Why cant i stay logged in?




Be it Firefox, be it IE 6 7 or 8, non of them i can stay logged in longer then a day.

The old boards were annoying with the 'form not valid' or the plain timeout, but now i cant even normaly reply posts, because i have to keep logging in. Even after i login, i get the same login screen again.

My temporary files and cookies are cleared, but even a fresh installed computer i face the same problems. Maybe it has to do with my 2 accounts? (they have identical names, but one on the US side, other on the EU side).

I now used my US account, i was lucky i could stay logged in long enough to make this post.

The old boards were bad, but i dont know if these are that much better. (why ironicly, this is the only VBB board i have this problem with?)



I have this problem with Firefox, I log in, get thanked for logging in, then when the home page comes up again, I am locked out and invited to log in. Not got this problem with IE however.

Allodoxaphobia is the fear of opinions.

Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. MARCUS AURELIUS (121-180 AD)



Same problem you are all talking about so I just gave up and use explorer for the forums seems to work.



Well, i only gave firefox a quick go, so dont think i used any weirdy plugins.

I'm now on IE again, i think i had to relog for at least 10 times now. I randomly try different accounts, maybe it get more lucky on the other account.

(this is my EU one again).

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Originally Posted by Thyristor_EU View Post
I have this problem with Firefox, I log in, get thanked for logging in, then when the home page comes up again, I am locked out and invited to log in. Not got this problem with IE however.
I'm running Mozilla Firefox right now and I'm not having that issue.

At one point, it seemed to be logging me out quicker than normal, but I can get in and work on posts fine now. If you are getting logged off before you posts go through, I suggest making a copy of what you have written before you try to update to the forums. I've crashed while trying to update too many times and, if you are familiar with my posts, they aren't two sentences.

It may be related to your virus checker or add-ons?
I'm running NoScript and it does block something(s) that are trying to load once I log in, but the system lets me in without loading up the active content that it blocks.
If you start having issues, NoScript lets you see active content that might be causing a problem and allows you to block it.
This isn't an endorsement (though I do use it myself), so check the info on it at the add-on site and make your own call in regards to it.



Still having the same issue, although the only thing i could think up is our proxy server at work. But cant see how that could affect it, there are no restriction on it whatsoever.

Strangly, it always was only this forum (old and new one) where i have these issues, no other website or board i ever had these issues.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!