Thrive by Chaos ((open RP))




The many TV screens across Paragon City flickered again. replaced with the symbol the precluded the last instance of chaos with the new form of Troll that had happened.

Once more Edward Johnson greeted the populous of Paragon City.

"GOOOOOOD MORNING PARAGON CITY....there I hope that got you lazy tikes out of bed," he chuckled.

"Now I don't want you to be treating the new C-Dyne Trolls so badly, I've been getting word some of you haven't accepted them into your society, how so very...what's the word...human..yes human. Now, not all of them are bad, infact most of them will probably take their gifts and use it for the helping of those not smart enough or just not fortunate enough to get to the new and improved Chronodyne before the so called 'heroes' managed to put a stop to it and confiscate what they could get their hands on. These wonderful green people are there for your benefit Paragon, not mine..."

Edward rubbed the bridge of his nose, "now on to further matters, it's been a while since I last appeared on your screens and I know how you're all missing me, so here we are again with another unschedule timeslot of Mechano TV, bring fun to the lives of the hopelessly dull..."

Edward raised his hand, in it was held a detonator, "now incase you wondering what exactly this is going to do...well..let's press it and find out shall we?"

Edward pressed the detonator and for a few moments there was silence then a series of explosions begun to echo around the city. Cars laden with explosives bloomed into massive fireballs, the force shattering the glass windows of the shops they were parked next to. The din of various Car alarms, people yelling begun to fill the streets.

" sadly I can't hear that from where I am but I assure you that quite a few shops now have most of their security measures disabled which means that they're suddenly open for business, well I say business you don't have to pay for anything and you can take what you like, think of it as my gift to you Paragon City.."

Edward chuckled, "so...who want's a shopping spree?"

Through the city, the various criminal elements had taken note, Freakshow in Brickstown, Skulls in Kings Row and the Outcasts in Steel Canyon begun to descend on the area of the explosion, yelling and whooping as they begun to enter the stores from their blasted open store fronts, electronics, jewelry and even fast food stores where all open for business.

"Man I don't know this guy but I sure LOVE how he operates," yelled a Freakshow Tank as he begun smashing open a Jewelry store safe in Brickstown, "smash and grab people, no doubt the PPD are on their way..."

The Skulls in Kings row were making off with various sizes and makes of TVs, loading them into a van.

"Well...let's see how this goes shall we...have fun and catch you next time on Mechano TV, bring you the fun because I can..."

The TV sets returned to normal...

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!




The cab of the Skull's truck collapsed under her considerable weight as Seven landed on it. She back-flipped off onto the road and engaged her optical camouflage systems.

"What the f-" the nearest Bonedaddy began, just before Seven's foot hit his jaw. He went down like... well, like a sack of bones. Three TV sets hit the ground almost simultaneously, their screens imploding with a trio of dull thuds, spraying glass over the sidewalk.

"Cease and desist all criminal activity immediately and prepare to be taken into custody." Three Skulls took aim in the direction the voice had come from and opened fire, but by now Seven was behind them. They went down almost as fast as their boss had. Several remaining skull-masked buffoons took the hint and ran for it.

Seven stepped through the shattered window and planted a hand on the shoulder of the one Skull remaining, who happened to have found a loading trolley and was backing through the debris with four sets in boxes balanced on the platform. "I'm sorry," she said, "this edition of Supermarket Sweep has ended and your prise is a one way trip to Ziggursky Penitentiary." She paused as the dumbfounded Skull looked at her. "What?" she said. "I understand I have some work to do on these witticisms, but I thought that one worked quite well."

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



"We do offer a complimentary gift wrapping service though." A familiar voice said from behind Seven as an arrow whistled by. As it neared its target, the front end popped open for a net to shoot out, thick webbing wrapping around the Skull's waist with the edges weighted down by ball weights.

Arrow Azure stepped forwards and chuckled, his composite tech bow still in his hand and quivers clipped to his costume in easy to access places. "Seven. I see they'll let anyone have after store shopping privilages now days." He quipped, thumbing to the Skull. "The only bargain he's getting is a free ride across the city."



I lone woman watched from the Kings Row rooftops, taking in the sight of the lone individual on the ground flooring all those Skulls like they were nothing. This pink-haired woman, dressed in blue-white leathers that would suggest she was something of a gearhead, watched through a monocular held close to her right eye that bore the logo of Longstaff WarTech on its casing, at the same time silently communicating with her superiors within the corporation.

