Character creator suggestions and other stuff
What they bring new to the FPS gaming is ... millions of guns. Generated by the game itself. |
So coming back to CoX, basically every costume piece created is adaptable on various body shapes. But what if next to that Reset button we get a Random and Copy button ? Why not have the game generate random costume pieces. Take for example , a pair of gloves. A glove has some standard shape atributes, and some that vary from model to model. A randomizer software that takes in consideration some variables related to shape,size and texture (talking about the 2 separate designs on each costume piece that can be individually colored) would bring that infinity amount of costumes you can create with the actual creator to an actual infinite. So you`d hit the random button until you get some pair of ... squarish gloves (shape variables could be : no. of square, angle, spherical shapes used) and with a design you like. You hit the copy button and voila, the rest of the costume pieces are generated to resemble the same style. They don`t have to match the graphic complexity of magic boosters pack (that come with a theme in mind), but would sure bring a LOT more customization to the game. |
Costume pieces are extensively tested before going live and only after hearing the tremendously unending cries of "BUT WE WANT IT NOW!" has Sexy Jay and the other devs put things in the game that clip heavily (the Valk wings for instance, and the Witch objects from the magic pack). Normally, things were not allowed *at all* that would clip from one body build to another. So... introducing something that would have to run ... where? Client side? Server side? How could this 'random' button even be put into a game that's live with multiple thousands of players? So... no.
2. If scrappers don`t get ranged powers, why do blasters get mellee ? |
2 types of kheldians that come in ranged and mellee forms are the mixture. But whats wrong with keeping the blasters ranged ? My first toon was a nrg/nrg blaster, stopped playing him at level 41. Honestly, at level 38 I get a mellee power. |
Total Focus 38 Melee, Extreme Damage(Energy/Smashing), Foe Disorient I KNOW, everyone KNOWS. Who would want to get in melee range ? sure its fun but its suicidal. It has probably been discussed over and over, but only saying this because i saw some people around that want melee dual pistols. |
The Ice and Fire swords are ok, but honestly a blaster should blast and thats about it. |
Is there any energy blasters who thinks his punches are effective next to his blasting with risking in melee range ? |
As the quote above says, I make sure i`m alive by having foes dead. I don`t want to resist tons of damage or defend it, i want to be the ranged damage dealer. |
Just really hope Dual Pistols is purely ranged and no melee. |
3. Can we have some weapon cleaning emotes ? |
I also know a game that in size is less than 250 MB , but when you lean on a tree, building, fence or sit on a chair, bench, throne or other stuff, your character actually leans or sits. |
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
I just wanted to comment on "why don't scrappers get ranged if blasters get melee?" - blasters have melee to balance them. It's a negative for them because melee attacks pose such a huge risk thanks to their low HP and lack of defences, if blasters had two ranged sets or a ranged and full utility set then they'd probably be too powerful.
The ranged attacks on scrappers aren't balance, they're bonuses. Scrappers with decent ranged capability early on would be "tank mages" - classes with good offensive ranged capability that also have good survivability.
2. If scrappers don`t get ranged powers, why do blasters get mellee ? |
If honestly you want a blaster with no melee attacks, roll a /devices, it only has 1 melee range power so you can ignore that one easily ¬.¬
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@Zekiran : Since you like bashing posts with multi quotes, just so you pwn the n00bz, i`ll do the same.
If this were a single-player fps game, this whole idea might work better. As it is, no.
THIS is what made me post my suggestion. the fact that what seemed impossible was made possible.
Because this is not how the costume pieces are made. That would never be put into the game because it would introduce bugs like crazy, clipping issues to say the very least, and simply put, not look good at all.
Costume pieces are extensively tested before going live and only after hearing the tremendously unending cries of "BUT WE WANT IT NOW!" has Sexy Jay and the other devs put things in the game that clip heavily (the Valk wings for instance, and the Witch objects from the magic pack). Normally, things were not allowed *at all* that would clip from one body build to another. So... introducing something that would have to run ... where? Client side? Server side? How could this 'random' button even be put into a game that's live with multiple thousands of players? So... no.
See you just dismissed an idea because ... yeah, just because. What things were not allowed at all ? Cause from what i see, a body shape is modifiable and the costume piece will be later on stretched or have its dimensions adjusted to the body size/shape you want.
