Robot Rampage 4! 19th October
Put me down as tentative bait for this
I'll be able to confirm attendance in the next week or so, but as this is the first Robot Rampage when I'm not away for the weekend, I should be up for this.
I'll be bringing along RoboTank, lvl 50 Tank. I'll re-run the Crimson arc before hand, and will have a Kronos ready.
Cheers, @RoboTank
Robotank Inv Tank
Cloudwalker MA Scrapper
Shadowcall Dark Stalker
Stone Death Stone Controller
Solaise Fire Blaster
Confession Dark Blaster
Sent from my HAL 9000
Same here, I couldn't attend the last one because I was on a MoSTF; I'll try to run Crimson's arc with my Tialfi, stone/axe tank, besides I'll have my empath ready because he's my main badger.

Proud Coleader of: Fuerza Letal (H), Liga de las Sombras (V), Legion del Fenix (H), Infernal Justice (H), and a happy member of GammaForce (H) and D.O.A. (V).
My alts:
Ill do it on my lvl 50 grav/kin
I loved the last one and should be able to make this. Ill also rope in a couple of friends who should be able to bring Kronos Titans thats three in total if we can.
Im game for this as usual matey, Ill find something to use as bait again
Kneeling girls! Statues driving cars! What's going on? Ten years ago a man was arrested in the area for driving statues around in a car. Was it him?
@Ted Maul - The Echelon
So a potential 8 krono titans so far, Awesome! come on folks more bait needed!!
yay for another robot rampage, i sure my MA/regan will make good bait for a krono titan.
def up for some smashing, seems like a bunch of fun =)
I'll be there for this mate. Not sure in what form but can bring a tank to grab agro from any blaster acting as bait? GM hunt will be cool too Nice one arranging this again.
Co-Leader of The Echelon
Check out our calendar for weekly events:
Always trying to keep you in regular teams and doing fun events, if you fancy joining us, then send me a tell to @Mr Shock
2 weeks left to go, come on folks more bait needed please
My Blaster is up to that mission. Will park outside the mission - let's hope I remember this is on!
DON'T eat muffins while I'm developing you.
Pants! Turkey Magnates! A man in a box! Rogue AI! Come one, come all, to arc ID 10107 - It's [i]'Not as long as some other arcs'[/i]!
Already completed with my stone tanker Crimson's story arc til the point of Kronos ambush, and parked him in Pocket D; I've also parked there my empath, who is my Defiant main badger.

Proud Coleader of: Fuerza Letal (H), Liga de las Sombras (V), Legion del Fenix (H), Infernal Justice (H), and a happy member of GammaForce (H) and D.O.A. (V).
My alts:
Does that work? If I complete Wildflower and port to Pocket D, can I park there indefinitely and the Kronos will spawn when I leave, even if it's days later? If so, it'll save a lot of timing issues for me!
DON'T eat muffins while I'm developing you.
Pants! Turkey Magnates! A man in a box! Rogue AI! Come one, come all, to arc ID 10107 - It's [i]'Not as long as some other arcs'[/i]!
At least that's how it was made in the USA, completing saving Dr. Lamarr mission and, instead of using Exit, going to Pocket D directly; I ignore how it was made here as this is my 1st Robot Rampage, and that's what I did.

