MA feedback
were these global tells or the new comments/complaints function in the My Published Arcs screen?
If it's global tells, that's the old system and won't be used anymore. They went to your US account because global tells couldn't be sent between the US and EU. The new system is much better IMO.
"The Hamidon is a what what of what?" - Brian the mission guy.
Global tells, received a new one this morning to ONLY my US account.
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
If you're still receiving them are they global tells from Architect Entertainment (or whatever the automated comment forwrder was called) or from the player's own global accounts?
If the latter it may be that the player is sending the comment as a normal tell to your global.
If I know that the author is an EU player I've been known to do this if there are several minor points (typos etc) that I don't usually mark against the arc but think the author would want to know about and have the chance to correct.
By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)
Does the whole "feedback from noob vr training arc" thingy kind of tell.
So the new feedback system again only works if your on the same side of the globe
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Does the whole "feedback from noob vr training arc" thingy kind of tell.
So the new feedback system again only works if your on the same side of the globe
[/ QUOTE ]
As you hadn't quoted the phrase in the OP it was unclear as to whether that was the title of the tell or just a general statement meaning you received feedback on the named arc. It's still not entirely clear from your posts.
Presumably if you've received feedback on the wrong account (and using a system that should now be defunct) you've /bugged it.
By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)
The new comment system should work no matter what part of the globe you're in.
"The Hamidon is a what what of what?" - Brian the mission guy.
Ok to be more clear.
EU account = @damz
US account = @damz
Noob vr training arc was made by my EU account.
I've had SOME feedback on my EU account [which i presumed was the entire feedback].
When i logged onto my US account i got bombarded with feedback from my EU accounts arc.
To see if this was indeed just the old system i asked somebody to send me a comment on it stateside.
My US account again got the feedback.
Second test = me asking somebody EU side to send me feedback. My EU account got it.
So basically . . . . . if somebody US side has the same global as a mission maker EU side, then they will get ALL comments from US players. Even with the new system. So yeah if any of you have anybody on the other side with the same globals, its entirely possible they are getting your feedback instead.
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Are the comments showing up correctly under the "comments" button on the arc, when you look at it though "My Published Arcs?"
"The Hamidon is a what what of what?" - Brian the mission guy.
They said there was a 'feedback' drop-down or something on published missions. So that the feedback was stored with the mission.
Where the frag did that end up? Sounded like a damn good idea, thats gone to utter waste.
In game messaging, IMO, sucks bad. It really, really needs and overhaul.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
They said there was a 'feedback' drop-down or something on published missions. So that the feedback was stored with the mission.
Where the frag did that end up? Sounded like a damn good idea, thats gone to utter waste.
In game messaging, IMO, sucks bad. It really, really needs and overhaul.
[/ QUOTE ]
It's ingame now. As of I15, when you get a review a "comments" button appears on your arcs in the "My Published Arcs" tab. These reviews are stored with the arc and should work cross-region. (AFAIK)
I've recieved two reviews in this way since I15. Of course, you won't be able to see reviews from pre-I15 this way.
"The Hamidon is a what what of what?" - Brian the mission guy.
Is RUBBISH!!!!! I logged onto my US account last night to be greeted with feedback from from noob VR training arc which my EU account made! How many lost feedback have i lost due to this?
Even more worrying, how many people have received feedback from arcs that arent even theirs!
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!