the Family thugs sent to collect from the Professor finally spit out his location.

"OK, OK, I'll tell ya. Guy gives me the creeps anyway. I won't shed a tear if that degenerate spends some time in the Zig. He's got this underground lab near the Steel Canyon U. Check under the "dance parlor" on Infantino Ave. That's where we were supposta drop off that gizmo, and I guess he's workin' on something else, too. Guy owes us a LOT of scratch - whatever he's putterin' around with, it better be good." <-misspelling



Too to fix it right now should republish tomorrow.



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
Just finished part 3 of the Power of Magic series. I'm still not feeling the title but otherwise the plot seems to be making a natural progression. There are two intriguing issues with the arc.
Yeah, I know where I am headed, but no one who is playing does. And it doesn't even become obvious with the next one. Not sure what I should change it to, but you are not wrong to wonder where the hell the title comes from

First, Lucky Six + boss objective = bad. From personal experience, the only two spawn points for bosses are near the doorway so it might be better to use a different casino.
I could eliminate the Boss entirely, and it would not change too much. I think I set up the next mission in clues, so it would cost me minimal time. For me the boss tended to be off to the side, but it or someone in the group can spawn right in front of the door.

Second is level range. It's good that those weird scaling issues in mission 1are sorted out. It's best to level gate things so there's a more TF styled feel and so it's a bit easier to search for stuff your level in the MA. Problem is that the 8-15ish level you mentioned for the beginning won't really support the Freakshow in the final mission. This isn't something to immediately change (especially since custom Freaks are much harder to make than custom Family or custom Tsoo) but it's something to keep in mind.
I may just have to bite the bullet here and set the arc from 15-30. A soloist may not get up to 15 through parts 1 and 2, but the arc levels should bump them up if need be. Family is 5-40, and Freaks (version 1) are 20-40, so I could even go with a start level of 20 I guess. I am used to teams, so I forget that solo leveling can be a lot slower.

Thanks again for the help



I've got a bit of a dilemma I need some opinions on. I won't be able to get more arc space for a while, plus I want to pool my resources where I think they will be the most successful. I'm trying to decide which arc I will work on next out of several choices.

  • A goofy mid level villain arc. Uses canon mobs but obviously non-canon. Since it's 90% finished, it's sort of guaranteed for release after I16 hits--especially since I'm contemplating deleting Illpracticed Malpractice...
  • A serious high level hero arc. Blatantly non-canon due to setting and heavy use of customs. I currently have no toons in the +40 range.
  • A serious high level villain arc with an attempt at a storytelling gimmick that will wind up increasing the difficulty and/or requiring teams. Might decide to try to follow canon (the Macguffin is actually from a radio mish) but the story would be outside Paragon. I have no toons in the +40 range.
  • A lowbie villain arc that would attempt to follow canon to the letter. Would pretty much require 90% canon mobs. Contact would expressly treat you as a colleague instead of a lackey.



Originally Posted by Viking698 View Post
If I'm on at that time I will take you up on the offer. I'm sure my arc needs it.
I apologize for skipping your arc by accident. The story seemed decent at its base but the contact text seemed somewhat dry overall. Also, the first mission almost seemed to assume the player had heard of the custom group before though we haven't. Your contact still had "Contact Hologram" as their name. This is a bit SPOILERish, but the fact that the Komodo brothers were actual lizard guys instead of just using a fancy sounding name was surprising. They also fall into the category of "hard bosses are hard". They can be beaten but they pack a punch. They almost felt contradictory to the group since everyone else was obviously human unless I missed a detail with the story. Also, Nemesis's army shows up in the final mission but they didn't seem to have plot relevance. It might be better (your choice obviously) to remove them in favor of trying to strengthen the ties to the cloning storyline you started which seemed to fall off there.

Your customs seemed fine though I could see mild stacking issues from things like multiple Web Grenades and such. Generally, the bosses killed me from the ambushes whittling away at me as opposed to direct damage though they did hit hard. Your final mission had two MM EBs which could prove to be nasty for some or fine for others. I'm wondering if you should give a veil or mask for the Natsumis to better fit the ninja theme.

