73 -
*snigger* your welcome *snigger*
send me a tell if you dont get enough people (Ill be on a hero shhhh)
I can fill a spot with my rad/warmth if nessissary (but only if needed as Im badge hunting with heroes)
@haemathetica -
well about 7 / 8 ish Ill try get wytchlight on for
well we did it, well done all
Few more practices -
Right Im trying to be there, but just a quick warning Im really feeling unwell so may not be on top form.
this sunday I can do Ruularuu (however its spelt) as Wytchlight has a mission to spawn it, so possible to take upto 7 others for that.
We will need some kind of slow/trapping skill to do ghosts with but thats easy enough. so they can be this sunday too
Im not feeling very well - allergens are killing me atm (darn them) I dont mind organising hunt evenings for a couple of weeks,but after that gonna need help as I will be off on a house move.
See if we can fi in the toxic spider thingies, Lost bosses and something else in too, see what happens -
then we will partition this to be called the "Smurf grats board" instead of defiant villains as anyone non smurf wont bother reading or posting again.
Guys if you post just remember to set the little 'reminder' at the bottom after posting, youll be able to find it easy from your personal home area then.
Being political and nice just got me abused through tells so I really cant be bothered to play silly games with bullies... I have school teachers and conglomarates to do that with. -
i got shields on haemathetica love, its no biggie, Im sure when we all meet up we can respec/change toons and come up with something interesting
I hate cookie cutter builds and 1 man ego trip teams and the last couple of times (even if we didnt finish) were hard work but team building enjoyable. Certainly a good learning curve. Team is a lot more than builds... its the people playing them too
Im on ganker avoidance over the week getting some nukes if i see you on at stupid oclock Ill buzz to say what Im up to -
Blue Rabbit is a fun bunny, i love playing on a team with his lot, always guarenteed a giggle.
limitation on chat channels is a little of a crux for many so no worries on that. -
think might be worth a link up? I can try edit the OP to add it in (im not sure if theres a edit time window)
ok blonde there obviously as controllers are heroes... sorry!
I need more coffee. Playing till 2 am then getting up at 6 is killing me -
Grats to Festa for his first Villain, I was on when it was said in defiant Events so I posted :P
Ill look into the whole chat channel thing in a bit, I have to admit Defiant Events can be overpoweringly hero sometimes.
OK logging in now to check out a villainy chat channel
Ive made a channel called 'Villain Support' for now. If anyone would like to offer thier support as a operator that would be great.
I had to drop DefiantBadgers off my list tho, its normally deathly quiet anyway! -
Oh, I need a few Mayhem map badges that I missed when teaming.
[/ QUOTE ]
Let me know what ones u need, ive alts at most lvls so it shouldnt take long to blast through the mayhem's for the badges
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually thats a real good idea as quite often people accidentally out level the mayhems (I need steel canyon I think on Haemathetica)
LOL I got in my head Bankrob Mondays for some reason.... blame the kids... the Weenie Hut Jr episode of Spongebob is on.....
****event idea****
Who would like to do a cossie comp? Would have to try find the prizes mind! -
Ive done the following:
a SG showoff/recruitement thread
a badge hunter thread
Wytch started the "Ive Dinged 50 thread" which should help tidy the board up a little and make it easier for any new villains to get around a bit.
I propose a few SF races and a monthly GM hunt - either for the full sheebang of 4 (not inc halloween/event) or just the odd one
I could do with some voluteer organisers as I will possibly be offline in a few weeks for a unspecified amount of time (Im moving house!) -
wonder if making this a monthly 'thang' would be a good idea too, would be fun to say the least.
Early morning at the weekend could be a choice as well (ok possibly not if weve been out on the booze the night before) -
Any other SGs recruiting/want to show off?
OK whos up for Obo/foe farming then on sunday evening? is that a easy night for most people?
I can try run it most sundays (post Mothership raid ofcourse) and vary the foe we are after, maybe even get a couple depending on whos up for the team/ levels etc
So is sundat night badge farming a good one or is another night more convenient?
I have to admit im going to be a little sketchy in a few weeks do to a house move but hopefully i wont be off for too long. -
You know what would be real ace? if you could post a picci of your new 50 on this thread for the grats too, I think that would be pritty great.
Love to see a team shot!
Londoner - thats great so you are all waiting for the Veats now to roll again? could be interesteding... a full Veat team of smurfs!
Howabout a post with your 50s pics in? Id like to see Smurf seed... is that a plant controller? -
there are currently 41 hunting badges & 4 GM badges on COV
Annihilator for defeating the future Freedom Phalanx during Lord Recluse's Strike Force.