We got a situation in Kings Row, the woman made use of a small augmentation to her brain to send her message. Looks like I'm gonna be late for this morning's meeting...

Roger that, Ledford, Miss Longstaff will be informed as soon as she's available. a voice not her own responded in her head. Lily Ledford, a woman better known as Crash Leadfoot, then clipped her monocular to her belt and took a few steps back from the rooftop's edge, stopping just near the remains of a batch of Clockwork she had to dispose of moments earlier.

And if she needs a damn excuse, tell her something went boom in the Row and the Skulls are looting like crazy! If that's not good enough, she can go to Hell! Crash then dashed to the edge of the roof, pulling off an impressive backflip down toward the streets below. Halfway down the drop, the gearhead held her arms out to the side, allowing the gloves on each hand to work their magic: cancelling the effects of Earth's gravitation pull and slowing her down to a dead halt. Almost immediately she then leaned forward, holding her arms straight down toward her feet. A move that pushed the former street racer at high speed to her destination: The Skulls looting the place.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Seven shook her head. "They still sound better coming from you. I will examine the deliver variation and attempt to enhance my socialisation routines."

The Skull looked at the two of them as if they had both gone entirely off the deep end.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Sally Travalli grinned her winners grin...the story was falling it to her place of a stock ..”how bad is it in Kings Row “.. piece she and her camera team where at the ground zero of Doc Mechano's latest stunt ....her van had been parked at the north end of the street where Gealmans Electrical Emporium was sited......Malc.., the camera , had even manage to get part of the exploding car on tape ....

Now , with Sally's running commentary guiding his lens ,Malc was busy filming the growing crowd of looters , as the shattered store front filled with grabbing hands ...

A group of Skulls had tried to take charge , but there were simply way out numbered , and had to be content with control of the southern end of the shattered shop window display ..from here they where filling the back of a hijacked truck ....

Sally's grin snapped wider in to a full tooth filled smile as she spotted the Hero type arriving atop the office unit across the street ...........” boys we are making the opening slot on the 6pm show ..”

The hero jumped from the roof of the offices ..giant wings of golden and crystal white feathers ..swung out to slow his fall .. Sally stared as she saw the figure was clad only in a kilt of white cloth .. this muscled skin gleaming ....” hmm nice body ..” though Sally , already considering how to run the interview .....

She and the camera took in the scales of justice logo emblazoned on the landing hero's chest....
also the eye covering band of cloth held in place by silver chains , and the head shaven to leave a strip of golden hair along the centre line ...

a brilliant white glow erupted where the figure feet touched the ground ..and in place of mundane walking the man glided effortlessly to the middle of the road .....

less than twenty percent of the crowd had bothered to notice the arrival ..and only a single Skull ganger had drawn a weapon ...

The voice that came from the winged figure was loud , cutting clear through the mobs rumbling, it was also harsh , definitive ,and without pity ..

..” For you crimes here this day .. thief , riot , as . .. . . “

the voice was rudely interrupted ,by the Skull ganger firing his pistol at the Hero ..
the bullet struck home , ripping into the naked flesh ...the hero was not bullet proof !...and yet the body had not flinched , ....

..instantly the Skull was entombed in flames , the Hero arm had merely flicked , now it was raised and a line of white hot fire reduced the Skull ganger to charcoal ... the crowd screamed .. this was not how heroes dealt with gangers .....

the remaining Skulls moved to attack .. but were just to slow , the raised arm had travelled and now pointed at the truck .... A ball of fire engulfs the truck and the scrambling Skulls ......

the crowd tries to leave .. panic surges ... And Malc grips the camera tighter keeping the winged man centre stage ...

desperate to get clear of the now burning truck the Skulls are rapidly cut down by a rapid series of Bolts and encasing rings of fire .....

Panic has won and feet now carry the crowd away as fast as possible .....

The Voice again cut over the noise of the mob ..

“Justice demands and all shall pay ....Harken not to the words from your televisions , the words of Mechano are the verses of death .. he shall drag you down into his Pit ...Justice will find you all......”

and then the still raised arm struck the fleeing mob ....bolts of flame and indiscriminate fire balls ....

Malc's camera could just pick out the strange glowing runic symbols on the winded figures arm the street be came an inferno ...