AS I SAID, generating a random costume part would have to respect a set of rules, that every other part respects so that it can be applied to any size/shape. What would be a plus, is the aspect that can be randomized, same like the shoulder pads with one, two or three spikes.
Imagine that you start with a plain costume and you hit the random button in the creator. What i`m saying is that the parts you already have that have been implemented manually by the devs could be extended to an infinite (or even finite) number of parts by having them software generated, respecting a set of rules.
And no, i don`t believe this is impossible. It is actually a lot possible, for the simple fact that already the existing costume parts are computer generated, but have been manually shaped and textured.
Scrappers get pool powers at level 41 that allow them ranged, and there are temp powers, vetran rewards and the like, that allow any character regardless of AT different abilities. |
We're not always at range with opponents. Gotta get past that "holy trinity" (healer/tank/damage dealer) ideal. |
Basically a tank is a tank, a healer is a healer, a controller will control and a blaster should blast. IF the powersets available for each could be exploited or just used for other roles than your archetype was designed for, it doesnt mean the archetype looses its ideal.
A blaster should stay at range,while a tanker/scrapper should stay in melee range. My Dual Sword scrapper can`t throw one of his swords like you see in cheap movies, never seen a tanker throw his axe either.
Those 2 punches Energy blasters get have poor animations too, and one has knockback, one has ... damage. Wheres the energy manipulation in that ? The first one might say that uses some kinetic energy transfer for the knockback and thats about it.
5 melee power that have absolutely NOTHING to do with energy manipulation. Maybe with inner energy or some chi stuff.
Why not a pbaoe knockdown or knockback ? Why not a toggle power that has 3 balls of energy spinning around you (simulating an atom and electrons) that explode in melee range ?
What i`m trying to say is that outside AIM, Build Up and Conserve energy, that set has nothing else useful. Fun,maybe ... not useful. And if you don`t believe me look withing the blaster guides see what other people say.
and.... this game is well over 2 gigs. What's your point? The collision cylinders in this game are very different from those single-player fps games you seem to try and want it to be. This isn't one of those and can't act like it is. The entire engine is different than you kinda seem to like. Also remember, this game has to run on everyone's computer, and over many different bandwidth carrying lines. One person's emote might mean another's lag. |
Now, if I remember correctly it has been announced that we`ll get better dancing and proper "cylinder collision" when it comes to standing emotes.
Was just re stating it along with the weapon cleaning emotes. And why wouldn`t we get those ? Are they tooooooo complicated to make ? Oh no .... they developed a whole mmorpg and .... this is the impossible step.
Would the animation take into account the size/type/description of your weaponry in your costume? What about when you've got different ones for each slot? |
Its as you said, stuff gets in the game when lots of players say " WE WANT IT NOW " They`re not going to mobilize a whole developing team just cause i say we should have weapon cleaning emotes. THATS the reason for this forum section, suggest an idea and see how many people like it and say WE WANT IT NOW.
One person's emote might mean another's lag. |
@Zekiran : Since you like bashing posts with multi quotes, just so you pwn the n00bz, i`ll do the same.
A blaster should stay at range,while a tanker/scrapper should stay in melee range. My Dual Sword scrapper can`t throw one of his swords like you see in cheap movies, never seen a tanker throw his axe either. Those 2 punches Energy blasters get have poor animations too, and one has knockback, one has ... damage. Wheres the energy manipulation in that ? The first one might say that uses some kinetic energy transfer for the knockback and thats about it. 5 melee power that have absolutely NOTHING to do with energy manipulation. Maybe with inner energy or some chi stuff. Why not a pbaoe knockdown or knockback ? Why not a toggle power that has 3 balls of energy spinning around you (simulating an atom and electrons) that explode in melee range ? What i`m trying to say is that outside AIM, Build Up and Conserve energy, that set has nothing else useful. Fun,maybe ... not useful. And if you don`t believe me look withing the blaster guides see what other people say. |
If your Blaster is staying at range, yer doin' it wrong. Enemies don't always let you do that and you need a better survival strategy than "run away!", like smack it back out of your face. Not using the melee attacks in your secondary means gimping yourself unnecessarily and limiting your use on a team.
