/AC GET_WINGS? No! Freedom's Global Server List!




Adding it now, Vel. Thanks for the heads up.

BTW, Shadowy: I'll check the status on those globals and update the original post. There is "sorta" a way to cull names automatically, but AFAIK it doesn't work right. I'll have to look into it.



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
Adding it now, Vel. Thanks for the heads up.

BTW, Shadowy: I'll check the status on those globals and update the original post. There is "sorta" a way to cull names automatically, but AFAIK it doesn't work right. I'll have to look into it.
Nice, thanks. Up to 192 members now after advertising on the forums, channel has only been around for 4-5 days.

My **** is bleeding.



Tried to join Freedom but it told me that it was a private channel. =(

Well I was gonna put up a picture but it won't let me.



Mine and Fire Kin Masters channel: The Beef Channel ( don't mind the name) is open for people for tfs n stuff too

VIG0S: 1356 badges in counting
Something for ppl to use



I just moved a couple of heroes to the server.

I'm amazed at how quickly the public channels (Arena, Help, LFG) move, and it's such a great sight to see after believing the game was completely dead (from an Infinity server standpoint).

But as I am predominately based on another server, I need a good Global channel to monitor when not on Freedom.

I was directed, via the Freedom Help channel, to FreedomTF... After a day of monitoring, I don't think this could be the most active global channel...

I'm interested in it all, TFs, Trials, badges, mission teams, whatever. Could someone direct me to the most active, public Freedom channel? or multiples, if needed? I have enough space available, I believe.


Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



Originally Posted by ChrisMoses View Post
I just moved a couple of heroes to the server.

I'm amazed at how quickly the public channels (Arena, Help, LFG) move, and it's such a great sight to see after believing the game was completely dead (from an Infinity server standpoint).

But as I am predominately based on another server, I need a good Global channel to monitor when not on Freedom.

I was directed, via the Freedom Help channel, to FreedomTF... After a day of monitoring, I don't think this could be the most active global channel...

I'm interested in it all, TFs, Trials, badges, mission teams, whatever. Could someone direct me to the most active, public Freedom channel? or multiples, if needed? I have enough space available, I believe.

Heya Chris, and welcome to Freedom.

You might want to move this into a new post on the Freedom board for more attention. There are quite a few unadvertised channels that are very busy, but a lot of the public channels have supplanted that role these days (and arguably for the better/worse, depending on your opinion of the topicality).

I'll see if I can't suggest better public chan options later, I can't think of any on the top of my head right now (most of my chans are private). Cheers!




Hey Turg I believe you forgot about the star kindred alliance channel that star created mostly for his SG but also for some events such as CoP, Hami, and MSR and for teaming.



Hey Turgenev, thanks for the reply.

I'll consider creating a new topic if it becomes more cumbersome. I've been predominately spending my time on Freedom over the past few weeks, so it hasn't been a growing concern. I assume I'll spend more time on Infinity this weekend for double XP, because heaven help us if people don't turn out in droves for that, but other than that, It's been a 97/3 split towards Freedom since I discovered the server.

Sure, /ac, /lfg, and /help aren't all necessarily filled with the very models of major modern generals, but it's better than crickets!

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.