Even their years as harden news hounds was not enough , the burning people staggering and falling .. the stench of roasting flesh .. the screams of those alight , and those seeking to avoid such a fate ...crushed everything but the need to escape .. Sally and her team turned to run .....

..And the figure was suddenly in front of them .. a upraised hand halting them .....indicating the camera the winged man prepared to be interviewed .......

shock riven a rookie Sally held the mic up to the face ....the cloth and chains covered the eyes still , and the face conveyed no emotion.. the voice was equally inhuman ...

“ I am justice delivered .. those who seek to gain profit without toil shall come to know me those seeking to make gains by the actions Mechano ..know this I will find you ..and this will be your fate ...”

the face slid aside ...the street is revealed .. smoke filled ..the smoke rising from the charred corpses of the mob... some 30 to 40 bodies can be seen .......there are no wounded .....

the camera is stopped .... the winged one is encased in a glow and vanishes......

dumbstruck Sally looks down the street as the police finally start to arrive....



Jake leaned back nonchalantly aginst the wall of the blown open shop, his fedora tipped forward slightly. Without appearing to pay them any attention, he eyed the group of Outcasts who had gathered opposite the store. They were still hesitating to move, but he could tell they were working themselves up to it. In Kings Row, where he had his apartment, word was getting round that the Iron Anderson was to be kept clear of. Here, maybe these punks had some half-remembered idea of who he was (or had been) but he could tell that it was more his attitude that had them worried.

Finally a signal was given, and two of the punks moved towards him. Jake couldn't help smiling. If they had just gone into the store and started lifting stuff, there wouldn't be a thing he could do about it. The terms of his parole were quite clear about him not being able to fight without permission from specified persons. Except, unfortunately for these guys, in cases of legitimate self-defence...

"What you doing here, grandpa?" one of the punks asked.

"Just minding the store, kid. Now why don't you head on home to your momma?"

As he'd expected, this provided the last push and the punks came at him. The one on the right swung a sledgehammer directly at Jake's head. The look of surprise on his face when Jake caught it with one hand was quickly replaced by the slackness of unconsciousness as Jake's other hand came round in a vicious haymaker. The second punk had moved quickly, and was in position to slip a knife right between Jake's ribs....if the blade hadn't stopped moving as soon as it hit Jake's skin. An uppercut lifted this one straight off his feet and he came crashing down to the pavement out cold.

Having seen the fate of the junior members, and knowing now they were dealing with a powered individual, the remaining five gangers began firing up their own powers. The crackle of lightning, whoosh of fire and the grinding of stone filled the air as they stepped towards Jake as a group.

Who strode forward to meet them, cracking his knuckles. Time the punks in Steel Canyon learnt their place as well...

However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator



In Brickstown, the hero response was noticeably less enthusiastic than that in other areas of the city. There was a distinct lack of four-colour spandex and the like - although, admittedly, there was what looked like a hulking red-and-grey robot running towards a group of Freakshow at ridiculous speeds for a being of that size. Automobilised was on the scene.

Auto didn't sleep. No, disabling one's systems was pointless and unproductive as it left you unprepared for any incoming attacks. He'd entertained himself by browsing various Internet message boards for MMORPGs for the past few hours (he had nothing better to do, it had been a quiet night!) and had derived amusement from trying to decipher shorthand and "1337-speak" into English. When he'd witnessed Mechano's broadcast, he'd determined that the Freaks posed more danger to the city at this hour and had immediately made his way towards Brickstown. "This Mechano character is indeed persistent," he'd acknowledged along the way, recalling the Uber-Troll riots weeks before.

By the pounding of metal against the pavement, the Mad Freak Gunner who was currently loading a selection of various toasters into a car boot assumed that a Tank had arrived to help. Alas, this was not the case. Auto landed a quick pair of one-two punches for the cybernetic criminal's face, knocking him to the ground as soon as he turned around.

"Haxx!" The Freakshow protested.

"Negative," Auto explained. "I merely possess leet skillz."

It was at this point that the Freak's comrades opened fire...



"This is Officer Serrano! Requesting back up! We are under attack! I repeat, this is Serrano, of the 76th. The Freaks are pounding us to **** out here! Get us some god damn backup!"

Static filled the radio waves, "Serrano was it? Tell your men to fall back. I repeat, fall back. This is Officer Ramsey of the P.A.T.R.I.O.T division. We're moving in!"

