MA Investigation 1 - Begins Wednesday




blue, got amanda! drew some map, will follow it! also question her out properly when she gets to you, will ya? pretty sure she knows the answer to every question

(also what's up with arc ID: 79274?)



My agent reported that they called her their queen. They also wanted her to wait for their leader. As they were waiting for the Black Cat Neko I wonder if those two are connected. This could mean that BCN is the leader perhaps?

But at least we saved the damsel, who wasnt in much direct danger but hogwash, lets not get distracted here.



You're missing something, perhaps you may want to go and have another look around, see if anyone turned up late to the party so to speak.



uhm nope, nothing turned up late, no clues we missed, pretty sure it's only the map...



Many apologies for the last few days guys, first of all the MA only published half of the mission as I found out ten minutes ago. This has been corrected, and I didn't get back to you about it last night as I effectively ate my tea and went bed after work so sorry it took me so long to fix it.

Due to the fix I had to pull part three and republish from my local copy meaning the new ID for part 3 is 101575

And make sure you bring a friend along, the Nekomimi really don't want to lose Amanda.



Ah ok just tried the last one again and there was no show. Will try the next one soon. And don't worry, I never go in alone. I got up to 17 friends just itching to join in



21. April 2009, Vadember, Nekomimi Investigation, Personal Notes

new clues:
- couple translated/modified pages of Neko-bible (baaad news. improved spell)
- map to badguy -> stop bloody thinking already and just smash his head?
- third party -> someone else did fight the nekos! (suspects: other nekos, family, goodguys)
- amanda is queen? -> cool beans!

players in this game:

- Maestro of Mayhem: not confirmed. has things for cat. and turning into cat. suspicious-o-meter: naaaah. waaay too lame.
- Black Cat Neko: cat. baaad kitty. wanna turn us into cats(me too now! help!) suspicious-o-meter: attacked me twice. kidnapped amanda. destroyed cure. i'd say pretty suspicious
- Amanda: psychic girl. kidnapped by cats. me saved her. queen too, cats wanna turn her. suspicious-o-meter: cute->low
- bluedarky:bossman (sidenote: ask for raise, due to cats) suspicious-o-meter: wears sunglasses. suspeciouuuuus.
- Temporal Sprie: magical expert, sucky one too. can't speak proper ancient-egypt-cat-language. suspicious-o-meter: jammed cos of the magic interfernece
- GrinningSpade: Mr. Wontshowmyface. fellow detective. suspicious-o-meter: never trust a man with a smile like that(!)
- Nachtschade: helped fight BCN. suspicious-o-meter: nice (creepy?)
- Vadember: incredibly handsome, free spirited (don't listen to those rumors!) gentleman. good hygiene. and funny too. suspicious-o-meter: hehe
- third party: dunno

to-do list:
- have Sprite check out newly obtained neko-book pages. see if they're legit
- have Sprite check it again. tends to screw up first time, poor fella
- ask blue if he sent anyone else to save Amanda...
- follow Amanda's map, defeat cats leader (who's not the queen? mind ya queen's oughta have a king)
- ask Amanda about previous romantic interrests, possible "kings" (nice excuse boy, nice excuse...)


- Mayhem is the leader theorie: mayhem tries yet again to turn us into cat. somehow he finds a way to control BCN (never mind if it's an easy or hard way. we learned about relics and magic that controls catgirls.) he calls himself king, asks for his queen, amanda.
buts: Mayhem is obsessed with BCN, not Amanada. BCN is the logical queen

- Amanda is the leader theorie: or should be, BCN pulls the strings as "first officer of the cat nation". wanna turn rightful leader Amanda. or Amanda pulls strings, controls BCN. no king involved.
buts: motive?

- I'm on drugs, hallucinating: yay.
buts: Amanda is not real?

- other theories: dunno. call Nancy

things i'm really curious about

- who fought with the nekos of BCN for Amanda??
- why is the rum gone?!



Just got the report from my operative Nachtschade. Basically she confirmed what herczeg reported minus the personal observations. Though she seemed very worried about turning into a catgirl herself now she finally has her buttclaok so that people stop looking at her waist. Or was that the other way around? Rubber and fur apparently don't work to well together since they got Jay running the arachnos costume department.

She also expressed worry about us being to late already for Amanda because of something BKN said about us being to late and all. It is curious why the cats call Amanda their queen since they don't need her psychic powers to run that new spell we found. (memo to self, keep the copy nachtschade made of that spell at a save place. You never know when you want to turn a lady into a cat. Things like that are always useful for future purposes. Just like Death Ray Moonbase lasers).

Anyway, time to put our investors at work with Herczegs list, while we check out the place Amanda drew on the map.



The spell is genuine, most definately.

Before I begin, I'd like an explanation for why one of my agents found a copy of the spell on Nachtshade. All copies of the spell need to be taken to the MAGI vault. As such Longbow will be conducting various raids on your abodes until we are certain we have them all.

And if we're going after the leader I need a name for this arrest warrant.



so we just 'arrested' a nice bunch of kitties without warrants, and now that we finally learned the location of the evil mastermind behind all this meneace we can't stop him without a confirmed identity and an arrest warrant?

bah, i can't have bureaucracy this early in the morning, grin will ya pls handle him?



An explanation? I am sure you can figure that one out for yourself. You know who and what I am. I need to have a stern word to Nachtschade though. Sloppy of her to get caught.

You want a warrant do you? I assume you want a proper warrant, not a here is some money, now you keep your mouth shut warrant? No wonder that PC got more rogue activity then RI.

But lets play along for a bit, even if only for laughs. What would you require for a warrant?



the dude has a point, dude. we gave ya dangerous magical texts before and see how that turned out.

anyway, if ya have to get a warrant get a search one for the hideout and an arrest one for Black Cat Neko (third time is the charm, aye?).
and as for the leader... you can get one for Maestro of Mayhem, but he'll either be there or not, we only have guesses about this. (mind ya i'd like to meet te judge who gives that warrant with no evidence whatsoever)



Apologies for the late post, my work schedual is all over the place at the mo, as well as other things.

Anyway, all as I need for the warrent is the name of their leader, and don't worry about evidence, I can handle that.



Best guess is Maestro of Mayhem for leader.

And of course any kittens we meet in there.
Lets hope we don't find BCN but just in case she got away!

Ok and for a wild guess, how about Amanda? I happen to know to never trust Damsels in Distress and she fits the leader bill almost as good as mr Mayhem.



Funny thing, I only have one warrent here, so I need one name.



Hmmm, one name eh?

Right. Tossing a coin here.

Make it Maestro of Mayhem then. Worst case is that if we are wrong we can still NOT arrest somebody into the hospital. Also very satisfactory.

Personally, I don't care much who I arrest, I just want to make sure that not every dame out there is going to be 'kittenized'.



funny thing, we still gonna arrest the hell outa everyone in that building, with just one warrant



funny thing, we still gonna arrest the hell outa everyone in that building, with just one warrant

[/ QUOTE ]

No, the catgirls are subdued and moved to a nearby medical facility, that includes Neko if you run into her. (Black Cat Neko, not Sapphic Neko of course.)



Part four is up as Arc:128281



hey blue, got yer badguy, it was indeed Maestro, or at least he was there. i aint exactly sure what the hell happened cos by the time i got there he was a she. and with the paws. cat-rebellion or whatever

anyways, here ya go, his plans, stupid guy/gal was hidin' it in his hat. also here's the book ya can't keep safe. use it to stop whatever have to be stopped, and give me a call after they stole it again.

BCN was there too she says hai, and stop her plan. mind ya she did say her plan, not Maestro's.
i remember something being sniffy here for me, but i lost my notes (srsly. overwrote the file >.&lt so will someone else pls make sense all of it?



You should have seen their faces when I entered the building and yelled. YOU ARE ALL UNDER ARREST!!!!!

Now that was a fun thing to do. Went in, arrested another bunch of catgirls. Including Black Cat Neko. The poor thing was hypnotized or something to act as if she was the grand leader. I suggest a nice padded cell so cannot hurt herself.

As for the evil wicked mastermind. Seems he had always wanted to become a catperson himself. Can't blame him, he look much better this way. He/She tried to act funny though, as if she was brainwashed. Well I didn't fall for her bad acting and neither should you. I know everything about mad genius types. If you met Verner or Doctor Aeon well you learn a lot about madness that way. It is hard to be a genius like me and not go mad. You need willpower for that.

So trust me when I say that he is faking it. Right, lets discuss fee here.

Yeah yeah, you are welcome, no, no, no, thanks needed just give me the cash.

What do you mean, no cash?

You gotta be kidding.

Heroism does not pay, that's for sure. Oh well gotta run.

(with that Grinning Spade makes a bow and walk away. Out of his pocket falls a piece of paper. Something about a plan for a spell to turn cats into amazon warrior woman dedicated to please their summoner)



hey blue, howsitgoin?

so i was just wondering, if we should expect any other investigation coming up anytime soon? becos it's helluva fun...

(srsly, if you already planning your next arc, just short on time, it's fine, but tell me pls, so i wont check the topic twice a day...
..if you decided that being the GM aint that much fun, as playing it, just tell us, so someone can take over, because the whole thing is just too good an idea, to not to do it...)



((Don't worry, I let my account run out but reactivated it to talk about Posi's address concerning MA abuse so I'm back for at least the next month.

I am planning my next Investigation, I may not be able to run it before my account runs out again which may be in a month, maybe not, I'll see how I feel when I come to renew it.

As for now...))

Glad you're back, Neko's been talking a lot, the Maestro made a mistake and got one of the Nekomimi to use the statuette rather than using it himself, meaning that Neko's new loyalties lay with the Nekomimi, and not the Maestro.

From there it was pretty simple to piece it together, Neko's a follower, not a leader, and chose Amanda to lead the Nekomimi. The Maestro went for it on the basis it would annoy myself, and knowing that in the event he managed to turn her, I couldn't bring myself to hurt her.

I assume you can piece it together from there.

The Maestro has spoken a lot between treatments, his way of coping with failure is to confess everything. This was a petty attempt to resurect his old catgirl project when he heard about the catgirl temple under Atlas Park. From there he put two and two together and ended up with four.

And a bit, his research enabled him to translate the Nekoian text, although he apparently made the same mistake as Marioko in the translation. Apparently cats and catgirls can instinctively read Nekoian, but the Nekomimi never saw the inside of the book, and Neko never told him so she could get rid of him when he was no longer necessary.

Which you interrupted before any major harm was done, well done there.



Hey, just had a call from Positron for help. He'll meet you at arc id 174000.

Good luck.



Lola Skull here.

Wow, Possitron asked for my help. I mean Positron! The big guy himself. Anyway one of his labs had an infestation of clockwork and he asked me to clean them out. I felt so proud here!

Anyway it took me a long time to remove the clockwork but i confess that I was a bit preoccupied studying all the shinies i saw.

I noticed that one of the machines was missing a big part codenamed Project Free runner. Something very important and technical. I found some documents about it on a whiteboard to. After this all Mr Positron asked me to find out who stole his technological gizmo as I had found some security footage that needs translating.

So I guess I better run to LOCA for the decrypting of the security files. I also like some technological wizzkid to check out the files so I get an idea what this Project Freerunner is all about.