Blackguard Badge
well Wytchlight & haemathetica would be up for support Xem
Put me down for it pls
Terror fish lvl 50 Grav/NRG Dom

A Fishy Tale: Arc ID: 334602
Co-Leader of the CREE when I can be bothered.
well, that's 4 :P
All of them bar Haem will be 1 shotted by anyone who takes pleasure from ruining something like this. Shall we set a date for it? Will cross post onto SG forums also, try and get a decent turnout.
the evening of Monday the 12th. Only problem is, RV fills up around then, so it'd have to be quite late...
well I know for a fact Wytch, fish & I are usually up till about 2am on our hero team so im sure we can do villainy for 1 late night :P
that will be the same evening wytch & I get our 6 month vet award :P
I'm up for it.
I can talk to some of the villain RV usuals too for some additional interest.
I'm sure most RV visiting heroes will recognise the uniqueness of such hunts and be more than happy to hold off or even grab a villain alt to get the badges. That said, in all honesty it's rare these days that there's a comparable amount of heroes in RV to trouble the villains to that extent.
There may be a couple of "characters" that are likely to just try and cause problems. I doubt the genuine PvP players will cause any problems, because they're more keen to have PvP happening in a positive way than harrang the PvE people that will come to badge for just one evening.
With luck it might fall into place that the heroe sig characters get bagged nice and quickly and a few might like to stay on for some battles after ?
It's been a while since one of these so I'm sure the SG and coaltions must be full of new alts interested in getting these .
Sounds like a plan Mighty, would love to have you along
Minority of 'Character's' are the exact same who ruined it for me last time, but i'm sure it wont repeat itself.
We'll stick to that date then, normal evening time. 9pm onwards unless there are objections
I am happy to help as well
H L50s Doctor Mangler (MoSTF),Phobos,Ms Magma,Hai Karate,Blue Marvel (MoSTF),Joanna Sapphire (MoSTF)
V L50s Bella-Donna (MoLRSF),Ms G,Sulfur (MoLRSF),Doc Mangler,Volga, Noctis Viduata
Globals @ Doc M, Doc.M, Doc-M
May have to move the date slightly. Are all the nights that week alright? Wednesday or Thursday evening?
Sorry for the inconvenience
I'll be in - still need a couple of Heroes to polish off the set!
i cant see a problem, you got my global, I have wytch beside me and Fish is often on TS :P
Most nights should be ok for me. A couple of days notice at least would be very preferrable as I'll tend to have signed up to a TF or something otherwise .
Ok with me.
H L50s Doctor Mangler (MoSTF),Phobos,Ms Magma,Hai Karate,Blue Marvel (MoSTF),Joanna Sapphire (MoSTF)
V L50s Bella-Donna (MoLRSF),Ms G,Sulfur (MoLRSF),Doc Mangler,Volga, Noctis Viduata
Globals @ Doc M, Doc.M, Doc-M
May have to move the date slightly. Are all the nights that week alright? Wednesday or Thursday evening?
Sorry for the inconvenience
[/ QUOTE ]
Both ok, but Wednesday is a better choice for me.
Proud member of Blaze of the Immortals (Heroes) and leader of F.O.E (villains)
Plumber, Ice Desert Girl, Doc Goodheart, Banana Machoman, Pavattone, Penguin Shark, Sting like a Bee
Bricklayer, Savage Dentist, Fruit Cocktail, H. Yashida, Shesinellek
wonder if making this a monthly 'thang' would be a good idea too, would be fun to say the least.
Early morning at the weekend could be a choice as well (ok possibly not if weve been out on the booze the night before)
Xem I team with you quite alot on TF's, and am very regular on-line, just send me a tell or global via events channel and i'll be glad to lend a hand in RV, I am not opposed to hero bashing, espically griefers that think they own the zone, and will be quite happy to stay the whole night untill said griefer cries.
Too many 50's to list here's a few you may know.
Slazenger, Area51, Area53, Area54, Erruption, Mind Plague, Thresher, Sheath, Broadside, Debt
Being a slave to those accursed badges, i'm quite keen to ge these RV badges. Sadly, trying to organise a team for it normally conflicts with prime time RV can only imagine the carnage from this (especially when the odd player genuinely has it in for me, taking please from pointless griefing)
So i propose the following. If we can get enough interest for some Phalanx Hero bashin, get as many as we can, and hopefully max out the zone, leaving plenty of time to get the Heroes.
If there's significantly less interest, then a decent time when RV is quiet is also absolutely fine