First of all, I think that I am capable of making a difference between 2 graphic engines. Second of all .... if you`re trying to be ironic or sarcastic by making ridiculous and unnecessary remarks about what I mentioned as a reference its really annoying and stupid. Now, if I remember correctly it has been announced that we`ll get better dancing and proper "cylinder collision" when it comes to standing emotes. Was just re stating it along with the weapon cleaning emotes. And why wouldn`t we get those ? Are they tooooooo complicated to make ? Oh no .... they developed a whole mmorpg and .... this is the impossible step. BASICALLY the power customization and the latest Positron interview has just showed that anything is possible to be implemented in this game. It all a matter of importance, need, timing and priority. Its as you said, stuff gets in the game when lots of players say " WE WANT IT NOW " They`re not going to mobilize a whole developing team just cause i say we should have weapon cleaning emotes. THATS the reason for this forum section, suggest an idea and see how many people like it and say WE WANT IT NOW. Rrrrriiiiight..... |
Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
blasters use melee powers in their build for challange (or thats why i make blappers) to test the ability of their toon, because it's something that they don't usually do
@Zekiran : Since you like bashing posts with multi quotes, just so you pwn the n00bz, i`ll do the same.
No its not, it was a reference as to where I saw the idea I also had implemented. THIS is what made me post my suggestion. the fact that what seemed impossible was made possible. |
Yeah yeah .... so my hero`s long hair going through the cape is actually fun to look at. Like my feet while standing going through solid material is even more fun to look at, so aw my valkyrie wings through any solid surface. See you just dismissed an idea because ... yeah, just because. What things were not allowed at all ? Cause from what i see, a body shape is modifiable and the costume piece will be later on stretched or have its dimensions adjusted to the body size/shape you want. |
AS I SAID, generating a random costume part would have to respect a set of rules, that every other part respects so that it can be applied to any size/shape. What would be a plus, is the aspect that can be randomized, same like the shoulder pads with one, two or three spikes. Imagine that you start with a plain costume and you hit the random button in the creator. What i`m saying is that the parts you already have that have been implemented manually by the devs could be extended to an infinite (or even finite) number of parts by having them software generated, respecting a set of rules. And no, i don`t believe this is impossible. It is actually a lot possible, for the simple fact that already the existing costume parts are computer generated, but have been manually shaped and textured. |
Those powers don`t count. I`m talking about the secondary powerset. |
In that case tankers should be allowed to carry a bow, just in case one of their foes runs away. |
Just because you don't want to include those in the "game" - they're there, balanced FOR this purpose. They've even been expanded on occasion.
Basically a tank is a tank, a healer is a healer, a controller will control and a blaster should blast. |
Your impression of what each AT is "supposed" to do is extraordinarily limited. Really. Like, I've never seen someone stick to it like this. Each *character* is potentially a gold mine of unique action.
What I get from your assertion that all tanks must tank and all healers must heal:
Everyone will play the same powerserts exactly the same way no matter what those sets are capable of with modification from enhancements.
I can have two electric/empathy defenders and one of them will have lots and lots of recharge and damage in their electric set, while the other chooses to team a lot and use their defensive powers more often.
I can have two tanks that are fire/fire - I do - one with hugely plugged damage and accuracy in their secondary set, and the other with a massive defensive bonus.
One of them chews through things like a scrapper. The other takes his time and lives through major damage. They're both tanks. And?
So... my point is your view on "what at's should do" is wrong. Simply, completely, wrong.
IF the powersets available for each could be exploited or just used for other roles than your archetype was designed for, it doesnt mean the archetype looses its ideal. |
A blaster should stay at range,while a tanker/scrapper should stay in melee range. My Dual Sword scrapper can`t throw one of his swords like you see in cheap movies, never seen a tanker throw his axe either. |
Those 2 punches Energy blasters get have poor animations too, and one has knockback, one has ... damage. Wheres the energy manipulation in that ? The first one might say that uses some kinetic energy transfer for the knockback and thats about it. 5 melee power that have absolutely NOTHING to do with energy manipulation. Maybe with inner energy or some chi stuff. Why not a pbaoe knockdown or knockback ? Why not a toggle power that has 3 balls of energy spinning around you (simulating an atom and electrons) that explode in melee range ? |
Why not those things? Maybe because they'd make that powerset way too strong, or gimp it in another way by not having a different ability.
