Tripping over the Canon




My arc I'm working on involves a lot of Ouroboros, which means a lot of fact checking and making sur eI don't upset anything official.

Theres some answers I can't find and some things I would like opinions on if you don't mind folks:

Cage consortium
- Do these guys have an official start date?
- Would it be acceptible to put them in Pre-nuked Bloody Bay?

There was more but I seem to have forgotton it...hmm I'm sure i'll be back with more questions though



Oddly there appears to be little to no background on the Cage Consortium themselves.

However it would appear that Kirk Cage bought the Island some time before Captain Mako became an Arachnos Patron due to the fact it was Kirk Cage who hired him to put a stop the the Miner revolts, which ended in the brutal death of Scrapyard.

So this is after Lord Recluse takes over the Isles but before the 'present day'...there's no clear date about when this all happens.

However Recluse did own the Isles since before 1984 of which Bloody Bay were a part of, however he sold off Bloody Bay in 1984 to another villain. the meteor shower happened in 1989. Mako also fought against Arachnos when they took the isles by force. This means Mako was around back when Lord Recluse first came to power so it would suggest that the Cage Consortium have been around for quite some time.

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A real showstopper!



By all means stick closely to the canon, but don't obsess too much on it. If you're the sort that worries about sticking to it and you don't know some minutiae then it's highly unlikely that anyone else playing your arc will know either! SO anything you do that feels in keeping with canon should be fine.

However it would appear that Kirk Cage bought the Island

[/ QUOTE ]
The biggest problem won't be 'tripping up' over some tiny bit of canon known only to 3 people, but is more likely to be upsetting trekkies who may feel that 'Christopher Cage' or 'Pike Cage' are more correct. Oh - and, obviously, the Cage guards should really be in uniforms coloured disposable-red.

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my toons
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Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



I suspect we worry more about cannon than the devs do...

My feeling would be that Cage Consortium goes back a long way, though several generations of the Cage family. If I had to guess a founding date, I would say 1920s or 30s.

I really should do something about this signature.