RO Anniversary Event #1 - Ninja Run
Look forward to seeing everyone there!
Rewards: Bragging rights, plus weighted cash prizes (first place = 150 million inf, second place = 100 million inf, third - fifth place = 50 million inf) and/or desirable items to the first 5 Ninjas to reach the finish line with all the required badges.

As a matter of fact, I am holding that. If we're tossing that in with the influence, then that's what we'll do.
Oh sure, we can afford to toss it in. None of the 2+ billion in IO donations are spoken for at this point, so I figured we could just toss them in as bonus prizes for the various events as applicable. Anything that's left over at the end will probably go into the participation raffle pool anyway.
Editted the first post to add the Apocalypse: Dam IO to the pot. Thanks Dr. Rob!
Also, if people would like to use female ninjas they may, but they must follow the same template as the huge ninjas and have all sliders set to maximum as well.
Here is a link to the Ninja Runner Costume for download for your convenience. Right click and "Save Link As..." to download.
And remember that you must go back to the body type selection screen and set all sliders to their maximum values after you load the costume.
Bodytype is Huge.
Male and Female will be available shortly.
Check out the Repeat Offenders network of SGs! You'll be glad you did.
Links to Ninja Runner Costume

We've sweetened the pot yet again. Considering the nature of this event, I thought adding a few Celerity +stealth IO's would be appropriate.
1st Place
150,000,000 Influence
1x Apocalypse: damage IO (level 50)
1x Celerity +stealth IO (level 50)
2nd Place
100,000,000 Influence
1x Celerity +stealth IO (level 50)
3rd Place
50,000,000 Influence
1x Celerity +stealth IO (level 50)
4th Place
50,000,000 Influence
5th Place
50,000,000 Influence
One day left until the event kicks off! I am so stoked for this!
This sounds like a lot of fun and I'll gladly be there.
Thanks for hosting the craziness.
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
Less than 24 hours to go! Tell your friends!
Once all ninjas are checked in and teamed with an observer, we'll be publishing the list of exploration badges in this thread, as well as announcing them in the "RO Events" global Channel. To win, you must have all the exploration badges listed.
Count me in!

Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)
Badge list:
Escape Artist
Blue Shield
Mystic King/Queen
Portal Parter
Big Time
Bright Star
Nature Lover
Woot I placed!
Blue Shield was by far the hardest to get with the roof jumping and all.
Very fun event, got defeated a ton of times and laughed all the way through.
Thanks for hosting!
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
Congratulations! Was an extremely entertaining run! Prizes went out to the following Ninjas:
1st place (150,000,000, Apocalypse: Dam, Celerity: +Stealth)
2nd place (100,000,000, Celerity: +Stealth)
3rd place (50,000,000, Celertity: +Stealth)
@Big King
4th Place (50,000,000)
5th place (50,000,000)
Congratulations to all ninjas who participated, and thank you all for making this such a successful event! Be sure to check out all the events going on at the Repeat Offenders board!
Thanks, RO!
The event was a blast, and--like I said in chat--it was also a wonderful reminder that there's more than one way to play this game.
The Way of the Corruptor (Arc ID 49834): Hey villains! Do something for yourself for a change--like twisting the elements to your will. All that's standing in your way are a few secret societies...and Champions of the four elements.
Ninja Run

Saturday, 15 August, 2009
1500 -5R, 3:00 PM ET, 12:00 PM ET
Atlas Park City Hall
Ninja Requirements: All Ninjas shall be "brand new" level 1 Blasters (Blasters eliminate the potential for PFF-esque exploits; "brand new" means fresh from character creation: no exploration badges, history badges, etc.). All Ninjas shall use a standard, high-visibility costume template (so RO observers can identify them at a glance) with all size sliders set to their maximum value. . Ninjas shall not be members of an SG, nor join a SG at any time during the event (to discourage SG base use - we will publish the SG affiliation of the winners though, if they want us to).
Team Composition: 1 RO observer + 7 Ninjas.
Start: Atlas Park in City Hall.
Finish: Peregrine Island, the Portal Corp sign 50ft in front of Castle.
Route: No pre-determined route. Once the badge list is posted, get them in whatever order you think best.
Allowed: Sprint / Vet Sprint, unlimited small inspiration use (BYOB, pick up refills at your starting contact and/or Pocket D as often as you want), unlimited hospital respawns (including "death-porting"). Travel by Yellow and Green line trains, direct zone connections (tunnels), Ferries, and Pocket D. Use of outside resources (, Map Pack, Paragon Wiki, etc.) for reference purposes is highly recommended.
Not Allowed: Any other powers (use your level 1 Blaster attacks if you want I guess... they'll just get you killed), veteran powers (including SG Base teleporter, etc.), temp powers (including Jump Pack, WW teleporter, Pocket D VIP pass, etc.), medium/large inspirations, or outside buffs. Use of SG bases or Midnighter Club (with a little work & some help from a higher level friend, a level 1 could get access to the MC, but we shouldn't allow it).
Exceptions: If you are the target of a "drive-by-buffing," it does not automatically disqualify you. Stop moving immediately, alert your observer(s) via team chat or PM, wait until the buff expires (or intentionally die / respawn, your choice), then continue on as normal.
Just in Case: In the unlikely event that the Ninja race is intentionally griefed by "drive-by-buffers" or other pinheads, attempts will be made to reason with the offending party(s) and/or curse several generations of their unborn children. If an agreement can not be reached with said party(s), the race will be canceled. Ninja participants will then be entered into a lottery-style drawing and event prizes will be determined / awarded at a later date.
Rewards: Bragging rights, plus weighted cash prizes (first place = 150 million inf AND lvl 50 APOCALYPSE: DAMAGE IO enhancement, second place = 100 million inf, third - fifth place = 50 million inf) and/or desirable items to the first 5 Ninjas to reach the finish line with all the required badges. If event is ended early (due to griefing or other unforseen factors), anyone who has already finished will receive their full prize. Remaining (unclaimed) prizes will then be evenly distributed (i.e. not weighted) among 5 randomly chosen participants.
The Look: All Ninjas shall use a standard, high-visibility costume template (so RO observers can identify them at a glance) with all size sliders set to their maximum value.