What i`m trying to say is that outside AIM, Build Up and Conserve energy, that set has nothing else useful. Fun,maybe ... not useful. And if you don`t believe me look withing the blaster guides see what other people say. |
First of all, I think that I am capable of making a difference between 2 graphic engines. |
Second of all .... if you`re trying to be ironic or sarcastic by making ridiculous and unnecessary remarks about what I mentioned as a reference its really annoying and stupid. |
Now, if I remember correctly it has been announced that we`ll get better dancing and proper "cylinder collision" when it comes to standing emotes. |
Was just re stating it along with the weapon cleaning emotes. And why wouldn`t we get those ? Are they tooooooo complicated to make ? Oh no .... they developed a whole mmorpg and .... this is the impossible step. |
If you want you can always just say [[xcharacterx cleans his guns until they are in perfect working order]] and be done with it.
BASICALLY the power customization and the latest Positron interview has just showed that anything is possible to be implemented in this game. It all a matter of importance, need, timing and priority. |
Its as you said, stuff gets in the game when lots of players say " WE WANT IT NOW " They`re not going to mobilize a whole developing team just cause i say we should have weapon cleaning emotes. THATS the reason for this forum section, suggest an idea and see how many people like it and say WE WANT IT NOW. |
Basically, you have an extremely limited idea of what each of the ATs CAN be used for, as well as a strangely overblown idea of what the game's even capable of. With time and lots of effort, yes, some things *can* be put in the game.
Whether things *should* be? That's up to the devs to decide. Just beacuse people want something, does not make it good for the game.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
2. If scrappers don`t get ranged powers, why do blasters get melee ?
I KNOW, everyone KNOWS. Who would want to get in melee range [on a blaster]? sure its fun but its suicidal. It has probably been discussed over and over, but only saying this because i saw some people around that want melee dual pistols. The Ice and Fire swords are ok, but honestly a blaster should blast and thats about it. Is there any energy blasters who thinks his punches are effective next to his blasting with risking in melee range ? |
Those melee attacks you're so down on? They're some of the hardest-hitting single-target attack powers at any blaster's disposal. My blaster scoffs at your assertion. There's a reason they had to increase scrapper base Melee damage--for a long time, Blaster melee damage outperformed Scrappers by a wide margin.
As the quote above says, I make sure i`m alive by having foes dead. I don`t want to resist tons of damage or defend it, i want to be the ranged damage dealer. Just really hope Dual Pistols is purely ranged and no melee. |
Whether or not they design a no-redraw secondary for dual pistols, well--chances are, if they do, it'll have melee powers built in. The only blaster secondary without any melee powers is Devices, which is generally considered to be lackluster at best.
MageX it seems your stuck in "Generic MMO Land" where there are designated Healers, Tanks and Damage Dealers. This game doesnt follow those rules.
I'm a Kinetic/Energy Defender, By your logic I'm a healer but thats my exact opposite. I'm a kineticist. I boost my damage to the shear maximum (+300%) and proceed to blast everything around me while supporting my allies.
This game does not follow the "Holy Trinity" of Damage Dealer/Tank/Healer and one day you'll see that. Right now your just too new to grasp the concept sadly.
One day you'll understand.
P.S. Blaster's Melee attacks are actually more powerful than their ranged attacks in some instances, this is to reward the blaster for putting himself into harms way. Many expert Blaster players actually play these "Melee-blasters" the yare called "Blappers" a combonation of Blaster and Scrapper
Whining about everything since 2006.
Ammo switching for Dual Pistols was my idea:
Stop telling people what their characters are supposed to do.
If you choose to ignore your blaster's melee ability, that's your business, but do NOT tell me I am wrong for embracing that ability.
Your assertation that blasters are intended to stay at range is highly flawed. Let's look at the powers in each set, shall we?
We'll start with your whipping boy, Energy Manipulation: 5 of 9 powers used in melee range.
Electric Manipulation: 7 of 9 used in melee range
Ice Manipulation: 5 of 9 used in melee range
Fire Manipulation: 7 of 9 used in melee range
Mental Manipulation: 5 of 9 used in melee range
Devices: 0 of 9 used in melee range
Out of 6 available secondaries for blasters, 5 are primarily composed of powers that are used in melee range. What that says to me is that your idea of what blasters are meant to do is seriously flawed. Blasters are meant to deal damage, THAT is their role. Where they happen to be located in relation to their target is not, and never has been, a consideration. Obviously the developers do not agree with your assertion that blasters shouldn't enter melee range, otherwise, why would there be so many melee based powers available to them?
I also like how you ignore the power Boost Range in Energy Manipulation. You would think (given your narrow-minded view of blasters) that you would like that power. Instead, you ignore it's existence because it contradicts your argument.