Serrano ordered the men of his unit still standing to retreat to the relative cover of a building the Freaks had ignored. He watched through a boarded window as the P.A.T.R.I.O.T's arrived.

A heavy built figure dropped onto the streets in front of the Freak's mob. Jet boots dimming as he landed.

"One? They sent one guy!? What the hell is he gonna do?"

The P.A.T.R.I.O.T. drew a long nosed, powerful looking rifle from his back. He raised it, taking careful aim.

"Sir? That's a Redding he's carrying!"

"Yeah I can see that, Murphy! Get your [censored] down!"

The P.A.T.R.I.O.T. flipped a switch and fired.

The lightweight but devastating Banshee rocket screamed down the street, the resultant blast threw Freaks around like tenpins. Ramsey lowered the Redding and spoke once into the mouthpiece on his collar.

"This is Officer Ramsey of the P.A.T.R.I.O.T's. You are to cease and desist all hostilities or lethal force will be administered."

"Screw you old man! You ain't got the balls!"

Ramsey grinned, twisting the locking ring on the Banshee clip, chambering another round before aiming the weapon at the remaining rioters.

"Somehow I knew you'd say that...."

He pulled the trigger.



Seven shook her head. "They still sound better coming from you. I will examine the deliver variation and attempt to enhance my socialisation routines."

The Skull looked at the two of them as if they had both gone entirely off the deep end.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Practise makes perfect, Seven." Azure Arrow smiled, wandering over. "As you're the officer here, I believe it's only fair that you get to bag these ones." He said, before turning to keep an eye out for others.

"That Edward Johnson certainly has a flair for the... I don't even know what this kind of stunt can be called, actually."

Spotting a member of the Lost trying to sneak in, he quickly drew an arrow and fired it, the blunted tip knocking the homeless vagrant to the ground.

"Store's closing, sorry!"



"I believe the correct term is 'incredibly foolish display of mental instability,' Arrow." She located some cuffs at the back of her belt and attached the Skull to his shopping trolley. "I believe that should hold you for long enough that the uniforms can take care of the issue.

A sound made her turn, and she spotted movement in the back of the shop. Cutting over to light-intensification, she spotted anothe Skull, hiding, pulled her tazer and launched a pair of darts, trailing wires behind them, into the man's shoulder. He jumped up, twitching violently and trying to speak, but all he could really manage was to raise his middle finger at the operative.

Seven clapped her hand to her mouth and what she hoped looked like mock surprise. "Shocking!" she said.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Azure Arrow laughed. "Perfect, Seven. The pose just completes it." He said before peering outside. A large group of Skulls were begining to congregate, ready to go on a shopping spree.

"Sales crowds are gathering, and it may be a case of handbags at dawn if they see a bargain they all -really- like." He called back quietly, notching an arrow ready.

"About sixteen in total... wait, eighteen, two of them are -really- short... and they've got some girls waiting nearby."



Crash charged toward the group sighted by Seven and Azure, skidding along the ground on her boots for several seconds after landing.

"Alright," she said as she slowly pushed herself back to an upright posture, "Which of you numbnuts were going for the Buy Now Pay Never option?" Crash then immediately clenched her fists, forcing a long whine from her gloves that increased in pitch over the space of a second, signalling that all systems were go. She didn't really care much that her own jokes were... sucky. "Because the offer's just got withdrawn!"

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




"About sixteen in total... wait, eighteen, two of them are -really- short... and they've got some girls waiting nearby."

[/ QUOTE ]

"I'll never understand the gropies," Seven said, totally unaware of the mistake, and stepped out to join Arrow. She looked at the gathering crowd. "Do you happen to have something wide area and somewhat disabling in that quivver?"

She switched her optical camouflage back on and took off, leaping toward the crowd of oncoming Skulls.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.




"Alright," she said as she slowly pushed herself back to an upright posture, "Which of you numbnuts were going for the Buy Now Pay Never option?" Crash then immediately clenched her fists, forcing a long whine from her gloves that increased in pitch over the space of a second, signalling that all systems were go. She didn't really care much that her own jokes were... sucky. "Because the offer's just got withdrawn!"

