first brute advice
Well, i have a level 50 em/elec brute, but em/elec is abit late blooming, you get your amazing powers pretty late, like energy transfer, power sink, power surge, and /elec is really good, you will have capped energy resistance, and alot of end drain res, so say good bye to the malta sappers.
And he has clearly been my fastest soloer, with sick damage and no endurance problems when you get power sink.
Perform very well in pvp aswell
This is just my opinion about em/elec since its the only brute i've played, i dunno about the other sets.
Electric Melee is an AoE-heavy set. The single target damage isn't great, but the AoEs and the coolness of the tier 9 power more than make up for it in my opinion. AoE goes well with the Brute playstyle of jumping into a large pack of mobs, letting them wail on you to pump up your Fury so you can take them all out with a bang.
Energy Melee is pretty much THE Single Target burst damage spec. It also has stuns built into every single attack (I think), so it offers a good amount of mitigation in that way as well. You may or may not like the pink glowy pom-poms that surround your fists when you're in combat.
Electric Armor is a nice resistance based set. While it lacks a heal or +regeneration, it grants you many goodies, such as immunity to endurance drains, Power Sink which will pretty much fill up your Endurance bar when used against 2 mobs if slotted with EndMod, meaning more SMASH! to go around. Short enough recharge to eliminate any Endurance issues. Another fun thing that benefits the Brute playstyle is Lightning Reflexes, a passive runspeed and recharge boost. Runspeed is good for melee ATs in general, and the +recharge means you can attack faster, and therefore build Fury better. You also get capped Energy Resistance, and trust me, Energy damage is veeeeery common, and often used by those factions that are considered more annoying in general. The set is a late bloomer, though.
Willpower is quite possibly the most newbie-friendly protection set in the game. It offers a sick amount of +regen when surrounded by mobs (which a good Brute should be at all times), as well as Quick Recovery, which combined with Stamina will make sure you will not have Endurance problems, ever. It also offers a huge amount of protection against Psionics, as well as Fear resistance which is rare. The actual mitigation of the set is somewhat low, but can easily be improved with Tough and Weave from the Fighting pool (and with QR+Stamina you will be able to run those toggles just fine in addition to those from Willpower). The set really begins to shine once you get Rise to the Challenge, your taunt aura.
I can't comment on the others but I know WP is really rather solid if you tack on weave. I took stamina on top of quick recovery and basically never have endurance problems against anything but malta sappers.
Now keep in mind that I stacked stamina because my WP brute runs 8 toggles, 10 if you count combat jumping and sprint. So that's a lot of endurance recovery right there.
Yes, WP is really solid, indeed, but it cries for a primary that packs a punch (just because you can afford the endurance cost of those heavy-hitters with Stamina and QR). I have soloed every Hero and AV I encountered with my EM/WP brute although I had to "cheat" heavily with temp powers against Lord Recluse and Positron. (Both are really tough for various reasons, but Recluse is definitely worth the effort, because he gives a multitude of the xp you get for "normal" AVs: iirc 321.140xp solo on level 46 when I fought him.)
Unfortunately Electric Melee lacks a little bit in that department and its secondary effect is only really useful if you have an endurance drain in your secondary, because endurance denial works only well if you can manage to keep your enemies at or close to zero endurance. Without a drain you will see this effect seldomly, because most things will be dead before they are drained.
However, with Elec/Elec you get Power Sink, so those two sets go really well together. My first level 50 brute was Elec/Elec and it is really fun to play, although it's very different from the EM/WP.
I have never played the comination EM/Elec, but it seems to be quite strong also (although the EM/Elec that was on the same team when we both dinged 50 seemed somewhat fragile when compared to my WP ).

If it has eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.
[/ QUOTE ]Absolute pushover with /Elec Armor. :P
Hehe, problem was not his damage, but his insane recharge debuff. It's pure despair to see him regenerate while you can do nothing but stand by.

If it has eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.
so i want to roll me a brute. i have a few ideas
energy melee/elec
elec/ will power
how ever not being that much of a villain player (1 lvl 30 and thats it) I've not really got a clue about them
basically i would like continuous smash with not a lot of endurance worry. must be a good early toon and not a late bloomer, any one who knows me will tell you I'm a bugger for rolling and abandoning new toons
so any thoughts or advice please