Sneaky Prophet Chronicles pt. 1
How pumped are you that you think this is funny?
Take away his haterade pls
rpvp is where its at .. props
Like how I answered an obnoxious question with another obnoxious question? Foolish human, do not doubt the Virtuous Vanguard's power, or our superior sense of humor.
How bad are you that you get shut out by hot heals in a 2v2?
Like how I answered an obnoxious question with another obnoxious question? Foolish human, do not doubt the Virtuous Vanguard's power, or our superior sense of humor. |
Edit: I love how you wait till most of the good pvpers are gone to finally start talking on the forums like you know anything.
How bad are you at team pvp so you resort to forum pvp?
Edit: I love how you wait till most of the good pvpers are gone to finally start talking on the forums like you know anything. |
I just think it's funny that you knock on an insider that you weren't even around for. You really have no clue at all what this thread is even about, and yet you lust for the attention you precieve to gain by making an out of place and illinformed post. Funnier still is how you claimed to be undefeated in 2v2s, and then got hideously out-emped and outsmarted by a 14 year old kid named Hot Heals.
I didn't use the forums until about i11, because my forum account was bugged. I use them more now because there is simply more out of game griefing to attend to than in game PvP.
Detective Silit is on the scene. No thanks neccessary.
No but seriously, Silit and Hot Heals were the only team to beat us, never said you didn't. I respec'd my emp just for 2v2's but I cancelled my subscription before we rematched you. I think its still on test though running with fire mastery.
I just remember you being back up back up water boy for every test pvp team you played for then I come back to CoH 6 months later, and all I see on the pvp forums is your name.
Just thought I'd stop by and say something. GLHF
We're all pretty bad and dont have any authority to call anyone else bad cause we're all jokes lol all the good pvpers in coh quit. None of us were ever good pvpers just simmer the fack down mang
One day I would like to be a Fleet Commander of the Virtuous Vanguard. It has been my dream since I was a mere boy. A decorated intergalactic military life is what I seek. Plus I hear they have huge ships.
I think Virtuous Vanguard is the second coming of After School Special...... oh wait
lol -->
[Tell] -->Tiny White Widow: you silly earthlings and your codes of honor |
I am not that lonely hot, i am simply playing other game on EU servers where people call me lady instead of b**** lolz.
For the love of all thats sane, take away trok's haterade
What is this, myspace? How do you know everything?
No but seriously, Silit and Hot Heals were the only team to beat us, never said you didn't. I respec'd my emp just for 2v2's but I cancelled my subscription before we rematched you. I think its still on test though running with fire mastery. I just remember you being back up back up water boy for every test pvp team you played for then I come back to CoH 6 months later, and all I see on the pvp forums is your name. Just thought I'd stop by and say something. GLHF |
see how dangerous RPin' can be? people have even sent death threats to Players like Twixt over this kind of stuff. Please! for the love of life and all that is good stop the RP madness.
i wonder why every thread in pvp boards turns into drama...
I like reading about what my account does when I am at work.
Used 2 Be Good - PvP Geriatric Style
Disgrace and Glory
The Virtuous Vanguard
This would be better if you got a grant to do it. And then another grant to stuff your face with hohos and dew.
RPed as the grizzled general of the virtuous vanguard today.

[Tell] Tiny White Widow: why dont you learn how to pvp
[Broadcast] Baron of Burn: droner is sneaky prophet, btw. punk hiding right by thte drone on my right.
[Broadcast] Minty Fresh Pain: everyone kill raven, hes droning
[Broadcast] Baron of Burn: just go away. h'll lose his ability to tp foe yo.
[Tell] -->Tiny White Widow: the virtuous vanguard is the best player versus player supergroup on this planet
[Tell] Tiny White Widow: so th **** are a ****** droner
[Local] Baron of Burn: cowardly *******
[Tell] -->Tiny White Widow: you silly earthlings and your codes of honor
[Broadcast] Tiny White Widow: this fool thinks he's from another planet
[Broadcast] Comet Smasher: nice as
[Broadcast] Kaos Klown: who dat?
[Broadcast] Tiny White Widow: [Tell] Sneaky Prophet: you silly earthlings and your codes of honor
[Broadcast] Laser.: lmao
[Broadcast] Minty Fresh Pain: haha
[Tell] -->Tiny White Widow: where i hail from there are no rules
[Tell] -->Tiny White Widow: only life and death
[Broadcast] Kaos Klown: HA!!KAKAKAKAKA!!!
[Broadcast] Minty Fresh Pain: HAHA RAVEN SUCKKKS
[Tell] Tiny White Widow: you are a moron
[Tell] -->Tiny White Widow: you seem to be enraged
[Tell] Tiny White Widow: no just anoyed at your stupidity
[Tell] -->Tiny White Widow: perhaps you forget this only a simulated reality. my mighty moon rifle would crush your tiny human body.
