Programs to run with C O X
Usually just CoH and IE - I prefer chatting on the phone to chat programs
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I'm normally running winamp with either MWR or Evo on, Firefox with 8 tabs open and HeroStats.
Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
CoH faces
Usually Xfire (FranR), Firefox and if I'm in a talkative mood Skype. In past I also used Herostats, but haven't used it in a while.
i run firefox, normally with badgehunter and paragon wiki open, maybe the SG forum, then itunes and msn, thats my normal layout
I tend to run xfire and firefox with forums/social networks up for when waiting on teams etc
Winamp, MirandaIM, IRC, Firefox (normally with numerous tabs open), Thunderbird and what ever else just crops up (a Vent/TS possibly).
Dual Screening helps out a lot.
Well I have run two Eve clients and CoH at the same time on my PC, but its probably not that useful for CoH, I think that was during a Hami Raid.
I normally keep the forums open on Firefox, run MSN messenger and outlook, winamp is pretty much always on. Sometimes I run ICQ (usually at weekends) XFire and Gtalk as well, depending on how social I am feeling. I run Teamspeak on my laptop beside me, and VLC media player.
I used to run CoH LCD but it keeps telling me I have no health or stamina all the time now even when I do so I dont bother with that any more.
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"