Fire aura help me !!!1




I really want a good fire aura brute money is no prob i just need help wit a good build i want to see if i can get fireaura's smash lethal resit in the 60% range some tell me if thats possible an if so how do i do it



I suggest you download mids and play around there and see what you can come up with on your own. However, I don't know if that is possible with Fiery aura. Resists are good there, but I don't know if they are that good.

Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.

"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality



You'd be looking at either taking the Patron Pet and five-slotting it with Call to Arms, and/or at least two Gladiator sets in your melee attacks.

Fire Shield - 35.4%, six slotted with Titaniums
Plasma Shield - Squat towards S/L
Tough - 17.7%, six slotted with Titaniums
Breath of Fire (Air Burst set) - 0.63%
Patron AoE (Air Burst set) - 0.63%
Summon Patron Pet (Call to Arms) - 1.89%
Steadfast Protection Unique in a Resist power - 3%, increases with lateral enhancements
Gladiator sets in melee attacks to bring it up to 60% = 2 sets of five

It's do-able. I don't recommend it. I would suggest layering defenses to compliment the resists, and +recharge to spam Healing Flames more often. Just my two cents though.



You can also get some smashing resist form Kinetic Crash. Put that in Kick as the prereq for tough with 4 of the set for +2.5 smash resist and -kb.

Also, if you can slot sleep sets anywhere you can get 1.25% from 4 Hibernation's.

It is doable as stated above, but you would probably be better off shooting for more +recovery to have healing flames up more often and try to get some +def.