MA - Mission code




Suggestions? We press for decent search/categorisation in the client browser.

Until then use cityofguides - they're taking decent steps to a better (categorised) search, show reviews and are a darn sight easier to pick up and use than any arbitrary sequence of codes.

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^^ This

I really should do something about this signature.



instead of AV0 for no av, try just leaving AV out completely. same for all other parameter codes that have a zero value.

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You would need something there though. If I had an arc that I mark sd1cn1av1 and someone else had sd1av1 you would need to search for wildcard characters to pick up both arcs. As one is missing the additional element.



Suggestions? We press for decent search/categorisation in the client browser.

Until then use cityofguides - they're taking decent steps to a better (categorised) search, show reviews and are a darn sight easier to pick up and use than any arbitrary sequence of codes.

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^^ This

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A good resource (going to be), but not handy when you happen to have a machine who doesn't cope to well with alt tabbing.



instead of AV0 for no av, try just leaving AV out completely. same for all other parameter codes that have a zero value.

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You would need something there though. If I had an arc that I mark sd1cn1av1 and someone else had sd1av1 you would need to search for wildcard characters to pick up both arcs. As one is missing the additional element.

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The current search engine doesn't care about searching for sentences.

If in the above example you use "sd1 av1" then both arcs would show up.

The reason why I use a combination of two letter and one number is to avoid getting false hits. Search for av and you get thousand of hits where someone used a word with av in it. However nobody is likely to use av1 or av0 in normal sentences.

A combination of 1 letter and 1 number might work as well but would be even more confusing to work with and the chance of an unlucky hit seems more probable.



I look through the list before logging on, and make a note of the ID number of anything I want to try on a piece of paper (along with which character I intend to play it with).

I really should do something about this signature.



This code system you offer will only work for forum readers of Union and Defiant(maybe can spread in time), but we still have Zunkuft and Vigilance on EU and US servers.

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Clearly, if this system is going to work, then it needs air space. On our forums, on the american forums and on Zukunft and Vigilance as well.

For testing purposes, I made a testing arc that could be used as introduction to the Mission Code system. It even has Mission Code in the title

If people started using it, then other people will see the funny code, wonder what that is about and start looking for answers. They can find those on the forums and even in the searchable mission itself with a handy souvenir where you can look up the coding.

All it need is people willing to spread the news and use it for their own arcs.



I look through the list before logging on, and make a note of the ID number of anything I want to try on a piece of paper (along with which character I intend to play it with).

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what is this "paper" you speak of.....



hhmm... methinks I feel a code burst coming on.



sorry that may seem an odd thing to say but I just had an idea.