Banisher for defeating 200 Banished Pantheon Spirit Masks
Bonecrusher for defeating 50 Skulls Bone Daddies
Coldhearted for defeating 250 CoT cold demons, including Hordlings and Hellfrosts
Devourer of Earth for defeating 500 Devouring Earth eminators
Electrician for defeating 100 Gremlins
Finder for defeating 100 The Lost bosses
Fort Knox for defeating 100 Gold Bricker Rocketmen
Gangbuster for defeating 200 Marcone Bosses
Gearsmasher for defeating 100 Clockwork gears
Goon Squad for defeating 333 Cage Consortium Guards
Gravedigger for defeating 100 Vahzilok embalmed corpses
Hellspawned for defeating 50 Hellions Damned ones
Hammer Down for defeating the Ghost of Scrapyard
Hammerhead for defeating 200 Ghost of Scrapyard's followers
Illusionist for defeating 500 Illusionist pets from Master Illusionists
Infiltrator for defeating 100 Crey Paragon Protectors
Kill Skuls for defeating 500 Skulls of any type
Legionnaire for defeating 100 Warrior bosses
Man in Black/Woman in Black for defeating 100 Shivans
Monkeywrencher for defeating 50 Malta Group Zeus Titan robots
Pirate for trapping 10 ghosts in Fort Hades, Port Oakes
Privateer for defeating 100 Sky Raiders Sky Skiffs
Regenerator for defeating 100 Trolls bosses
Soul Binder for defeating 100 Circle of Thorns mages
Spectral for trapping 100 ghosts in Fort Hades, Port Oakes
Spider Smasher for defeating 200 Arachnos Wolf Spiders
Strike Buster for defeating 200 Scrapyarders (Sharkhead Isle)
The Mongoose for defeating 50 Snakes
The Silver Bullet for defeating 100 Council Warwolves
The Slayer for defeating 100 Council Vampyri
Tank Buster for defeating 100 Freakshow Tanks
Tracer for defeating 100 Tsoo sorcerers
Untouchable for defeating 100 The Family bosses
Unveiler for defeating 100 Nemesis Fake Nemesis robots
Venomous for defeating 200 Toxic Tarantulas
Villain for defeating 1000 Longbow
Visionary for defeating 100 Rularuu Overseers
Weatherman/Weathergirl for defeating 100 Outcasts bosses
Weed Whacker for defeating 100 Succubus or Hellfrosts
Zookeeper for defeating 1000 Rikti monkeys
Demon Slayer for defeating Baphomet during a mission
HellBane for defeating Caleb
Surging for defeating Deathsurge
Heat Seeker for defeating the Arachnos Flier in Grandville
of which the following are required for accolade badges/powers
Badges with Permanent Bonuses
Born in Battle
~ Pirate Badge
High Pain Threshold
~ Gangbuster Badge
~ Spider Smasher Badge
~ The Mongoose Badge
Badges with Activatable Powers
~ Coldhearted Badge
Headline Stealer
~ Electrician Badge
~ Strike Buster Badge
~ Surging Badge
~ Man in Black Badge
~ Bomb Specialist Badge
~ Chief Badge
~ Sentry Badge
Post which badges you need and we can see if we can get a group of like minded together and get them
Obviously the accolade badges ones are possibly more likely to have fuller teams than the others.... but lets have a go! -
so we could do a "Im hunting" thread? wouldnt be the same people running it every time though cus that wouldnt be fair.
Would like to see regular SF thread (only 1 mind) maybe with strikeanight listing which would be really useful, possibly cycling not so frequent too as people dont need to do binding the beast every week.
Also respec trial runs would be an idea.
Base salvage swap? (prolly pointless, but seing as people like arcane bases and were tech be easier that selling it in some cases)
MoLRSF & standard LRSF would be nice on regularity (even once a fortnight or once a month rota basis), and as Lady Grey is extreemly popular maybe a "im free for LGTF on these nights" might be a good one. -
Soloed it
No temps no deaths.
Got Master Of Arachnos Flier Badge
[/ QUOTE ]
lol good you can get mine for me while i get coffee :P
infact if you did mine id make you a coffee cake :P -
sigh theres always one
OK so how about a 'get to know you' SG thread?
Please dont post "im looking for SG" posts please lets have this a intro thread for the SGs so people can choose a SG for them & thier toon/game style
ok for example
Name : Crusaders of Injustice (Defiant)
Base Archtype : Tech
Base Size : Small hideyhole
Base facilities : transporters (5 beacons), medbay, workshop
Number of members : ~20 toons but 5 players
Gaming /Roleplay : Either or both!
Background : ~~~~~~~
Any special member requirements :
no actual requirements, however status will be reviewed after 2 weeks of joining. People are removed after 2 weeks of inactivity without saying on the forums (ie going to dedicate to my hero for 3 weeks etc)
Website : http://gw-crusadersofjustice.com
TS / Vent / etc : TS & Vent
If you come up with anything else people might want to see about your SG... put it!
(looking forward to seeing the Sisterhood of Hades & Murders unlimited on here, 2 biggest I know on defiant) -
London & Shockwave : Wytchlight says thanks ... hes currently making me rather happy by cooking dinner for Me & 5 kids
(well it will be edable atleast)
Mighty : its not worth trying to start it over, the waters passed time to move on.