City of Heroes is Going Rogue!



Level one wouldn't really give anyone enough time to have established a side to change over from

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Not neccesarily true. Freeze xp and you can play for months and still only be lvl 1.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



People do realize this has been planned for.. Well, since CoV Release infact.

In all honesty, unless CoH died due to lack of interest, this was just a matter of time..

On another note: SQUEEEE!



You my 1st thought on this was I can take my villins over to do my fav trial EDEN.

Thinking about it doing striga arc and the tf there on an MM would be fun oh oh oh pounding lusca with my brute.

sewer trial anyone?

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Striga on a villain??! Nice, can I cross back over after though. Striga is the hero content I don't like missing, never been bettered hero side IMO.

If you can swap back and forth I can see me doing the early 30s exclusively in the rogue isles and then finish of every character with the Television at 49

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



Linky, or it never happened

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"We've heard rumors of a graphical update running around for years. Are there any plans to update the graphics in future issues?

We've hired some "Type-R" programmers (inside joke) to investigate and deliver this very thing. Stay tuned for details."



Just in case you don't know.

Type-R = High powered



well if they do put better graphics into he game they sure better get new and faster servers. Last night was bloody bad, I ended up logging due to waiting 24 hours for a power to work during a hero mission.



Arachnos soldiers running around in Paragon could certainly get tense, or do they just melt and reform into Longbow? =p



well if they do put better graphics into he game they sure better get new and faster servers. Last night was bloody bad, I ended up logging due to waiting 24 hours for a power to work during a hero mission.

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That may not be the case; all the graphics rendering is done on your client rather than the server - there'd only be an increased server load if it needed to send more and/or different positional information back to your client.



well if they do put better graphics into he game they sure better get new and faster servers. Last night was bloody bad, I ended up logging due to waiting 24 hours for a power to work during a hero mission.

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guild wars has a 3x better graphic show then COX, but there servers are not more powerful then COX.
it's more about your pc able to handle it, and there traffic being stable.