The best Rick Roll ever
Lies. Everyone knows MY rickroll is the best.
(...and maybe the Muppet Rickroll)
A Guide to Champion Drama
My Videos
Ashcraft been published.
No, no, no... this is the best.
all 3... just funny as all get out!
No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded...
"The potato goes in the FRONT."
Money,I think I want to kill you in a very messy, very slow, and very painful manner.

Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*
I can't believe someone took the time to put all that together.
No, no, no... this is the best.
And, you're a guy.
"I do it better than anybody you've ever seen do it.
The screams from the haters, it's got a nice ring to it.
I guess every super hero needs his theme music .."
I must disagree, that's just phailing.
No, no, no... this is the best.
Money, that is just awesome..
I don't know what's more disturbing ... the fact that since I found that video, i've watched it 4-5 times a day, or the fact that those songs mesh so well ...
I agree Ash... yours is the best. Great timing with the pointing on cue with the word "you" and what not. I love those rikti guys in a line, all synchronized and waving their arms back and forth. I'm not sure which is more genius... this one, or the Boom De Yada one.
How many times can you get rick rolled in one thread
OMG the Obama one was AWESOME! I giggled like a school girl. And Ashy, your so rocks.. but tis soo not better than your The Device Has Been Modified.
@AngieB & @Angie B
Ms. Paragon City 2009
"The ingenuity of game players is a formidable force that, if properly directed, can be used to solve a wide range of scientific problems." - Firas Khatib
Ok, this IS a Rick Roll ... but seriously, it is the greatest Rick Roll EVER!
Nirvana Rick Roll