Tank/Healer/DPS is NOT mandatory, or even necessary, in this game. The sooner you realize and accept that, the better off you will be. The only "healers" in this game are defenders that gimp themselves by ignoring fully half of their powers. If their healing ability is not needed they are nothing more than dead weight on a team.
If you call my Rad/Sonic a healer, I will ignore you and then use your corpse as a bomb when your playstyle gets you shot to death while you are too far away for anyone to help you. I might be nice and rez you afterward, but if you give me crap for not dropping what I was doing and rushing back to use my pathetic heal on you I might let you lay there instead. I am valuable on teams for my offensive contribution, which is completely at odds with your view of what I'm supposed to do with that character. You would call him a "healer" because he has a blue shield next to his name.
I have a Fire/Fire blaster, and I can do something with him that I doubt you can do. I can adapt to different situations because I have a balanced mix of ranged and melee powers. If I am teamed with a Kineticist, it would benefit both me and the team more if I moved into melee range and used the damage dealing capability I have there. I will get a full Fulcrum Shift to deal more damage, I will be healed by Transfusion, and I will have my endurance replenished by Transference. If you stay at range all the time you will get none of these things.
Essentially what I am saying is: Build your character however you want, no one cares if you ignore your blaster's melee powers, or don't take any attacks on your "healer". But, do NOT, under any circumstances, try to tell us that your view of things is the only correct view. And, yes, you were saying exactly that when you started arguing with those who disagreed with you.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
@Zekiran : Since you like bashing posts with multi quotes, just so you pwn the n00bz, i`ll do the same.
Those powers don`t count. I`m talking about the secondary powerset. |
Basically a tank is a tank, a healer is a healer, a controller will control and a blaster should blast. |
IF the powersets available for each could be exploited or just used for other roles than your archetype was designed for, it doesnt mean the archetype looses its ideal. A blaster should stay at range,while a tanker/scrapper should stay in melee range. My Dual Sword scrapper can`t throw one of his swords like you see in cheap movies, never seen a tanker throw his axe either. |
And for the record, you'll notice that most ATs have Powersets or possible setups that completely break the mold. Blappers and Scrankers are one example. Fire Tanks deliver extra damage and Ice and Dark Armour add Crowd Control. Illusion is extremely light on hard Control but offers Utility, extra Damage and Pocket Tanks. Storm Summoning essentially forces you to advance past any Tanks (should you decide to burden yourself down with one) for maximum efficiency, and Kinetic and Cold deliver the most bang for the buck in melee as well (who doesn't love being able to Nuke and regen Endurance right away under their own power?) in spite of being 'Healer' sets. My favourite (in fact only) Blaster is a Claws/SR Scrapper employing mostly Focus and Torrent, and occasionally Spin or Follow-Up.
It's not as simple as you want to paint it. There aren't just 5 flavours of ATs, there's a myriad of legal roads you can take to fine-tune your playstyle to your preferences.
Sorry, but maybe you should go out and get a better grasp of the underlying game principles before you come in here and state 'facts' that only show you to be ignorant of how the actual game works.
Winston Churchill
Energy Manipulation: 5 of 9 powers used in melee range.
Electric Manipulation: 7 of 9 used in melee range Ice Manipulation: 5 of 9 used in melee range Fire Manipulation: 7 of 9 used in melee range Mental Manipulation: 5 of 9 used in melee range Devices: 0 of 9 used in melee range |

To add to your list:
Archery: 0 of 9 in melee
Assault Rifle: 0 of 9 in melee
Electrical Blast: 1 of 9 in melee
Energy Blast: 1 of 9 in melee
Fire Blast: 1 of 9 in melee
Ice Blast: 0 of 9 in melee
Psychic Blast: 1 of 9 in melee
Sonic Attack: 1 of 9 in melee
Cold Mastery: 0 of 5 in melee
Electrical Mastery: 1 of 5 in melee
Flame Mastery: 1 of 4 in melee
Force Mastery: 1 of 4 in melee
Munitions Mastery: 0 of 5 in melee
In total, that's 38-40 melee Blaster powers between primary, secondary, and ancillary (depending on whether you count the two mines in Devices), out of 140 available. That's 27-29% of all powers that a Blaster can get, aside from pool powers.
If you consider just enemy-affecting powers, it's 38-40 out of 111, or 34-36% of all enemy-affecting powers available specifically to Blasters which are melee range.
