A decent Fire/Fire/Ice build?




Been thinking of creating a Fire/Fire/Ice blaster and was just wondering if anyone had any build suggestions or examples just so I have a frame to work with?

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Wich style you prefer? Close combat AoE madness or more the 'ranged spammer' blaster?

/fire rely heavy on melee PBAoE based powers, being next to a tank its really lovely to play. But solo can be tricky, as you have no mezz-power at all.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

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I find mine extremely easy to solo with, and that was before being able to use tier 1 and 2 while mezzed or insp crafting. 2-3 baddies solo spawns are down before they can mumble an 'ouch' after IO's. Aid self is quite useful tho, both in teams and soloing, and remember to have 3 small lucks ready before rushing into the boss and it's just as easy as soloing with a scrapper, but way faster. Anyways a fire/fire blaster really shines when teaming and soloing should be a last option imo



Hi Dr_Mechano

I have a lvl 19 Fire/Fire Blaster with the following powers:

Fire Blast: Fire Blast, Fire Ball, Rain of Fire, Fire Breath and Aim
Fire Manipulation: Ring of Fire, Fire Sword
Pool Powers: Swift, Health, Air Superiority, Fly.

It’s a good power set, even now, when playing on Rugged, Bosses are a bit of a pain, but as long as you get rid of the minions first you should be ok. I am focusing on slotting powers in the Fire Blast pool.

I would recommend that fitness (stamina) is required as well, I can’t wait for lvl 21 with three End Mods in Stamina. Team playing is a scream, especially with a tanker that tanks, but I have found that I just run out of end so quickly at this lvl.

I have no idea about /Ice in the APP so can’t really say.

I do like Dark_Blasphemy’s idea of going down the Aid Self route, just for the badge 

If you are looking to team up Dr, I’d be game for it, two fire/fire blasters would just rock. Phyrephly (I fink that’s his name) is currently on Union.


Morphius - MA/Regen - Union
Taelan - Ice B/Ice M - Union
Hellyon - Ice A/SS - Defiant
Bubbletastic - FF/Energy B - Union




I'm up to lvl 36 with my Fire/Ice build and will be building a PVP toon from this. if you need any advice contact me in game @durin danark