~ Master of Imperious TF (practice) - Friday, September 4th ~




Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
Some people still call me Mateo up in those forums. haha
When did they stop calling you jackass? :smirk:

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post
When did they stop calling you jackass? :smirk:
When they realized I was right. haha



I wouldn't mind joining if there was a 2nd team running. I haven't been on Freedom in awhile (due to connection issues with East coast servers), but I've been running a lot of ITFs recently on other servers.

I can bring along:
Level 50 Fire Control/Psionic Assault Dominator
Level 50 Dual Blade/Willpower Brute
Level 50 Assault Rifle/Kinetics Corruptor
Level 45 Mind Control/Energy Assault Dominator

I'll follow the threads for any updates. Otherwise I'll be running alts on Virtue.



Originally Posted by Just_Blaze View Post
I wouldn't mind joining if there was a 2nd team running. I haven't been on Freedom in awhile (due to connection issues with East coast servers), but I've been running a lot of ITFs recently on other servers.

I can bring along:
Level 50 Fire Control/Psionic Assault Dominator
Level 50 Dual Blade/Willpower Brute
Level 50 Assault Rifle/Kinetics Corruptor
Level 45 Mind Control/Energy Assault Dominator

I'll follow the threads for any updates. Otherwise I'll be running alts on Virtue.
I'm not sure that the 3rd party company has fixed the issues yet. Hopefully it clears up soon. We'd love to have you come along. You can bring any toon you wish to bring. I'll put you down as -TBA- for now.



I'd like to join up as well. I've run a few MoSTF runs with Mr. E and company and they're always fun, badge or no badge. I was planning to bring a Cold/Arch def, but I see team 2 already has a Cold/. If more variety is needed, I also have Arch/Mental blaster, Fire/Rad controller, or a Dark/Dark Corr.

Justice Superteamer
Current Project - Water Blast Superteam starting Friday, 7/20/2012.
Come out and join us Fri/Sun 8pm ET on the "Justice Superteamers" channel.
All players welcome!



Originally Posted by Big_King View Post
I'd like to join up as well. I've run a few MoSTF runs with Mr. E and company and they're always fun, badge or no badge. I was planning to bring a Cold/Arch def, but I see team 2 already has a Cold/. If more variety is needed, I also have Arch/Mental blaster, Fire/Rad controller, or a Dark/Dark Corr.
That dividing line doesn't necessarily split the list into exact teams, it's just to signify enough people to run more teams. It looks like you can pretty much bring whatever toon you like at this point and we can find a place for you without much problem. Hope to see you there!



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
That dividing line doesn't necessarily split the list into exact teams, it's just to signify enough people to run more teams. It looks like you can pretty much bring whatever toon you like at this point and we can find a place for you without much problem. Hope to see you there!
Then I will bring Cool King, my Cold/Arch defender, to the toga party. I believe he would be most valuable on a Mo run with shields and debuffs. If he ends up being too cool for the party (i.e. hanging in the corner with Proximo telling lame stories of "the old days"), I'm happy to swap out.

As always, I assume the TF continues even if we fail (esp since there is no real badge yet). However, since this is practice, I hope we will stay in "Master of"/trying for no death mode the entire time, even after the first death.

Justice Superteamer
Current Project - Water Blast Superteam starting Friday, 7/20/2012.
Come out and join us Fri/Sun 8pm ET on the "Justice Superteamers" channel.
All players welcome!



Originally Posted by Big_King View Post
Then I will bring Cool King, my Cold/Arch defender, to the toga party. I believe he would be most valuable on a Mo run with shields and debuffs. If he ends up being too cool for the party (i.e. hanging in the corner with Proximo telling lame stories of "the old days"), I'm happy to swap out.

As always, I assume the TF continues even if we fail (esp since there is no real badge yet). However, since this is practice, I hope we will stay in "Master of"/trying for no death mode the entire time, even after the first death.
Once you set the no death/no temp power settings, you are forced to continue with them even if you fail, unless you decide to restart the TF. At least that's how it is with STF, and I'm assuming it'll be the same with the ITF.

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post
Once you set the no death/no temp power settings, you are forced to continue with them even if you fail, unless you decide to restart the TF. At least that's how it is with STF, and I'm assuming it'll be the same with the ITF.
Oh right, of course, from a technical perspective. I was referring to an attitude perspective. On most Mo runs, once one person dies, the badge is gone and folks tend to get a little more loose with their playstyle since another death is meaningless. I hope to stay in the former style regardless for practice on the later mishs, which I think will be more of a challenge for real MoITF runs.

Justice Superteamer
Current Project - Water Blast Superteam starting Friday, 7/20/2012.
Come out and join us Fri/Sun 8pm ET on the "Justice Superteamers" channel.
All players welcome!



Originally Posted by Big_King View Post
Oh right, of course, from a technical perspective. I was referring to an attitude perspective. On most Mo runs, once one person dies, the badge is gone and folks tend to get a little more loose with their playstyle since another death is meaningless. I hope to stay in the former style regardless for practice on the later mishs, which I think will be more of a challenge for real MoITF runs.
Hmm hard to tell with this group . A lot of us have run MoSTF and MoLRSF together, and sometimes we do tend to get a bit more reckless once the attempt is lost.