TYPOs (I'll full color editting later)

A number of times you had "heros" instead of "heroes".

Mission 1

"I need your help. The Yagyu Kage clan has setup operation in Paragon city. Which is strange normally they stay to the Rogue Isles." should be "I need your help. The Yagyu Kage clan has setup operation in Paragon city. This is strange, normally they stay to the Rogue Isles." <- rewording, comma

Ryuu Thorn bio
"The leaders of most assualt groups. They are most often promoted from the ranks of the Souta. Their magical powers are enhance and changed." should be "The leaders of most assault groups. They are most often promoted from the ranks of the Souta. Their magical powers are enhanced and changed." <- misspelling, past tense

Souta bio
"The Souta are some of the main assassians in the Yagyu clan. They attack with bows for silent kills. Their powers are magically based." should be "The Souta are some of the main assassins in the Yagyu clan. They attack with bows for silent kills. Their powers are magically based." <- misspelling

Boss fight dialog
"Ryuu Thorn: Ouch ok time to take this a little more seriouly." should be "Ryuu Thorn: Ouch, ok time to take this a little more seriously." <- comma, misspelling

Natsumi Rose bio
"The Natsumi are all females. They all have training in matial arts. These are the favored one of the Lady Yagyu." should be "The Natsumi are all females. They all have training in martial arts. These are the favored ones of the Lady Yagyu." <- misspelling, grammar

Boss fight dialog
"Natsumi Rose: Did you except it to easy." should be "Natsumi Rose: Did you expect it to easy?" <- misspelling, question mark
"Natsumi Rose: Is that the best you got." should be "Natsumi Rose: Is that the best you got?"

Clue -> A strange note
You have found a note. "It seems that Tsoo were ready for us. We may have a leak some where. The good new is we have capture one of the Tsoo bosses. We have drugged him and he should arrive shortly."
should be
You have found a note. "It seems that the Tsoo were ready for us. We may have a leak somewhere. The good news is we have capture one of the Tsoo bosses. We have drugged him and he should arrive shortly." <- "the", misspellings

"So the Yagyu were fighting the Tsoo. Ok this makes no sense why are the Yagyu attacking the Tsoo and in Paragon CIty." should be "So the Yagyu were fighting the Tsoo. Ok this makes no sense, why are the Yagyu attacking the Tsoo and in Paragon City?" <- comma, caps, question mark

Mission 2

"I still need your help the Yagyu Kage clan in Paragon City. So far from the reports I have, the Yagyu have never engage in this kind of activity. This makes no sense why attack the Tsoo and in Paragon City, when you could attack them in the Rogue Isles." should be "I still need your help the Yagyu Kage clan in Paragon City. So far from the reports I have, the Yagyu have never engaged in this kind of activity. This makes no sense, why attack the Tsoo in Paragon City, when you could attack them in the Rogue Isles?" <- comma, spelling, comma, "the", question mark

Boss dialog
"Natsumi Aster: Ouch, you would hit a girl." sounded weird. It could either be asking a question "Natsumi Aster: Ouch, would you hit a girl?" or making an exclamation "Natsumi Aster: Ouch, you WOULD hit a girl."

"Natsumi Aster: Why won't you die." should be "Natsumi Aster: Why won't you die?" <- Question mark

clue ->
"Natsumi Aster orders were to capture as many of the Circle of Thorns as possible." should be "Natsumi Aster's orders were to capture as many of the Circle of Thorns as possible." <- grammar

Mission 3

"Ok from the test we have done it looks like all the new members of the Yagyu Kage clan are clones. So the question is if you can make clones of that quailty why attack and kidnap a Tsoo boss." should be "Ok from the tests we have done it looks like all the new members of the Yagyu Kage clan are clones. So the question is if you can make clones of that quailty why attack and kidnap a Tsoo boss?" <- plural, question mark

"Thanks for helping me with this problem. Now I getting word of a Yagyu attack at a Crey building. I would bring friends along. The reports I'm getting the Yagyu sent in one of their heavy hitters." should be "Thanks for helping me with this problem. Now I'm getting word of a Yagyu attack at a Crey building. I would bring friends along. From the reports I'm getting the Yagyu sent in one of their heavy hitters." <- spelling, rewording