Proud Coleader of: Fuerza Letal (H), Liga de las Sombras (V), Legion del Fenix (H), Infernal Justice (H), and a happy member of GammaForce (H) and D.O.A. (V).
My alts:
Does that work? If I complete Wildflower and port to Pocket D, can I park there indefinitely and the Kronos will spawn when I leave, even if it's days later? If so, it'll save a lot of timing issues for me!
[/ QUOTE ]
Yup can do the mission and then leave yourself in PD days/weeks in advance.
Also one more week left, come on people more titans needed
I'm determined to take part in this one. I will be available for the 19th, but I've had scant chance to get Robotank through the Arc over the past fortnight. I've got about 5 of the missions done so far.
I am hoping though that I will find time to get my Kronos ready. Will let you know how I get on with this.
Cheers, @RoboTank
Robotank Inv Tank
Cloudwalker MA Scrapper
Shadowcall Dark Stalker
Stone Death Stone Controller
Solaise Fire Blaster
Confession Dark Blaster
Sent from my HAL 9000
Instead of the usual Scrapper I thought I'd bring a tank this time, ran the first 8 of the arc and shall leave the last mission for sunday afternoon so I'm not stuck in PD for the rest of the week
Kneeling girls! Statues driving cars! What's going on? Ten years ago a man was arrested in the area for driving statues around in a car. Was it him?
@Ted Maul - The Echelon
Instead of the usual Scrapper I thought I'd bring a tank this time, ran the first 8 of the arc and shall leave the last mission for sunday afternoon so I'm not stuck in PD for the rest of the week
[/ QUOTE ]
See, that's what I would have done, were I substantially cleverer.
DON'T eat muffins while I'm developing you.
Pants! Turkey Magnates! A man in a box! Rogue AI! Come one, come all, to arc ID 10107 - It's [i]'Not as long as some other arcs'[/i]!
Ok, got it done in time. RoboTank is parked in Pocket D, with a Kronos waiting in the wings.
Bring. It. On
(Faceplanting, that is )
Cheers, @RoboTank
Robotank Inv Tank
Cloudwalker MA Scrapper
Shadowcall Dark Stalker
Stone Death Stone Controller
Solaise Fire Blaster
Confession Dark Blaster
Sent from my HAL 9000
Awesome keep up the good works folks, i prob wont be able to do my arc till friday/ Saturday night, gone home for the week and am on my folks pc.
For anyone who is interested a friend and I did it last time by exiting to the SG base (neither of us have the Pocket D TP) and then TPing out of the base to Kings Row.
The downside of this method is you have to do the last mission on the night as you cant log out in the SG base (itll kick you back to Founders). Still with everything set to low you can finish off the last mission an hour before.
another titan ready to go for this
and 2nd titan prepped
Nice! I hope I got enough time to switch from my tanker, who is holding a Kronos, to my empath, so I can earn the badge twice!

Proud Coleader of: Fuerza Letal (H), Liga de las Sombras (V), Legion del Fenix (H), Infernal Justice (H), and a happy member of GammaForce (H) and D.O.A. (V).
My alts:
Now that X4 is out of the way i can finally turn my attention to doing some normal events, so to get people ready for the Halloween event i figured what better way to kick things off but with a good ol fashion robot rampage

Some of you might not know what robot rampage is, so to clear things up for you simply put its where we spawn as many Kronos titans as possible drag them all to one spot where then afterwards the whole server gets to lay down the smackdown
The day in question will be the 19th of October at about 9:30pm, if i remember correctly is the finishing time for the rikti mothership raid. The location of the event will be in kings Row where we will hopefully get an epic fight.
So just as usual I'm going to need some willing volunteers to be bait, as many as possible. The job of bait is to do the Crimson arc "Project: world wide red" arc and do all the missions up to the "stop all wildflower agents" mission (9th mission in the arc). Once this mission has been completed instead of clicking on the mission exit button the mission owner Must use they're teleport to pocket D temp power and go to pocket D straight away from there you character will be safe from the ambush that occurs after the mission which will be the Kronos titan.
Preferably tanks and scrappers are the best choice for doing this arc since they can handle malta's stuns and also they have a better chance of surviving a kronos titans attacks. However you can use whatever you feel most at home with just make sure to bring purples so you can survive the krono's attacks if you going to try using a different arcthype.
My suggestion for those interested in being bait is to use ouroboros rather then doing this through crimson normally at least you'll know what arc your dealing with then and wont have to mess with annoying side missions. Also fear not, you will spawn a giant monster level Kronos titan regaurdless of level so feel free to do the arc in heroic which would take most people an hour to do.
Other positions will be crowd control or raid liaison if you will, who's job is to relay whats going on backstage to the mob and to hopefully be able to keep them at bay too while we set things up. The final position is paladin herder, as the name suggests its they're job to bring the paladins to the party.
Of course after the robots are dealt with we will proceed on to giant monster hunting.
Also one more thing, make sure to spread the word about RR4 the more people that come the better it will be. So if you find anyone who's interested with helping organizing this and being bait tell em to send me a global tell and ill give them the lowdown. oh and another thing, if anyone's planning to attend for just the badge i strongly suggest not being bait and forming a team before hand, you'll have better chances of getting the badge that way.
Sooooo who's up for getting into the halloween spirit and up for smashing some robots?