MA Investigation 1 - Begins Wednesday
excuse me! you know her? the super-stealthy master-tief gun-for-hire villain girl who started this whole mess?
Vadamber, that moron, forgot to mention this part...
still these infos won't change much, we have to see after the arachnos lady first...
Forget I mentioned anything, unfortunately Bluedarky is out at the moment and I can't authorise an investigation for you, why don't you look over the things you've done already to get more information.
oh i will, i so will look over. in the meantime why don't you tell us more about your relationship with rebecca? if Vadember finds out that you destroyed his favorite plan, boy he's gonna be [censored]
he really loves his ideas...
just one mroe thought, because it wasn't entirely clear to me, the purpose of the chip and the brothers identity were the encrypted data we gave you earlier, or you and Positron just decided to stop holding back info
I don't have a relationship with a brat who runs to her brother whenever she needs help. As for the information, it's from Crey's files, the chip data is verified by what I've found in Posi's files though.
will you please stop dancing around and tell us what you know, which you will do eventually anyway, so why waste our time, we're all friends here? well, bluedarky is your friend at least...
just one more question, and excuse me being a little slow here, but still not exactly clear. so the identity of the brother were in the crey file too?
Problem is that we have harassed 2 groups now and found nothing of the wonderchip or any other stolen property including a certain gem that I want back. Last chance is hitting on Arachnos. Perhaps we could try to arrest random Crey and Nemesis and interrogate them right?
We go after the source. There is one person who KNOWS who paid her. Lets ask her? Throw in a pardon and witness protection if you have to? After all, it's not her own life at stake here. Plus if she would never have sold that wonderchip to mr bad, then she might be willing to talk faster.
I'm sorry, but he's left me with specific things I can and can't tell you, he says it's to make sure you're paying attention to everything you're told.
All I can tell you is that Becky's brothers name is Stephan Brown and that the chip takes control of AIs.
i'm sorry? does bluedarky expect us to solve the case? but holding info back on us? and you Victim, it's pretty much the last time i ask nicely, what do you have to do with Rebecca and Stephen? you want us to find that chip? fine, let's hear some answers then
If you don't tell Bluedarky I'll give you a few clues,
1. Becky is likely to have given Stephan the chip to keep it from being abused.
2. Paying attention to what Positron tells you can lead you in the right direction.
Bluedarky wants you to learn to think for yourselves, you have more than enough information to find Becky's brother, if you can't figure it out from here you'll never make a good investigator.
good investigator? you want us to build the case on a likely? she likely given him? sure, you and your pal blue might have know it as a fact, you two might be in contact with lotsa people, but we don't. our contacts are you and because you just won't bloody communicate with us we have nothing!
so sure, we can guess, oh yeah, we can guess what's yous keeping back on us, we can guess what's keeping back blue, and what you got to do with Rebecca but gueesing is not what investigators do. investigators gather facts and draw conclusions.
dammit, if i wouldn't be in Vadembers debt i would be out of here in a blink of an eye, 'cause you and that boss of yours makes my hat itchy.
*sigh* tell your boss that a whole lot of people is called Stephan in this town, and if he wants us to start chasing wierd coincidences and pure chances, well... that's just no way to make big money...
*cools down*
...and tell him to be careful now that his SI is out...
Well it is obvious that we don't get all the information. I must say that I find the leap of faith that a known criminal would prefer to give a malignant chip rather to her brother instead of giving it to the person who paid her a bit out of the blue. Leave alone the fact that she did not just return the chip to Positron when she got cold feet.
This is all assuming that she found out what the chip is about before she was supposed to hand it over and that she cares enough to betray her employer.
Fact is that both Nemesis and Crey know enough to find this brother of hers. So if they are the betrayed customers they are likely to want to have revenge.
Lucky for us, we know his name and roughly his age. So he should be able to pinpoint with a little datamining. He is also probably a hero so he should be registered as well. Lets talk to him.
And erm just wondering, you didnt slip to miss rebecca that we were trying to arrest her earlier?
it wasn't her Tracy, *sighs. he does that a lot lately.* it was her boss, bluedarky...
anyway, Victim if you think Tracy's right and blue is in danger tell us his location, otherwise we rather meet the sister, because we need to know the name of the crey mastermind to stop this whole mess. (we can look up the CO of the shell-company in the phonebook, but i doubt he is the real brain here...)
I'm behind you, took you long enough to work out the truh.
Time for some truths, for the last two years Becky has been working undercover for Longbow, she was actually hired by them to recover the chip to prevent it from getting into Arachnos, but realised that it was too dangerous in their hands as well, so she passed it to me.
Now the bad news, Catherine wanted that chip, bad enough to kidnap her niece Laura for it, the good news, she can't have broken the security locks yet. I'm filing this as a 207271 priority mission, to protect the world from a potential threat.
Good luck, you'll need it.
while we're having this honest moment i do have something to confess too. there is three thing that i truly hate: being manipulated, other masterminds and family dramas!
now i know you for like a week, and i had all three! look i don't know what's going on here, i don't even really care anymore, and i sure won't waste time thinking about it, the chip is safe, Tech Queen is beaten, Citadel and Luminary freed and all this mess would be less messy if you would be just honest from the very beginning.
dammit blue, i don't like you very much right now. no, not at all...
It seems that this initiative has run its course. Time to unsticky it perhaps?
Unless, someone wants to restart is now we have more contact with our overseas heroes.
Bluedarky's not around, best give you this information before he gets back.
The newest information relating to Midnight-Strike is that her brothers name is Stephan Brown.
It also details the purpose of the chip, you need to recover it, it allows the user to forcibly take control of any AI and force them to do they're bidding...
Becky would not have allowed any villain group to have that chip...
Not if I know her...