[/ QUOTE ]

Clad in her black and gold dagger patterned spandex, Horizon had been drawn to the sounds of chaos. It sounded a lot more fun than picking out a new notepad for her lessons. Claymore drawn, a light blue sheen trailing the runes engraved along it's length, she turned a corner to be greeted by the sight of the mass of thugs bearing down on the three heroes.

Her sharp reflexes had her springing into action, sailing dramatically through the air, sword raised to cut at the Skulls ranks. A bellowing war cry issued from her lips.

The effect was quickly spoiled by the realization that it's not very easy to dodge gunfire while in the air. The triumphant scream turned into a small cry for help, luck carrying her through the first volley of fire and landing with a roll she started to pace a circle around the thugs. Horizon's large strides keeping her ahead of the wave of exploding scenery, little chunks raining around her as automatic weapons were fired at the big easy target.




Azure Arrow, or more correctly Arrow Azure, drew back and let lose with the arrow he had notched, the bulky tip skittering across the ground into the middle of the group. With a loud pop, it started to spew a noxious gas and smoke to overcome with crowds, even as he switched his targetting sight on his bow on to begin letting loose at definate targets with the blunt, rubber tipped arrows he kept.

"Try to wait for them to stumble out, we're smoking these critters out!" He called out to the others, readying some of his other trick arrows to fire in case.



Sitting on a roof looking down at the chaos in the front of the shop Sam, Incendiary Arrow, smirks.

"Oy, why don'tcha get ya pretty little face down 'ere?" yells up an outcast and with that she flips off the roof planting her feet on his shoulders and flipping backwards pulling a flaming sword from nowhere she strikes at all within range. She looks up and down the street able to see all the way to where Positrons position no other capes in sight, just the way she liked it...

[Union Roleplayers]Kiken: Tick the off in your Observer Book of Lesbians
[Union Roleplayers]Nitro v. IV: we need a perma-man feature
[Union Roleplayers]Nitro v. IV: I'd trust you more if you did it in front of me

Gotta love dem dere RolePlayers



The appearing bare chest and spread wings of Justice Delivered , as the media would come to call him , drew the watering eye of the Skulls that managed to staggered out of rear of the noxious gas cloud caused by Arrow Azure's marksmanship .... ..

....reaching , gagging for clean air the disabled Skulls , looked up to see JD's face , the stern jaw line , the unsmiling mouth , the strip of white cloth and the two silver chains binding the eye-covering cloth , the central strip of cropped golden hair ......

the voice came first “ I am here for you ....” and less than a whole second later the up raised right arm , emblazoned with golden runic symbols , spat out a great ball of super heated flame ...

The three Skulls took the full blast ..jackets and pant s turned into blazing tormentors , half gassed , now burnt the Skulls had no chance are the Winded One step up into the middle of them .. both arms where flung outward and a expanding ring of screaming flames spread to encircle the small group of Skull gangers ...this time it was as if their very flesh ignited .. ..pitiful wails and cry escaped their lips ...for a moment , then each succumb to their personal conflagration ...

...three more charcoal corpse lay on the streets of King's row

Across , the other street side , from the Gas cloud .. the heroes Azure , Seven , and the arriving Crash and Horizon .. witnesses to the incineration ...where spotted by the Winged man ... and ignored ....

...instead he turned and moved to the left .. where a number of bystanders had gathered to watch the fun .. and may be grab a souvenir or two from the shop ......



Above the chaos on a rooftop stood a lone figure, he smiled and arched his back, wings flareing with a smirk, "well now the chaos is in order...time to make my move..." he looked around for someone on thier lonesome, spotting the other winged man he chuckled, "you'll do perfectly..."

He lept off the building and folded his wings, building up speed as he plummeted.

"The Doctor will see you now!"

As the streelight filled in his features, it was obvious Edward had come to play, he didn't get out enough so now was the perfect time, dark nether energy swirling around his fists, he had no intention of clashing with the other heroes, they would be too much trouble.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



"Captain, I swear this place is going to hell! We've got a couple of regular capes, some headcase who sounds religious and is *barbequeing* Skulls like its a summer roast and..well, carnage."
Wolf sat back on his haunches, hand to the side of his helmet, listening to the flurry of PPD radio transmissions. With a small sigh he stood up, hammering back the slide on his gun, and then taking off with a crack of jets.
The mob looked around as he landed next to them, scattering when the Skulls amongst them drew their weapons.
"Uh-uh, boys...peashooters down," Wolf ordered, raising his right gauntlet, which started to hum faintly.

