Issue 16 campaign




Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
Thank you. But I think I need to clarify a couple of things first. (This is NOT meant as a 'woe is me' post either.)

As much as I love being in closed beta and seeing how stuff works, closed beta is really for testing - to try stuff and break it and help refine things to make the issue as smooth as possible before launch. I can be a pretty dedicated tester, but I've got NOTHING on some of the folks on here.

Second, I retired for two reasons - the first was that I honestly believed that no one would particularly care if I stopped (especially now that David and the gang at Paragon Studios have raised the bar on their videos), and the second was that for the time and effort it takes to make one of my videos, my current financial situation couldn't allow me that kind of investment anymore.

Not to mention that for the first time since CoV came out, David and the dev team released a CGI video that I can't hope to match, even if I came out of retirement. I don't know Maya or 3dStudioMax or whatever they used to create that.

So... I stopped.

I miss it terribly - not making an actual trailer for I-14 was harder than I thought it would be, and then when I-15 came out, I thought, "Oh, crap, I know how I want to... make... a... no, wait, I can't." Then the news about I-16 hit. Then GOING ROGUE. And each time I heard about the upcoming issues, I wanted so much to come back to this.

I even found the music I would have used for I-16 and GOING ROGUE (problem #3 - licensing music isn't cheap), and had the storyboards for both done on my lunch break at work before I'd realized what I was doing.

But, thank you. At the risk of sounding like a total sap (which I've been known to do), it means a LOT to me that you guys want me to go on making videos. Like I said, I really thought that no one gave a damn if I made these (and feeling taken for granted does a lot to kill enthusiasm).

But since according to forum rules, petitions are really not allowed, I'd hate to see anyone get in trouble for posting in here.

Sorry if this comes across as rambling, I just woke up.


PS - thank you for my virtual gift basket.
I always loved your vids, too. I also don't think you should feel discouraged from doing them because of what David and the Devs do--your trailers and vids will always be welcome. But I do understand the time/financial constraints that such projects can impose.

Hopefully, you'll get back into the swing of it at some point. Hopefully on your terms, the way it should be!



Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
I would love to see more videos myself.
I would have sworn that said "I would love to see more videos OF myself."

Maybe it's just your avatar...

@Doctor Gemini

Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.



Dark_Respite makes some fantastic videos I agree. I enjoy them, and while I personally regret her decision to "retire" I can understand where she is coming from. I do thank her on all her hard work making such videos in the past however.

Petitioning however is not allowed


If you are using Latin in your post you are probably trolling

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