Spiners check in!
Give a HEADS UP as to when and what....
I'll have to look up my Spines/Regen and see if he's outfitted... lol and I am sure will need dusted off... been on the lvl 50 retired shelf for a long time
Good luck and keep posting details!

I've got a 44 spines/fire, but would be interested in joining.
Liberty Server (@enderbean)
Arcs on Live
#1460 Hometown Rivalry
Spines to the left of me,
Quills to the right, here I am,
Stuck in the middle with you,
Yes I'm stuck in the middle with you,
Stuck in the middle with you.
Count me in with my lvl 50 spines/regen "of the Stars"
Let me know when and where - I'll be there
singing "its impossible" ...............
The Diplomats of Truth SG
I've got a 50 spines/dark; 50 spines/fire; 50 spines regen. Love them all.
Thanks, NC Soft, for closing my favorite game ever without warning and with plenty of life still left in it, and thus relieving me of the burden of EVER wanting to buy, try or even hear about another game from your company. Will my decision make a dent, or persuade them in anyway, shape or form? Nope, obviously not. Don't care. NC Soft is dead to me. ~ PsyFox
I don't currently have any Spines characters, but come i16 I'll be making a spine/elec, a malfunctioning robot of course. I'll be happy to join you guys then.
I suspect issue 16 will see an increase in spiners, making these events easier to do.
Spines/Fire here. Let me know when something's up!
Spines to the left of me,
Quills to the right, here I am, Stuck in the middle with you, Yes I'm stuck in the middle with you, Stuck in the middle with you. |
but anyways, id be interested in bringing my 37 or 38 spines/dark scrapper on some all spiner events again...the katie TF was fun

I have a Spines/Regen, 38 or so.
I have a Spines/WP at lvl 33, just need to get him a couple lvls.
How are the spiners coming along?
A couple of this, a couple of that.
Join Liberty
I have a lvl 34 Spines / Will Power Scrapper (lvl pacted with a MA/WP scrapper on #2 account). I would love to do some events and work on getting the two of them to 50.
Well I got lvl 50 Spines/Regen and lvl 46 Spines/Fire.
Nacht Nova Thunder = Level 50 (Liberty) Dark Blaster/Storm Summoning - Defender
Nova Ninja = Level 50 (Liberty) spines/ Regeneration - Scrapper
CanadianMan = Level 50 (Liberty) Super Strength/Invulnerability - Tanker
LibertyBoy = Level 35 (Liberty) Stone Armor
/Fiery Melee - Tanker
I purposely left this discussion unattended to give my new folks some time to build their new spiners. With that said, I am now 4 Spines strong. (50 Spine/Regen 50 Spine/Wp 42 Spine/Elec 30 Spine/Nin) SO with that said, I would like to bring this topic back up and make an official time weekly to run a designated task force (TF and TIME to be announced). The days will be Sunday to avoid any clash between some more prominent SG weekend events. Times will be determined on our turnouts and this sunday I welcome all of you to join me. I will be on all day sunday so if you have a spiner feel free to drop me a line and inquire. As usual I will be posting on Libertys Channel "LB" and "Liberty TF's" for these. My hopes is that we can do every TF in the game. (LGTF may be excluded due to an already failed attempt (although can be done with nukes and shivs)its not commonplace to have these on hand.(can possibly do a prep to get both prior to this, will be announced)). My global is @Possible and I am always in "LB" and never hidden. Drop me a line in here (always on here at work during the days EST). Thanks friends and I hope that you all have had fun leveling your glorious scrappers.
A couple of this, a couple of that.
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Sup friends! Some of you may know me, some not, but I been away for a long time and before I left I started this little all spines events that I do. Some can vouch, Jam, Velk, Tene, but I would like to get more attention to this so if you have a spiner and this sounds like something you might be interested in, then post up! They are very fun and there is something about having 8 quills running that just sets the mood. So once I see some peoples reactions we can start to set these up! that is all, take care.
A couple of this, a couple of that.
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