Future war zones?




Also of course they could finally let us fight the big guy....

[/ QUOTE ]Maybe if he's a 50-character-fight like Hamidon. Considering Rularuu's level of power, anything less would be disappointing and unconvincing.

His weakened aspect thing in the CoP doesn't count, of course.



I don't see why the military forces in the Shard can't just be made into a proper fighting faction instead of trying to crowbar in Vanguard.

As an in-game justification conventional military can't deal with Rikti because the Rikti are a conventional military force. Power armour and massive firepower win the day when both sides are playing the same game. Shadow Shard forces aren't though, there's no reason the military can't be capable of battling them. They wouldn't even be there.

Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."



Shadow Shard forces aren't though, there's no reason the military can't be capable of battling them.

[/ QUOTE ]

Apart from them being energy blast throwing psi powered extadimensional aliens capable of challenging the most powerful superhero and eating rikti for breafast you mean?

Vanguard are Paragon Earth's equivelent of UNIT, of course they would be called in.

I really should do something about this signature.



Shadow Shard forces aren't though, there's no reason the military can't be capable of battling them.

[/ QUOTE ]

Apart from them being energy blast throwing psi powered extadimensional aliens capable of challenging the most powerful superhero and eating rikti for breafast you mean?

Vanguard are Paragon Earth's equivelent of UNIT, of course they would be called in.

[/ QUOTE ]

Who's Paragons version of Torchwood then?

Is it Longbow, with those kinky spandex gimp outfits?



Nah, Longbow is just a whole lot of Punishers, in different outfits, send to disrupt Recluse's Island Paridise...
Bloomin' vigilantes

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Apart from them being energy blast throwing psi powered extadimensional aliens capable of challenging the most powerful superhero and eating rikti for breafast you mean?

Vanguard are Paragon Earth's equivelent of UNIT, of course they would be called in.

[/ QUOTE ]

Answer the part about why they're there at all then. And not all dead.

The important part you completely ignored in other words.

I'd also like to know where the bit about them being able to effortlessly trash Rikti is from.

Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."



Answer the part about why they're there at all then. And not all dead.

[/ QUOTE ]

Because of plot nessessity, obviously. Vanguard wheren't avalable in issue 2. Now that a more appropiate organisation is available, the army should be replaced.

They are clearly loosing anyway, and would all be dead if there wasn't the occassional heroic backup.

I'd also like to know where the bit about them being able to effortlessly trash Rikti is from.

[/ QUOTE ]

Put a spawn of rularuu and a spawn of equal level rikti in a room. Watch them fight.

Or if you don't have the means to do that, just fight a bunch of rikti solo and a bunch of rularuu solo. Most characters will find the rikti much easier.

I really should do something about this signature.



Because of plot nessessity, obviously. Vanguard wheren't avalable in issue 2. Now that a more appropiate organisation is available, the army should be replaced.

[/ QUOTE ]

Utter rubbish. If they had wanted them to be Vanguard, they would have been. We didn't even know how Vanguard was organised, set up or equipped like back then, they could have very happily been a bunch of generic Vanguard soldiers, with new tech rolled out as we know them now to counter the second Rikti invasion.

They wanted them to be a group of multinational soldiers. We know this because that is what they put there.

They are clearly loosing anyway, and would all be dead if there wasn't the occassional heroic backup.

[/ QUOTE ]

That explains how they have a series of small, lightly manned outposts deep within enemy territory that haven't been overrun. No wait, that was sarcasm, they're obviously hanging on fine and have been for a very long time.

Put a spawn of rularuu and a spawn of equal level rikti in a room. Watch them fight.

Or if you don't have the means to do that, just fight a bunch of rikti solo and a bunch of rularuu solo. Most characters will find the rikti much easier.

[/ QUOTE ]

You're an idiot. Straight up, total idiot.

Lets use PRAF logic.....hey, the soldiers are way better than Vanguard, they're completely invincible and the Rularuu forces can't do anything in the slightest to budge them! I'm also mightily impressed that my completely natural hero can take a tank busting Rikti plasma cannon blast to the face with such stoic indifference he actually mounted one in his bath to use instead of a shower. But then, this seems to be a trait of the mega humans of the CoX-verse. I personally, actually me, placed in the CoX universe, can perform a HALO jump with no parachute and be just fine if I have a good sit down after impact.

I know, lets just tell all the heroes they can retire and make the Malta Group a UN-funded worldwide agency to deal with superpowered threats, because those guys can make mincemeat out of anything.

Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."



Who's Paragons version of Torchwood then?

[/ QUOTE ]


I really should do something about this signature.



Who's Paragons version of Torchwood then?

[/ QUOTE ]


[/ QUOTE ]

I really don't think that's a fair comparison.

Torchwood are actually better at holding on to dangerous artifacts

However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator




They wanted them to be a group of multinational soldiers. We know this because that is what they put there.

[/ QUOTE ]
I thought they did it so they could sneak in a load of Star Gate references?


Torchwood are actually better at holding on to dangerous artifacts

[/ QUOTE ]
And if MAGI were like Torchwood then Magic origin toons would have a very odd welcome into Paragon City as Azuria & co tried to get off with any hero who turned up and then scared them off with some seriously wooden acting.

Actually the ingame Azuria model has more facial expressions than Captain Botox.