



I keep hearing about the fabled Ice/Kin, how it turns bosses into crying children and lays frozen ruin to entire cities with a flick of a hand. That being said. Which powers are skippable? The ones I keep hearing from my friends are Ice Storm (causes scattering), Increase Density (is a pain to recast, plus I'm already casting Speed Boost), Inertial Reduction (nice ghetto travel power, but isn't completely needed), Repel (eats more End than a starving Malta Sapper) and Bitter Freeze Ray (long cast time is long). I'm also thinking of taking the Leviathan pool for IC purposes, not to mention Hibernate in case of emergencies, and most likely Leaping, in addition to Fitness and maybe Hasten, possibly Assault if I have a free space. Can anyone tell me if I'm on the right track?



How the hell do you get the idea that Inertial Reduction is a ghetto travel power?

Ice Storm is a very nice AoE. It does have an avoid attached, but it will slow enemies and it is worth taking. I'd like to see a build to comment more than that.



[color:#489AFF]Villain Plan by Mids' Villain Designer 1.401[/color]

[color:#B1C9F5]Click this DataLink to open the build![/color]

[color:#B3CAF7]Level 48 Magic Corruptor[/color]
[color:#489AFF]Primary Power Set: [/color][color:#B3CAF7]Ice Blast[/color]
[color:#489AFF]Secondary Power Set: [/color][color:#B3CAF7]Kinetics[/color]
[color:#489AFF]Power Pool: [/color][color:#B3CAF7]Fitness[/color]
[color:#489AFF]Power Pool: [/color][color:#B3CAF7]Speed[/color]
[color:#489AFF]Power Pool: [/color][color:#B3CAF7]Leaping[/color]
[color:#489AFF]Power Pool: [/color][color:#B3CAF7]Leadership[/color]
[color:#489AFF]Ancillary Pool: [/color][color:#B3CAF7]Leviathan Mastery[/color]

[color:#489AFF]Villain Profile:[/color]
[color:#4FA7FF]Level 1:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Ice Bolt[/color] [color:#489AFF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Empty[/color](A)
[color:#4FA7FF]Level 1:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Transfusion[/color] [color:#489AFF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Empty[/color](A)
[color:#4FA7FF]Level 2:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Ice Blast[/color] [color:#489AFF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Empty[/color](A)
[color:#4FA7FF]Level 4:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Siphon Power[/color] [color:#489AFF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Empty[/color](A)
[color:#4FA7FF]Level 6:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Frost Breath[/color] [color:#489AFF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Empty[/color](A)
[color:#4FA7FF]Level 8:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Freeze Ray[/color] [color:#489AFF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Empty[/color](A)
[color:#4FA7FF]Level 10:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Siphon Speed[/color] [color:#489AFF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Empty[/color](A)
[color:#4FA7FF]Level 12:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Hurdle[/color] [color:#489AFF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Empty[/color](A)
[color:#4FA7FF]Level 14:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Health[/color] [color:#489AFF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Empty[/color](A)
[color:#4FA7FF]Level 16:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Hasten[/color] [color:#489AFF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Empty[/color](A)
[color:#4FA7FF]Level 18:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Bitter Ice Blast[/color] [color:#489AFF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Empty[/color](A)
[color:#4FA7FF]Level 20:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Stamina[/color] [color:#489AFF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Empty[/color](A)
[color:#4FA7FF]Level 22:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Speed Boost[/color] [color:#489AFF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Empty[/color](A)
[color:#4FA7FF]Level 24:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Combat Jumping[/color] [color:#489AFF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Empty[/color](A)
[color:#4FA7FF]Level 26:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Assault[/color] [color:#489AFF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Empty[/color](A)
[color:#4FA7FF]Level 28:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Inertial Reduction[/color] [color:#489AFF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Empty[/color](A)
[color:#4FA7FF]Level 30:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Tactics[/color] [color:#489AFF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Empty[/color](A)
[color:#4FA7FF]Level 32:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Blizzard[/color] [color:#489AFF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Empty[/color](A)
[color:#4FA7FF]Level 35:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Transference[/color] [color:#489AFF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Empty[/color](A)
[color:#4FA7FF]Level 38:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Fulcrum Shift[/color] [color:#489AFF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Empty[/color](A)
[color:#4FA7FF]Level 41:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Shark Skin[/color] [color:#489AFF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Empty[/color](A)
[color:#4FA7FF]Level 44:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Hibernate[/color] [color:#489AFF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Empty[/color](A)
[color:#4FA7FF]Level 47:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Summon Coralax[/color] [color:#489AFF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Empty[/color](A)
[color:#4FA7FF]Level 49:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Vengeance[/color] [color:#489AFF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Empty[/color](A)
[color:#4FA7FF]Level 1:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Brawl[/color] [color:#489AFF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Empty[/color](A)
[color:#4FA7FF]Level 1:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Sprint[/color] [color:#489AFF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Empty[/color](A)
[color:#4FA7FF]Level 2:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Rest[/color] [color:#489AFF]--[/color] [color:#5EAEFF]Empty[/color](A)
[color:#4FA7FF]Level 1:[/color] [color:#B3CAF7]Scourge[/color]

