Apparently they were dispensed on an "ad hoc" basis. The fundamentals for getting a title were simply "keep still long enough for a GM to tag you" I believe
Sorry you didn't get one tho

Thelonious Monk
Would love to earn one on Live. The Test ones handed out, and sometimes dropped on people by Ghost Raptor and Avatea were funny ^^
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Yeah! There's a 't' in peanut!
They were handed out at random on live. At the precise moment I changed alts!
Fortunately I got one a bit later
Kalis Elfling - Inv/Axe Tanker. [i]Kevin is watching... Always[/i]
Proud member of [url="http://www.honourableunited.org.uk/"]Honourable United[/url]
@Tellis - I reserve the right to be ridiculous![/center]
I got 2
If it makes you feel any better my terminally ill computer kept me from playing through the lag so I had to go off to XBL and read about the anniversary on the forums
If it makes you feel any better my terminally ill computer kept me from playing through the lag so I had to go off to XBL and read about the anniversary on the forums
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh so you didnt play live? You dont deserve it then! I played and didnt get it
Sad damz!
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Should have entered X4 and beat Vindicate. You would have got a gold title for this.
beat Vindicate
[/ QUOTE ]
In a paralel universe maybe
Played for 2 hours when the event started.
Went to work.
Came home.
Logged back on for the final hour of the event and i had NO gold title!!! Now i hear they last for 30 days?!
Do NOT make this noob mad! You wouldnt like me when i get mad!!! *turns pink*
(yes iv really wanted a gold title since . . . . well since i started the game
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!