Mercs are going to deal slightly less damage than bots and have less control as well. I won't tell you "Lulz Mercs suck go Bots", but I will tell you that both sets have considerable knockback, so I would suggest secondaries like /Dark, /Traps, /Storm, or /Pain. If all else fails bring out the bubbles. If you want an annoying challenge roll Poison. Honestly Mercs work somewhat like Bots in being that they both stay ranged so basically any secondary that works with bots will usually work with Mercs.
Bookkeeper has it for the most part. Merks and bots are kind of the same /traps works well for eather one but I would not sugest FF Im at 23 and finding it tearably boring.
The mercs carry more status attacks, while the bots have slightly more firepower.
I have a 49 mercs/traps, and a 43 bots/ff and honestly couldn't say which is better. Both are quite fun. /traps is more active support, while with my /FF set up it defensed passively. IN both cases, I have the personal attack powers so I can fire along side my troops.
I'd say bots.
Few randoms:
-Protector bots both got heal, ranged, non interuptable.
-The extra defense from the bubbles stacks extremely well with secondairy/epic pool
-Tier3 pet does WAY more damage AoE.
-The looks, easy one.
What they have in common:
-they are full ranged, so basicly any set will work (poison lesser, due being ST).
-they both have dreaded long summon/upgrade castingtime.
I have 2 bots, /poison and /dark, along with 1 merc. Mu epic has a nice mini-AoE immobilize making the tier 3 bot burn effect a gift of god. /dark fear and hold work great to compensate the bit of lack of mezz (while merc mezz abilities have pathetic long recharge).
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
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Should I have bots or mercs? and what would be a good secondary to go along with it?