Blue Komodo bio
"One of the komodo brothers. Blue Komodo is master of stealth. He is a expert assassian. He along with his bother Red Komodo he considers everyone not of the Yagyu Kage clan inferior." should be "One of the Komodo brothers. Blue Komodo is a master of stealth. He is a expert assassin. He along with his brother Red Komodo he considers everyone not of the Yagyu Kage clan inferior." <- caps, rewording, misspellings

Mission 4

"What I need you to do is help set off a trap. Who ever the leak is in the Yagyu has sent me some information. They are planning another raid. I need you to go and spring the trap. From the reports I'm getting the Yagyu have all ready sent in one team. I need you to still plant the information and draw out there big hitters. Be very cafeful and bring some friends along." should be "What I need you to do is help set off a trap. Whoever the leak is in the Yagyu has sent me some information. They are planning another raid. I need you to go and spring the trap. From the reports I'm getting the Yagyu have already sent in one team. I need you to plant the information and draw out their big hitters. Be very careful and bring some friends along." misspellings, rewording, misspellings

Red Komodo bio
"One of the Komodo bothers. He loves to fight. Like his bother Blue Komodo he considers everyone not of the Yagyu Kage clan to inferior. Red Komodo is one of the most feared as he tend to eat his defeated opponents." should be "One of the Komodo brothers. He loves to fight. Like his brother Blue Komodo he considers everyone not of the Yagyu Kage clan to inferior. Red Komodo is one of the most feared as he tend to eat his defeated opponents." <- misspellings

Boss dialog
"Red Komodo: It a trap, kill the all!" should be "Red Komodo: It's a trap, kill them all!" <- misspellings

NOTE: The "kill the all" typo is done a number of places in your arc but I didn't catch them all

Clue -> Another bites the dust
"Looks like Red komodo did not come along. His bother Black Fire Komodo is also searching this facility." should be "Looks like Red komodo did not come alone. His brother Black Fire Komodo is also searching this facility." <- misspellings

Black Fire Komodo
"One of the Komodo bothers. Black Fire Komodo is the leader of the komodos. He has more power and is more intelligent than his bothers. He is looking for the rest of his bothers that are rumored to exist. He does not share his other bothers opinion that other are inferior, just becasue they do not belong to the Yagyu Kage clan." should be "One of the Komodo brothers. Black Fire Komodo is the leader of the komodos. He has more power and is more intelligent than his brothers. He is looking for the rest of his brothers that are rumored to exist. He does not share his other brothers' opinion that others are inferior, just becasue they do not belong to the Yagyu Kage clan." <- misspellings

Boss dialog
"Black Fire Komodo: Ouch, this is just not going the way I had planed" should be "Black Fire Komodo: Ouch, this is just not going the way I had planned"
"Black Fire Komodo: You have been defeated Black Fire Komodo." should be "Black Fire Komodo: You have been defeated by Black Fire Komodo."
"Black Fire Komodo: That hurts you, time for you to die." should be "Black Fire Komodo: That hurts, time for you to die."

"That worked better than we could have hope. Defeating both Red Komodo and Black Fire Komodo will hurt the Yagyu badly. I just hope they stay in the Zig for a long time." should be "That worked better than we could have hoped. Defeating both Red Komodo and Black Fire Komodo will hurt the Yagyu badly. I just hope they stay in the Zig for a long time." <- wording

Mission 5

"Gijan: Another gloris day the service of the Yagyu Kage clan." should be "Gijan: Another glorious day the service of the Yagyu Kage clan." <- misspelling

"Master Jin: Be quite you fools and search it has to be here somewhere." should be "Master Jin: Be quiet you fools and search, it has to be here somewhere." <- misspelling, comma

