Should I start my own SuperGroup?
I think everybody should have a go at starting their own supergroup, if anything for more than the experience it gives. What having a supergroup will do is ensure you are in complete control in what kind of players you wish to interact with.
With a new supergroup however you'll have to offer something different/special to entice people to it. A lot of the more succesfull supergroups out there organise competitions/pvp/tfs/roleplay etc so you do have to really sell your vision.
Be prepared to get frustrated at how long it takes to build a good base of members though, you will get a lot of players who come and go in the supergroup but hopefully you'll find enough players that will become the core of the supergroup and help you promote it The key as always is getting the name out there, best of luck to you and i'll be happy to have my supergroup form a coalition with you so your members can use my sgs teleports until yours is up and running.
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Ok, thanks for the advice. I'll have a go at setting one up tomorrow, although I'll spend abit of time first thinking up the details some more rather than blindly rushing into it . If it goes pancake shaped, I assume SGs can be disbanded, right?
And thanks for the coalition offer, I may take you up on it
Im not 100% sure on this but it only disbands ONCE all the members have left the supergroup, though im afraid i can't say if the name is available again straight away or not
(not for legal reasons, just because im a noob who doesnt know )
Just contact me ingame anytime once your up and running to get the coalition going.
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Damz self-admitted to being a noob! *Observes damz bust himself up*
MercyBringer, I'd be happy to join on a character who I would enjoy RPing with, look me up in the game @Mr. Wuffles
I never joined another SG (not seriously at least) since the day i started playing CoH. I created some with friends too but they failed in the end. Now thanks to my friends i have my own SG which only consist my heroes and one of the Mereman's for invites etc.
Running your SG can be dull or fun just like joining a SG of other people. Farming and RPing is two extreme points in this game, in my opinion. There is lot more to do than those things in this game by casual players. Like doing TFs, running concept teams, gathering badges for SG tp beacons etc.
SG names is available as soon as you disband the old one, just like deleted character names. At least it was like that if they didn't change it.
With your own SG or not have fun. This is what this game is about.
PS: If you decide to run your own sg and need someone for inviting your other characters give me a shout, i think i have non-sg character or two on Union so i will gladly help you. If not as i still have slots left i can roll a new one.
There was no better feeling for me than when my base went from a one room sewer setup, with NOTHING in it but decorative items, to the setup it is now with teleporters, generator etc. The Base editor ( and its many wonderful glitches ) are as just as much a personal thing as the costume creator. I would suggest as mentioned earlier that giving it a go is definately worthwhile! It is challenging to earn the prestige needed for some of the bigger items on your own or in small groups, but build on it, keep slugging away and truly make somewhere to call home

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide
If you're looking for RPSGs, there's a list stickied at the top of the Roleplaying forum. However, I would say that a number of them may no longer be active. Have a browse around the RP forums and see what takes your fancy. Alternatively, there should be an IC costume ball at which you could come and meet some members of existing groups. Again, there's a thread on the RP board.
As for forming your own, I have my own where I store all my IC light or non-RP characters. It's nice to have exclusive power over the base and a place to store any enhancements/invention salvage that you collect.
Good luck to you.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

I've been privileged to become a member of some of the main roleplaying groups in the Union Universe, this server. Here is a list of those I know, with brief descriptions of what I think the teams stand for and roughly what their numbers are. Hope this helps you in making your decision on which team to join, if not your own.
Guardians of the Earth are a small team of brave and mighty sentinels, based in space orbit, guarding the planet from local and intergalactic threats. From a growing roster of 12 heroes, there are currently 4 core members.
The Militia is a team of citizens who volunteer to defend the city from crime, gangs, outlaws and terrorists threats. From a roster of 26 heroes, there are currently 18 core members. Mutant characters are popular.
New Heroes Union is a collection of heroes who strive to protect our dimension from domestic and alien threats. From a growing roster of 82 heroes, there are currently 28 core members. Magic characters are popular.
Art of War is a group of highly trained warriors from England who now use their skills for global operations. This group mainly plays out-of-character and only a few members are roleplayers. From a growing roster of 84 heroes, there are currently 18 core members. Science characters are popular.
Unity Vigil is an organization formed to help heroes and provide a networking group to liase with government and non-government organizations. I'm not a member of this team so I can only approximate a number of 12 core members, and hazard a guess at a roster of 48. I think Technology characters are most popular.
Shield Police is my own project supergroup with a growing roster of 12 heroes and 4 core members. We are designed to work with Paragon City's Police Deparment. Our mission is always making Paragon City safe for all the people we serve. We cut crime and the fear of crime while upholding the Law. Our vision is to make Paragon City the safest major city in the world. A lot of Natural characters but all have an interest to work with Police.

Seems like theres a fair few really good SGs on Union, and it shouldn't be too hard to find someone in one of them. Making your own is time consuming and disheartening, as most of the experienced players are already in one and seem to be quite loyal. In my experience I ended up with a bunch of people who I never saw again and one who, whilst active always seemed to be on at different times from me.
@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.
I've been thinking about starting my own group here on the Union servers. I'm fairly new still, about 11 days into it, and have two main characters, level 20 and 11 each.
The level 20 one ended up in an SG but it seems to be a farming only SG.
So, now my other character is above the 10 level minimum, I was thinking of giving it a try. Primarily, I'd like it to end up a RP group, as I don't find farming particularly fun if thats all a group ever does.
Failing the idea of starting a group, I was going to see about joining the New Heroes Union SG.
So, what do people think? Too many SG's already on Union? Is it a good idea to try this without enough experience? (And can I destroy the group later if it proves to be rubbish?) Is it easy to find people who like RP as well as everything else?