[Tell] Tiny White Widow: ya ok wutever
[Broadcast] RavenShieldSoldier: Minty Fresh Pain: HAHA RAVEN SUCKKKS <<<You gain 487 influence.Raven Shield gains 7 prestige.You gain 0.01 reputation.You have defeated Minty Fresh Pain
[Broadcast] Sneaky Prophet: Well played!
[Broadcast] Minty Fresh Pain: woah! congrats! .01 rep
[Broadcast] Laser.: tox thats enough
Tell] Baron of Burn: just to let you know. the screenshots of your inability to do anything other than drone are being posted on the forums. have a nice day, sikko.
[Tell] -->Baron of Burn: Will do, soldier!
[Broadcast] Comet Smasher: sooooooooo close
[Tell] Baron of Burn: I pray we meet one day. that way I can drone you into a car and see how you like
[Tell] -->Baron of Burn: Hey now, that's threatening. Do that again and I will be forced to petition you.
[Tell] Baron of Burn: this is a game. if you don't like the rules of how you're going to play it, don't be in a PvP zone.
[Tell] -->Baron of Burn: Why, I love the rules.
[Tell] Baron of Burn: and right now, you've been petitioned for conduct unbecoming.
[Tell] -->Baron of Burn: They prevent ruffians like yourself from threatening me via ingame chat.
[Tell] Baron of Burn: actualy, I'm not threatening you. I'm simply stating a request.
[Tell] Baron of Burn: and a wish. if I were to threaten you, trust me, you'd know it. child.
[Tell] -->Baron of Burn: I pray we meet one day. that way I can drone you into a car and see how you like
[Tell] -->Baron of Burn: That's a quote from you.
[Tell] Baron of Burn: yep...
[Tell] Baron of Burn: droning can only occur in the game...
[Tell] -->Baron of Burn: Sounds very threatening and also sounds like someone displaying symptoms of aspergers
[Tell] Baron of Burn: lol. sounds like you know what you're doing is offensive to other players, then. so why do it?
[Tell] -->Baron of Burn: But I digress
[Tell] Baron of Burn: aw, if you can't disassociate the difference between the game and the real world, perhaps you shouldn't play it.
[Broadcast] Kaos Klown: i need to get some of those
[Broadcast] Villains Stalk: what?
[Tell] -->Baron of Burn: Why the pursuit of ridding this reality of villains, of course!
[Tell] Baron of Burn: lol. yep, you don't know the difference at all.
Tell] -->Baron of Burn: Perhaps not.
[Broadcast] Baron of Burn: yeah. he thinks that his purpose in life is to 'rid the world of villains'
[Tell] -->Baron of Burn: Now leave me be.
[Tell] Baron of Burn: no thanks. use /ignore if you like, but you're someone who doesn't know the rules of the game.
[Tell] Baron of Burn: and doesn't play them.
[Tell] -->Baron of Burn: I am aware of the rules
[Broadcast] Tiny White Widow: he shuld go rid the world of Republicans.......then he would be usefull
[Broadcast] il boia: trealise
[Tell] -->Baron of Burn: Please point out the rule in EULA that prevents me from teleporting villains to prison via police drones.
[Tell] Baron of Burn: obviously not. nor are you aware of the Ethics of the game. you simply choose to do what you do because you have nothing else better to do.
[Broadcast] Cold Max: hey, if u cant pvp , u can always drone..\
[Broadcast] Minty Fresh Pain: exactly
[Broadcast] Tiny White Widow: true dat
[Tell] Baron of Burn: a) they don't go to prison. b) they go back to their base and C) what you're doing is violating the ethical rules of combat, by preventing other players from taking out villains you have no ability to take on one-on-one.
[Tell] -->Baron of Burn: Check the information on the police drone.
[Tell] Baron of Burn: you might wish to rethink that. have you ever been droned?
[Tell] -->Baron of Burn: It says: " The Drones quickly dispatch any threats by teleporting them to one of Paragon City's jails, where the police take the situation over."
[Tell] Baron of Burn: lol. and they don't go to prison. trust me. I've been droned while playing a villain. you're new to this game, aren't you?
[Tell] Baron of Burn: lol. you're NEW.
[Tell] -->Baron of Burn: I'm sorry but I don't believe your word over that of the game developers.
[Tell] Baron of Burn: that's okay. you've never been droned, obviously.
[Tell] Baron of Burn: but then again, what would you expect when you constantly hide in your base.
[Tell] -->Baron of Burn: No, I choose to steer clear of crime.
[Tell] Baron of Burn: so in other words, you are a coward.
[Tell] -->Baron of Burn: No reason for a PPD Drone to transport me to jail cell.
[Tell] -->Baron of Burn: Good sir, are you condoning illegal activities?
[Tell] Baron of Burn: lol. yep. you don't know the difference between reality and the game. I'm filing a report on you.
[Tell] Baron of Burn: have a nice day. and enjoy /ignore
[Tell] -->Baron of Burn: I shall.
[Local] Baron of Burn: petition filed on Sneaky Prophet.
Baron of Burn proceeded to follow me around for the next 20 minutes and call out my every movement. Kid's dedicated.