TF - Yay or nay?
shout roots you for to long in pvp, scream, shriek, screech is nice -res stacking.
Well the reason most blasters dont take TF in pvp is the rooting time but like Toy' said Shout also roots a hell of alot, but personally i would get rid of TF, EP and BS is more than enough melee.
I have a level 44 Sonic/En Blaster and I just respeced out of TF. I never liked TF for the damage, I took it for the mag4 stun. Following its reduction in magnitude, I've replaced it with Air Superiority and it works just as well. By the time the target gets back on their feet, I can apply Screech and Bone Smasher which normally stuns them (less so on bosses, I tend to use knockback for them instead). If not, it's a quick Power Thrust to the other side of the room for them.
I don't PvP that much so not sure how that would work out there but it works a treat in PvE.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

good morning lovelies,
So, i have a lvl 48 sonic/em blaster, and was considering getting rid of TF. Most likely to pick up boost range instead as I figure it may help me should I ever choose to PvP with her. She is a pure ST blapper build, has 2 st ranged attacks (scream and shout, shake it all about), energy punch and bonesmasher, which with hasten and +45% recharge from sets seems to get me by just fine.
TBH most of the time I don't use total focus because of the animation time - it's pretty much only to ensure a stun on a boss with screech.
So, opinions, do you think i'll really miss not having TF? will screech + BS be too unreliable for mezzing bosses?
Ta in advance, will post my build later.
I miss him in the weeping of the rain;
I want him at the shrinking of the tide;
The old snows melt from every mountain-side,
And last year's leaves are smoke in every lane;
But last year's bitter loving must remain
~Edna St. Vincent Millay