Lady Yagyu bio
"The mistress of clan Yagyu Kage clan. She is one of the last members of her clan. She to the dismay of others has started to recuit from the outside. This action has started to fill out the clan roster. She is the contoller of the magic side of the clan." should be "The mistress of the Yagyu Kage clan. She is one of the last members of her clan. She, to the dismay of others, has started to recuit from the outside. This action has started to fill out the clan roster. She is the controller of the magic side of the clan." <- wording, commas, misspelling

Clue -> A unexcepted clue
After defeating Lady Yagyu, you have pick up a transmission. "I thank you heros. Taking down the lady was to risky by myself. It took me a while to set all this up. I was surprise to see how well you managed. I will make sure next time we meet that my minions will be stronger. Once again I thank you, this is Master Jin signing off."
should be
An unexcepted clue
After defeating Lady Yagyu, you have picked up a transmission. "I thank you heroes. Taking down the lady was too risky by myself. It took me a while to set all this up. I was surprised to see how well you managed. I will make sure next time we meet that my minions will be stronger. Once again I thank you, this is Master Jin signing off." <- misspellings

outro popup
"You have end the threat of the Yagyu Kage clan." should be "You have ended the threat of the Yagyu Kage clan." <- wording



Thanks Zam. I have not revisited that mission in a bit. Looks like the last update broke some of the stuff. I ran out of room to be able to put in everything that was needed for people need to know about tha Yagyu clan.

I will try to correct the mistakes and see whats happens.

Did any of the Bosses give you problems?



Originally Posted by Viking698 View Post
Did any of the Bosses give you problems?
If I crash into a wall enough times I'll either find a way around the wall or grab the keys to a bigger and badder truck...



Originally Posted by Vivace View Post
NO ******* DUH!!! It's a JOKE mission. FFS, Virtue, grow a pair and quit being whiny ******* that need their ***** wiped.
They are merely disappointed that with your friendly jab to them, you only pat them on the shoulder instead of punching them in the mouth.

Technically, that's sort of my primary issue--as a joke arc it doesn't seem to joke enough. The flavor of the arc description should be applied to the contact text. The enemies are lacking in custom descriptions (missing a chance for jokes) and the contact is just the generic hologram. However, I loved the "You haven't saved her yet? Poor cowgirl." line. I'd almost argue that you could set the contact as the desk with the computer on it (since you can use objects) and play it up as people reading about the incident on the forums. Also, I only saw Ninjas, Pirate Ladies, and the Catgirl boss. Perhaps you should add a few more enemies for variety.

There's a few nitpicky MA issues. While defeating everyone in the last room is pretty valid and shows up as such when you are in the mission, when searching for the arc it looks like the infamous Defeat All. However, the "last room" option is occasionally wonky since the last room can vary greatly between maps. Sticking to just defeating the boss + spawn is usually better in most situations and saves you from people griefing your arc's rating for being a Defeat All (though most of those types have thankfully moved on).

Vivace merely runs off without saying anything. A quick thank you text and emote will add to the rescue. However, I can understand the desire to escape the catgirl horrors. I marched right up to that catgirl and let her know that I know that: The cake is a lie, the pie is a fake, and I don't need cookies because I have waffles.



I'm hopefully going to have some time to run through some arcs for people this weekend.

I did take a few moments to update "Husk."

I followed some of my own advice and toned down the "Possessed Kara" Elite Boss to Boss status. She can still lay down a whoopin' on someone, though.

Also, I changed Callibraxis from the Archmage of Death model to the standard Death Mage. I'd forgotten those Archmages have a ridiculous Damage Resistance built into them, and I determined wailing away on an Archmage at 30 damage per hit just wasn't very fun.

I added a "scared" patrol at the beginning of the last mission.

The Elite Boss at the end is still really mean, though I wish there was a way to make him bigger than he is.

Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!

Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.



Originally Posted by Non existant forum member
Dear Zamuel,

I'm sort of bummed out by some of the changes to Mission Architect XP in Issue 16. Is there any good news?
First off, the XP changes are currently temporary so while we may not know when, eventually it'll get tweaked.

