Epic ST blasts ???




Is it bugged or do the epic blasts deal the same damg as kick or boxing ????

Ice blast deals 30 damg unslotted and 57 slotted ? Thats pathetic.....

Were they always so lousy ?

Mids says Ice blast deals 230 damg slotted, is mids so wrong ?

And how can it be that the epic aoes deal more than double the damg a single target power does ??



mids adds containment



Even with containment Iceblast only deals 110 damg thats 120 less than mids says.......



Wow thats really lousy thats the same damg power pool attacks deal lol



Wow thats really lousy thats the same damg power pool attacks deal lol

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Your a controller... consult your brawl index.

Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.



Wow thats really lousy thats the same damg power pool attacks deal lol

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Use the ST blasts as a "chain filler", it might do more/less damage than AoE's but think about the recharge and other attributes that come with the power.

ST attack deals 200 damage and recharges in 3 seconds
AoE attack deals 220 damage and recharges in 15 seconds

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