In the normal pool powers, there are 5 melee powers, out of 9 that affect the enemy, making it 36-38%.
The average damage of these melee powers (counting the mines) is 99.88. Average damage of a ranged power? 95.81
Well, I was only refering to secondaries, since that's what the OP was talking about.
Also, I did count Chilling Embrace as a melee power, it was Ice Slick I wasn't counting, but to be fair I probably should have, since I counted Burn in Fire Manipulation. So, yes, Ice would be 6 of 9.
I was only counting those powers that melee range was required to use, which is why I didn't count Trip Mine or Time Bomb, since you don't have to be in melee to activate/get use out of either one.
Hot Feet, Blazing Aura, Lightning Field, Chilling Embrace, and World of Confusion can all be activated outside of melee range and left on, but they do nothing if there are no foes within melee range of you.
All I was illustrating was the abundance of melee range powers found in blaster secondaries, which pretty much debunks the notion that blasters aren't supposed to go into melee. The relative lack of melee powers in primaries I wasn't touching on because they are SUPPOSED to be ranged damage sets. Nukes are the only exception in most cases. And technically you CAN use Rain of Arrows and Blizzard in melee range, as they are Location AoEs, drop it at your feet and it effectively becomes a PBAoE. But it is true that they are not melee specific powers since it is not required to use them.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
@eisregen... is that the lowest you can go?
since this whole topic went in the wrong direction,just want to draw some lines.
i'll stop posting here for the moment and let the topic die in the dozens of pages. but i will revive it in less than 2 years when we'll be able to make our own costume parts. we can customize the powers now and we can customize the content we play. whats the next step in a mmo centered around character customizing? correct me if i'm rightbut as far as i know this is what makes cox stand out. especially now with 2 more competitors. one issue every 3 months means development and ''new'' content on a regular basis. now everything s focused on i16 and rogue,but as i said,less than 2 years and it will happen. i might be wrong ,but you know you all want it even if its fun dismssing my suggestin now because of ''collison cylinders''
i was especcialy talking about the energy blaster secondary. but to put things in a different perspective,there is no blaster in coh that can ever solo as my fire/kin. looking on the damage output my controller doesnt even come close to a blaster but in battle my secondary powerset is a lot more helpful tha the energy secondary. same map ,same foes. i will deal more damage and die less than a blaster. i have damage,defence,resistance and control. in a team i am a lot more effective but thats another story. basically i know blasters with tons of defense,what i'm saying is that when i'm in over my head in a battle instead of having a usefull power,i get a knockback punch,a stun for level 38 which could do a boss, and 3 more melle. i understand fun but i also understand effectiveand those mellee powers will never guarantee survivability but just hold you more on the edge. soloing,fine,not much need to go melee while every blaster is able to combo blast after blast with proper slotting. blappers are possible as well as defenders that blast. surely no team counts on your defenders ability to deal damage or onn other at's pseudo abilities. when a team needs a defender it needs himm for his abilities to defend,buff or debuff not because he can blast here and there. anyway its funny how everyone talks about fun when the major concerns are getting those high valued recipies for some more bonuses on everyones build,few more % of recharge here, few more there,and so on till we get the most out of our build for effectiveness.
at the end of the day i'm not playing my energy blaster but i started on a one. was just making a suggetion on having blasters more ranged based at's.
since this whole topic went in the wrong direction,just want to draw some lines. |
i'll stop posting here for the moment and let the topic die in the dozens of pages. |
but i will revive it in less than 2 years when we'll be able to make our own costume parts. |
we can customize the powers now and we can customize the content we play. whats the next step in a mmo centered around character customizing? |
correct me if i'm right |
but as far as i know this is what makes cox stand out. |
especially now with 2 more competitors. |
one issue every 3 months means development and ''new'' content on a regular basis. |
now everything s focused on i16 and rogue,but as i said,less than 2 years and it will happen. |
Most of the mesh customization you want is not possible in an MMO because of bandwidth, load times, collisions, and the like. If you want something more, you'll generally have to resort to playing single-player games, because they don't have to be spread among thousands of people at the same time.
i might be wrong ,but you know you all want it even if its fun dismssing my suggestin now because of ''collison cylinders'' |
And thus we get to the part where you show that you haven't yet learned how to slot and play.