The Skulls jumped as their weapons started to freeze, then yelped as they stung from the shear cold, and shattered when they were dropped from numbing fingers. Some of the gang tried to close range, but most were stopped by the fact their legs suddenly rooted to the pavement, or were shot out from underneath them. Wolf had had his training in the 1st Rikti War and the subsequent fighting in Grendels Gulch. He knew that the only good enemy was one that stayed down.
The last of the gang went down to a punch, and then Wolf rounded on the figure of Justice Delivered, stepping between him and the crowd.
"Stand down, pal! You're really not making any friends like that."

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



.. Spotting the incoming demonic form of Dr Mechano Justice Delivered did the oddest of things , ...he smiled , ... then spread his arms wide and stood , defenceless ,awaiting the dread fists of the Doctor ...

from his lips seem to come a low pitched mumbling of un-know-able words .....the smile widened .....the cloth shrouded eye seen to stare at the very centre of Mechano ...

.. the strange golden runic symbols on his legs and arms seemed to fade ....while the justice scales on his chest seem to take on a very real nature .......

(( for those perceptive to magic .. we have a overload happening here ..))



Edward closed his eyes, his armour of faith shimmering about him to protect him from any unwanted blows or blasts. He looked to the strangely angelic figure as he landed and reached out his hand, "all Angels fear damnation..." he smirked as the nether-energy welled up inside him and he reached out to touch the angelic being with the very fear of the dark itself.

(Touch of Fear just incase ya didn't know :P)

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



..”but I am no angel Doctor .. and even as you dark power numb this flesh .. it is to late .. we are undone ..”

..the skin of the winged figure seem to split and a raw fiery glow started to leak from the gaps

“...but do not despair .. I will always be with you ... your time will come Edward .. I know your every moment .. when you have been judged I will be there to take you ...”

..the figure dissolves into a body of pure flame ...

“ .. I can wait beyond forever Edward ...there is no escaping ....”

... and in a torrent of expanding fire gone...

(( self destruction .. and yes I did check .. it is not interpretable , and yes it started last post .. hence the magic build up warning ...yes I know Doc can shrug the damage off , not sure if the mag 12 KB will effect him either .. but boy does it make a good exit .. ...))

the surface of the road burns , the paving stones crack , the parked car is turned into a burnt out shell...

as a hand full of smoking feather drift downwards .. a loft space above a King's Row tenement at the streets end a watching figure grins .. at the blast , then smiles and mutters a word.. ....the air beside them is pushed away and a winged man appears .....

“ nasty trick to play .. I was going to rush in and help..”

“ no you where not ...and he would have just broken more of your body ... I can wait .. this city feeds me well my powers grow with each encounter .....nothing escapes .. in the end Justice will be delivered to all .......”



The effect was quickly spoiled by the realization that it's not very easy to dodge gunfire while in the air. The triumphant scream turned into a small cry for help, luck carrying her through the first volley of fire and landing with a roll she started to pace a circle around the thugs. Horizon's large strides keeping her ahead of the wave of exploding scenery, little chunks raining around her as automatic weapons were fired at the big easy target.


[/ QUOTE ]

Crash looked on, her left eye twitching as she witnessed the kid land herself up a very brown creek without a paddle.

"Smooth move, idiot!" she yelled as she held out a hand, trapping several of the Skulls in mid air. The few that weren't caught in the gravity well turned their attention to those that were, partly in amazement, partly in fear. Crash followed up by holding out her other hand. A rift opened in the ground in front of her, and a... it was a toilet of all things... entered this world, hovering in front of the ex-racer briefly.

"Now would be a good time to get OUT OF THERE, DOOFUS!!" she screamed as she thrust her hand forward, sending the throne flying at the few Skulls not floating helplessly in the air.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Within the cloud of smoke, unhindered by it thanks to the infra-red vision mode on her visor, Seven quietly began felling Skulls. She registered a shape outside the cloud as it passed, but largely ignored it. She designated a sub-process to searching for an image match.

Axe kick, roundhouse, one went down to a couple of swift jabs to the jaw, but when the fist behind it has an impervium alloy skeleton, it has to hurt.

By now the smoke was thinning, but Seven just kept on going, thinning out the ranks and trusting to Arrow and anyone else out there to do their own jobs.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.