Fun for end game




Hello all,
I had a question i wanted to start a new brute more for doing TF's and teaming.
Want to make a Willpower Brute but i don't know what primary i must choose 3 i have in mine mind SS/, DM/ and EM/ what primary will do fine in the end game and in TF's ?
Any help is welcome.




SS is the FotM really, good survivability, good damage in all aspects
EM and DM are both ST. EM really is about spike damage where as DM is very good sustained damage. It also has the heal and is probably insanely safe with its tohit debuff, self heal, end recovery, fear and imob effects

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



Thank you Cynic for the reaply,
thinking between SS and DM both seems very nice but hard to choose.
SS seems to be more resisted in later game but has a nice AoE and DM with ToHit Debuff make boss fights abit easyer.
but SS has Rage i hate air fighting when you fight higher mobs (missing most of the time)

Will need to try both and see what is best for me




Hello Dizzy I have a DM/WP/Soul Brute resting at 47 and he cuts through content like no tommorrow,in the standard game ie missions he fears noone, EBs no problem I comeout of them with full health.Now AVs are a different kettle of fish altogether,they take longer obviously but go down in the end but as cynic has said its sustained damage,and he is correct in saying that it is very safe,I cant remember now the last time I died on him.End is no problem either I can go on forever with him.

If i was to have a pick all over again I probably would go the SS/WP route.



dm/invul is nice, i can imagine dm/wp is too.