My suggestion is just speak up at the beginning of the TF and let your team know that you would like to keep trying to play as if still attempting for MoITF even if you fail. I'm sure most people would be willing to do that if they know in advance that's how you want to play


46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Originally Posted by Big_King View Post
Oh right, of course, from a technical perspective. I was referring to an attitude perspective. On most Mo runs, once one person dies, the badge is gone and folks tend to get a little more loose with their playstyle since another death is meaningless. I hope to stay in the former style regardless for practice on the later mishs, which I think will be more of a challenge for real MoITF runs.
Indeed, since the badge doesn't even exist yet, we don't gain or lose anything from the challenges, so there should be no difference in attitude once somebody dies.

When/If somebody gets the "i phail" award, we'll certainly still try to avoid deaths for practice toward future runs.



Wait, what I have to try not to die? I guess I can give it a shot.



Originally Posted by Alt_AKA_Joe View Post
Wait, what I have to try not to die? I guess I can give it a shot.
Will it help if I give you another "i phail" award before we start? lol



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
Will it help if I give you another "i phail" award before we start? lol
Maybe , but from last night I think I'm getting better on the whole not dieing thing.

Oh and if you don't mind I'm gonna switch to my scrapper so I can get some XP on him.



This is TONIGHT at 11pm Eastern! I hope to see everybody there!

(Make sure to stop by Ouro or your favorite Inspiration Vendor before we start).
The possible mixed (Hero/Villain) teams wont allow us to leave after we start.



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
This is TONIGHT at 11pm Eastern! I hope to see everybody there!

(Make sure to stop by Ouro or your favorite Inspiration Vendor before we start).
The possible mixed (Hero/Villain) teams wont allow us to leave after we start.
I'm ready to rock. I WILL be there, but will not be early unless it's needed. I'm running with my /Traps team 8:00-11:00 so no giving up my spot! Logged into Cool King last night to refamiliarize myself with his powers and binds. Being squishy, I also placed a bunch of bids on large oranges, purples, and greens. Hopefully, they'll be filled by tonight.

Justice Superteamer
Current Project - Water Blast Superteam starting Friday, 7/20/2012.
Come out and join us Fri/Sun 8pm ET on the "Justice Superteamers" channel.
All players welcome!



I've been messing around on Freedom about the last hour or so. It looks like I'm ok to go as far as lag. Count me in with my AR/kin corruptor



It looks like we have 16 total signed up now. We're starting in less than an hour. This should be fun. I hope everybody shows up.



General Gintoki Tank
Myrdinn Blaster
TuxedoGin Scrapper
Takeo Defender
Sweating Bullets Corrupter
Drogoh's sword Scrapper
Dr. Turgenev Controller

0 Deaths
No Temps.

We did it normal and watched each other backs and killed everything that lied in our path. On the computer we killed each wave as they spawned. On last mish I broke Rom from the Nictus.

The team did really great, had alot of fun. cant wait until the real run begins.



MB's MoITF (practice) Team:
1: Teal Tabby : Inv/Axe Tanker
2: Pyroman MM : Fire/elec Blaster
3: Dr. Hollywood : Emp/Psi Defender
4: Mute Merc : DB/WP Scrapper
5: Cool King : Cold/Arch Defender
6: Gabriel Keats : Fire/Rad Corruptor
7: Master Timelord : Mind/Kin Controller
[/ QUOTE ]Finished in 1:24:21
0 deaths.
+28 Merits.

*Presses the Easy Button. lol

I expected this to be very easy, but I took it extra slow and careful anyway. I even commented on how weird it felt to go that slow. We cleared as we went, I tried not to over-agro too far past my cap (like I normally would, haha), and we killed each ambush as it came along. I think what took our team a little longer is our EBs ended up way up the hill and I ended up pulling everything down and we waited for every ambush inbetween and killed everything in the area before continuing on. We probably didn't need to, but I didn't want our first attempt to fail from something stupid. haha.

I'm sure with our team setup, we could have easily done an excellent speed run without much issue if we had wanted to. We also killed some robots inbetween waves, and I broke Rom at the end as well. I also went the extra "mile" and pulled Rom to the top of the hill and we killed him there, just for fun. We never even went down and cleared the Cimerorans on the platform. It was an easy success, and now we have the story to tell. haha

Anyway, it looks like we balanced each team pretty well. Each team had what we needed and both teams were successful! Thank you everybody for coming out and having fun with this event! See you when it goes live!



This Mo is a joke, no one on our team ever lost enough Health that a single Healing Aura couldn't fix, which I used a total of about 4 times. They need to add another requirement, say no travel powers....



Originally Posted by Paragon View Post
This Mo is a joke, no one on our team ever lost enough Health that a single Healing Aura couldn't fix, which I used a total of about 4 times. They need to add another requirement, say no travel powers....
lol yeah, we took careful to the extreme. We could have even run that on Invincible and not had a problem. I think that should be one of the Mo requirements... along with a time limit and no inspirations (not that we needed them anyway. ROFL!)

We had a great team and it was a pleasure to cream the heck out of that challenge with everybody. A couple people almost had heart failure when the timer challenge failed. haha We could make an hour easily I'm sure... maybe next time! See you then

So.. who wants to host the Mo-Reichsman practices now? lol



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
lol yeah, we took careful to the extreme. We could have even run that on Invincible and not had a problem. I think that should be one of the Mo requirements... along with a time limit and no inspirations (not that we needed them anyway. ROFL!)
I think I used one acc insp when I used mass confusion...

I also did not realize/remember (until after we finished) that I had recently done a respec on Master TimeLord & about 80% of my slots were empty... :smirk:

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd