Can masterminds work in PvP?




Tried a bit of PvP. With my mastermind Thugs/Dark in Bloody Bay. Was on Bodyguard mode. Helped someone attack a tanker. Tanker killed the other and then smashed me to pieces. Later on a scrapper came after me, and i went down quick as a rock again. Mind you they were both novice PvP'ers (as am I). Both times i made sure BG mode was on. I didn't even scratch them. My conclusion. MM's and PvP don't mix. The lethal smashing damage is of course easily resisted and an MM is squishy to anything you throw at it. Do you concur with this assessment? And if not. What to do to make a MM that has a reasonable chance to win?



Any of the debuff secondaries and any primary.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



I find now days that for a mastermind to survive in pvp they should make sure to take a taunt power from the provoke pool seeing as you want to keep people from attacking your pets, what with healing being nerfed an all so its best if any damage gets done its directed at you primarily and spread out through BG mode rather then letting direct attacks hit the pets. Although with the changes to upgrade pets it's not total doom if you loose a few pets.



Masterminds can still do exceptionally well in PvP.

For your secondary you should go with debuffs - Dark Miasma as a secondary would be the best secondary for pvp for a MM. You get a variety of de-buffs , a team heal which also de-buffs when used , a powerful hold and even another pet which de-buffs! Pain Domination can also work aswell as you can get crazy healing for you and your pets.

For your primary just go with anything , personally I would go with Mercenarys or Ninjas. Any primary will do though.



For your secondary you should go with debuffs

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Yeah cause debuffs now are awsome.Not.

Pain Domination can also work aswell as you can get crazy healing

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Yeah.Crazy healing reduction.

For your primary just go with anything

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Or not.



Yeah cause debuffs now are awsome.Not.

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I disagree. The regeneration debuff in the team heal for Dark Miasma makes a large amount of trouble for me, as I do not have any short-recharge heal. I had six fights against a Ninja/Dark Miasma MM yesterday, where we ended up equal in wins/losses. It usually came down to how often he managed to hit with his debuffing team heal. Without my regeneration, I go down sooner or later.
That said, Dark Miasma has trouble functioning properly against defense based opponents unless they have very good accuracy and ToHit.

In addition -recovery debuffs are very dangerous for me in most fights where they appear, even more so than end drain.

The only point where I, based on my experiences, would agree with you regarding debuffs being of dubious value are toggle debuffs. They are usually extremely easy to shut down by mezzing the person running them.

Yeah.Crazy healing reduction.

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Here I am uncertain as I do not play a MM myself, but does Heal Suppression affect Mastermind pets? The Mastermind himself, certainly. I am uncertain regarding the pets however - I do know a Pain Domination MM is capable of keeping me from killing any of his minions by healing them constantly (barring me using red inspirations or temporary powers).



I hardly PVP but I am absolutly no squishy in PVP whatsoever....

Necromancy/Dark Miasma

Leadership (incl tactics), TP Foe

IO's build up regen and set my health on corruptor level.

I can survive a one-shot attack (just barely) and retaliate hard. The debuff's really work wel... And the zombies are ress against almost anything. Hardr to take down then you estimate.

The tactics make up for the acc prob on the Dark Miasma powers. And Dark Miasma comes with self-heal and stealth power. A stealth power that hides the whole pet group too. Although most have +perc these days anyway.

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