The Hollows Revamp?
Well, we've been fighting villains there for several years now, and with the help of the Legacy Chain we've made the zone a little less dangerous.
It's still nowhere near safe enough to start reconstruction work like in Faultline, but we have made a little bit of progress
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
When you are in the middle of the hollows do you really want to go all the way to atlas/skyway just to level and sell useless to's?
i c what ur on abbout mt8, but ur logic for now is well. not logical:P

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N.B. If you are going to do smt, please do it or GTFO and STFU nab
Isn't Striga Isle a hazard zone? That has a trainer.....
Its a fair point, can see where your coming from but the point of the revamp was to make the transition city to hazard a bit less of a large step.
Wether its justified or not is another point but im in favour of having a trainer in the hollows if not for the new player but for the vets not having to run back to Atlas etc just to sell or level (if they feel the urge to do Hollows that is )
...but no shops, while the shards are Hazards too and they have shops but no trainer.
I'm not sure there were ever any hard and fast rules on this, and for better or worse (better, IMHO) recent changes have been adding facilities to cut down on gratuitous travel requirements.
be glad they did, did you forgot how annoying it is to die and then have a DC because the loading screen doesn't load?
If it weren't for the hospital, the shop and the trainer I would not go to The Hollows.
I always found it stupid that those things weren't there in a "gigantic" map without most of the time pre travel power.
And Atlas, if you have to walk, through 3 loading screens(one from Hollows to Atlas, one from Atlast to HOllows, and then the mission door load) not very close. Even with the raptor pack...not close if you ask me.
Sometimes I rather have things being done because it makes things more fun(or less bothersome) then stay with so called pre established rules that hazard zones are not allowed to have such facilities...
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I'm not good at giving advice, can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?
be glad they did, did you forgot how annoying it is to die and then have a DC because the loading screen doesn't load?
[/ QUOTE ]
No, that's why I said "for better or worse (better, IMHO)".
One or two things I don't like about the Hollows revamp is having a trainer and a store's.
As I thought this was a hazard zone, I thought it was not meant to have them. Also a bit pointless having both there as a trainer & auction house is nearby in Atlas Park.