If there's any problems with how this looks (I mean cosmetically reading this, not power choices), I apologize. For some reason, Mids isn't working well with exporting for me.



Alright, are you looking to team, farm or solo more with this toon? That being really don't need leadership....but if you really want to take it, don't bother with assault.

And Ice Storm does have a scatter, but if you're going to have Blizzard, I'd try to fit in Ice Storm to stack with Blizzard's damage (pop everything, hit Ice Storm, then Blizzard, then either a blue and transference or run like a girl til everything dies).

Overall, it looks decent...kinda hard to mess up the combination. If you're going to team a lot, I'd look into getting ID. It's not a power you have to keep up all the time, but being able to break mezzes on fellow squishies can be useful.



Looks good! I do have some thoughts that you may or may not appreciate, however:

For leveling up, Hasten is a poor choice until the mid-twenties, in my opinion. Stamina and some solid ENDX are needed to make it worth the cost.

Ice Storm should go in for many reasons, including the ones mentioned before.

I don't really see the point in Combat Jumping here aside from some combat mobility to jump in and cast Fulcrum Shift, but I think that Speed Boost alone, not to mention Inertial Reduction can handle combat mobility.

Freeze Ray is nice for leveling up, but with your level 40 respecialization, I highly recommend switching to Bitter Freeze Ray. This may be somewhat controversial, as it cuts way down on Ice's holding potential. However, I think the extra debuff and damage outweigh the extra hold potential, and you will encounter a lot of EBs/AVs from this point onwards. If you can swing both, it's really nice!



I don't think I'd play /Kin without immob protection. You need to be in range of an enemy to heal yourself and getting immobed and plinked to death is no fun. I'm sure it's playable without, but I wouldn't want to do it.

It's a super fun combo though, however you choose to build it I bet you enjoy it. Just try something out and experiment, tweak the build as you go. It's tight though, for me anyway. So much good stuff to try to squeeze in.



Originally Posted by Hostile_V View Post
If there's any problems with how this looks (I mean cosmetically reading this, not power choices), I apologize. For some reason, Mids isn't working well with exporting for me.
You need to export using the phpbb/zetaboards setting.

Btw Assault is kinda useless on a kin since you have fulcrum.



Here's my softcapped ranged defense build. The only powers I don't take is Bitter Freeze Ray, Repel and Siphon Power.