However, I16 did add some nice things to use. Escort and Ally betrayals can now be triggered off of nearly any objective which gives players more flexibility than before. This is accompanied by the option for special Betrayal text when they make the switch. The heroes and villains from the end of mayhem and safeguard missions are now available again. Finally, the generator destructable/defendable object is once again available for use.



Triple post powers are go!

By no means have I forgotten this thread and I know that I owe one person a playthrough so I apologize for the delay. In between normal play, I'll attempt to re-run these to see how things work out after their updates. One was run today for a group.



Disclaimer: Not "tooting my horn" as the saying goes. Just FYI.

Anyhow, Dr. Aeon did a review of my arc here. Very helpful for me.

I wanted to share for anyone else working on arcs and helping improve.




Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post
Disclaimer: Not "tooting my horn" as the saying goes. Just FYI.

Anyhow, Dr. Aeon did a review of my arc here. Very helpful for me.

I wanted to share for anyone else working on arcs and helping improve.

I saw that! /em Napoleon Dynamite "Lucky!"

Heh. I've been meaning to tweak mine for a long while now, but haven't put in the time, I'll have to do that.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post
Disclaimer: Not "tooting my horn" as the saying goes. Just FYI.

Anyhow, Dr. Aeon did a review of my arc here. Very helpful for me.

I wanted to share for anyone else working on arcs and helping improve.

He presents good information. Take what you feel you need (you may not need all of his suggestions). Concerning EBs, you SHOULD give an in-character warning. However, your arc was published before the system automatically presented that warning in search. Surprised more people haven't decided to check out your arc. Have a bad feeling they saw KoA and Malta and chickened out.

Map choices were good for a smooth progression. With a +perception buff, tons of /ninjitsu enemies was not that bad. However, I agree that giving a few a different secondary (Devices or a generic melee defense set) will help mix things up a bit. I found the fact that your final could fly sort of annoying since I lacked -fly and thus she was able to withstand knockdowns if not grounded. Your choice on whether or not to keep it.


Mission 1

Burning Bright is an up and coming Vanguard recruit that has shown dazzling displays of battle prowness against the Rikti. For her first assignment, she has been appointed Commander of a small station in the Rikti War Zone.

should be

Burning Bright is an up and coming Vanguard recruit that has shown dazzling displays of battle prowess against the Rikti. For her first assignment, she has been appointed Commander of a small station in the Rikti War Zone. <- typo

Mission outro popup
"You have escaped with the prisoner." is rather dry and self explanatory. Most of the other outro popups are like this. Embellishing these a bit will help, even if they technically wind up saying the same thing. Like... "Triumphantly you escape from the Vanguard base as you take your unwilling back to Arachnos" ...or something. Also, double check to make sure your clues aren't repeating each other.

Mission 2

Malta Network Computer - More detail for objective title like "Hack the Malta Network Computer"

The Malta information was worthless in this affair. But those Talsorian weapons of the Knives you defeated revealed much. The Knives as we know do not use these type of blades. It appears we have a splinter group forming after the other cell was crushed, so called Chosen of Artemis. I will investigate this further and get back to you.

should probably be

The Malta information was worthless in this affair. But those Talsorian weapons of the Knives you defeated revealed much. The Knives as we know do not use these type of blades. It appears we have a splinter group forming after the other cell was crushed, a so called Chosen of Artemis. I will investigate this further and get back to you. <- possible typo, sounded weird

Mission 3

The Noggle: Our young Sisters were careless in going to the Malta. They should have come back here after seeing the bases was attacked. Let this be a lesson for you all.

should be

The Noggle: Our young Sisters were careless in going to the Malta. They should have come back here after seeing the base was attacked. Let this be a lesson for you all. <- typo

A communique from the Exile. - clue
Going through the Noggles possessions, you notice a communique from some named the Exile. It indicates map coordinates to staging area for the Chosen.

should be

Going through the Noggles possessions, you notice a communique from someone named the Exile. It indicates map coordinates to staging area for the Chosen.

Mission 4

Defeat Exile of Artemis - Exile of Artemis...redundant for mission title and objective to be so similar.

"The Knives will remain unbroken." Um, shouldn't that be "The Knives will remain broken"? Not sure, that's why I'm asking