i was especcialy talking about the energy blaster secondary. but to put things in a different perspective,there is no blaster in coh that can ever solo as my fire/kin. |
looking on the damage output my controller doesnt even come close to a blaster but in battle my secondary powerset is a lot more helpful tha the energy secondary. |
same map ,same foes. i will deal more damage and die less than a blaster. i have damage,defence,resistance and control. |
in a team i am a lot more effective but thats another story. |
basically i know blasters with tons of defense,what i'm saying is that when i'm in over my head in a battle instead of having a usefull power,i get a knockback punch,a stun for level 38 which could do a boss, and 3 more melle. |
i understand fun but i also understand effectiveand those mellee powers will never guarantee survivability but just hold you more on the edge. |
soloing,fine,not much need to go melee while every blaster is able to combo blast after blast with proper slotting. blappers are possible as well as defenders that blast. |
surely no team counts on your defenders ability to deal damage or onn other at's pseudo abilities. |
When I'm playing a defender, I do whatever that powerset can do - be it buffing or debuffing the enemy. I don't waste my time spam healing. I use my secondary attacks to *attack stuff*. By the way: all those attacks usually have some component that can be useful on a team. Sonic for instance, softens things up to take more damage *by everyone else*. Without it? Everyone works harder.
when a team needs a defender it needs himm for his abilities to defend,buff or debuff not because he can blast here and there. |
anyway its funny how everyone talks about fun when the major concerns are getting those high valued recipies for some more bonuses on everyones build,few more % of recharge here, few more there,and so on till we get the most out of our build for effectiveness. |
at the end of the day i'm not playing my energy blaster but i started on a one. was just making a suggetion on having blasters more ranged based at's. |
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
when a team needs a defender it needs himm for his abilities to defend,buff or debuff not because he can blast here and there. |
I drop AM at the beginning of the fight and set my toggle debuffs. That takes maybe 10 seconds. What do you think I spend the rest of the fight doing?
It sure as hell isn't "stand around and wait to see if someone needs a heal"
With the secondary effect of my blasts being to further debuff enemy resistance I'd be an idiot to not blast as much as I possibly can. I designed the character to contribute to a team's offensive ability. That includes direct offense as well as power multiplying.
was just making a suggestion on having blasters more ranged based at's. |
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
I have a mind/energy blaster at the moment, and everytime someone comes near him he either smacks them away, or down, with some serious damage. Take that away and if someone comes near I would be in serious trouble.
1. I was actually thinking about this before seeing the trailer for the game that I will say has the ideea that I think would be interesting to be implemented in CoX. Its called Borderlands. Don`t worry no CoX competition.
What they bring new to the FPS gaming is ... millions of guns. Generated by the game itself.
So coming back to CoX, basically every costume piece created is adaptable on various body shapes. But what if next to that Reset button we get a Random and Copy button ?
Why not have the game generate random costume pieces. Take for example , a pair of gloves. A glove has some standard shape atributes, and some that vary from model to model. A randomizer software that takes in consideration some variables related to shape,size and texture (talking about the 2 separate designs on each costume piece that can be individually colored) would bring that infinity amount of costumes you can create with the actual creator to an actual infinite.
So you`d hit the random button until you get some pair of ... squarish gloves (shape variables could be : no. of square, angle, spherical shapes used) and with a design you like. You hit the copy button and voila, the rest of the costume pieces are generated to resemble the same style.
They don`t have to match the graphic complexity of magic boosters pack (that come with a theme in mind), but would sure bring a LOT more customization to the game.
2. If scrappers don`t get ranged powers, why do blasters get mellee ?
2 types of kheldians that come in ranged and mellee forms are the mixture. But whats wrong with keeping the blasters ranged ? My first toon was a nrg/nrg blaster, stopped playing him at level 41. Honestly, at level 38 I get a mellee power.
Total Focus 38 Melee, Extreme Damage(Energy/Smashing), Foe Disorient
The Ice and Fire swords are ok, but honestly a blaster should blast and thats about it. Is there any energy blasters who thinks his punches are effective next to his blasting with risking in melee range ?
As the quote above says, I make sure i`m alive by having foes dead. I don`t want to resist tons of damage or defend it, i want to be the ranged damage dealer.
Just really hope Dual Pistols is purely ranged and no melee.
3. Can we have some weapon cleaning emotes ? I also know a game that in size is less than 250 MB , but when you lean on a tree, building, fence or sit on a chair, bench, throne or other stuff, your character actually leans or sits.
there were more things on my mind, but i forgot . I`ll just add them later.