One thing I'll probably change out eventually is fly for superspeed (keeping hover):

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DAA593594F13611486BF292DA50BB4B542A14069D9B1308 04BDC2E4C40491AC1B|
|0881A353613186863336DA683D13B7F00EE8977B8DDBB6F89 FE0513D72BF56FB8DE|
|D4F39DF7A348BC74D2BECFCC99B3CD393353E70F0685B8784 068A1F182512E67C78|
|BB6BD52728AB6F788E1ACD846C1336117ADB35E2144BC7A2F 3B6B58CBE6A29E5930|
|B36314E6C4366E8DAD2C2DE987F396E9E417CA918C95336DD 372F4F513FF74B158D|
|0E74AA6B918E0D389427E39E704719E772CB35C0EF1C5A469 2C9A7639972F250F95|
|F20BFA468949F35CDE707286959DA2DAA67DA199BA1BA0FF8 84BA8A3E2116B8451E|
|1BAC568BACB88DF6374DD6674DF61BCD1089A8A9AD1386A96 B1650E38CA48CD3386|
|8E31865D2A88A234D4F2A3961FD9C3281946C9386A8D52540 DA2DC354FD9E47E063|
|C67D4BE005E323A69EE1EB8BB3C6936F56E828F1CBCE8DDED 6DE4C6EABEBA185F18|
|7D09D4056AC9DD0777E1EB67D34E720BA88E02E828888E82E 8A8011D25D0518032D|
|4C35DABFFCC251A50E91DE50DE18E08C5E8A25D78C939A2CA 45BA39BE8E4C51985C|
|D1249BB66EC27BBAD9A8FA694481263C51F775C6E00DC6D04 DC62ED2985A430C6B6|
|8C61A9AB18604063F88350C61296FA9480BAFAFE269B9CF63 1B78003C646C7B043C|
|069E307650AD5655ABF51B976FFB0EFC60A47E32467F01BF1 91F781498583B1E288|
|107DA4DDAA1F27560F4498C3E89D12731FA14463F8C957FA4 7C9D2AAA739513755D|
|022E634E5718BDD718C357199F28AA074F5CD313E7447DE9B FA1B247683FFD6A3FF|
|D618C04EFD5205EA12839A4D59AD3296C8E4CBA32E970DE4E 454794690499DBDCD5|
|8F937E7488C97F2CD3EEEA472534B664367CFEEB78155CCFE 39BF193CE499997725|
|CCA092927A59C92725ACA1929592995D7D5E8D01ED9D05E29 FBA4EC97B22A9DBCF2|
|2B0A48094AA997D2202524252C252AA5494A5CCA9A94CA1FB 7690D4D|



Alright. This is the standing build for the Corr thus far. Most likely I'll respec somewhere along the line and maybe start with just Ice Blast the next time around.

Villain Plan by Mids' Villain Designer 1.401

Click this DataLink to open the build!

Level 48 Magic Corruptor
Primary Power Set: Ice Blast
Secondary Power Set: Kinetics
Power Pool: Fitness
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Leadership
Ancillary Pool: Leviathan Mastery

Villain Profile:
Level 1: Ice Bolt

  • (A) Empty
Level 1: Transfusion
  • (A) Empty
Level 2: Ice Blast
  • (A) Empty
Level 4: Siphon Power
  • (A) Empty
Level 6: Frost Breath
  • (A) Empty
Level 8: Freeze Ray
  • (A) Empty
Level 10: Siphon Speed
  • (A) Empty
Level 12: Hurdle
  • (A) Empty
Level 14: Health
  • (A) Empty
Level 16: Increase Density
  • (A) Empty
Level 18: Bitter Ice Blast
  • (A) Empty
Level 20: Stamina
  • (A) Empty
Level 22: Speed Boost
  • (A) Empty
Level 24: Ice Storm
  • (A) Empty
Level 26: Hasten
  • (A) Empty
Level 28: Inertial Reduction
  • (A) Empty
Level 30: Maneuvers
  • (A) Empty
Level 32: Blizzard
  • (A) Empty
Level 35: Transference
  • (A) Empty
Level 38: Fulcrum Shift
  • (A) Empty
Level 41: Tactics
  • (A) Empty
Level 44: Shark Skin
  • (A) Empty
Level 47: Hibernate
  • (A) Empty
Level 49: Vengeance
  • (A) Empty
Level 1: Brawl
  • (A) Empty
Level 1: Sprint
  • (A) Empty
Level 2: Rest
  • (A) Empty
Level 1: Scourge