Carnie MM
With the recent addition of jester outfit.. lets hope for the best
Although 3 would be too strong, no MM has a mezz power in their primairy. I would go for the trow knife power or sortlike.
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
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With the recent addition of jester outfit.. lets hope for the best
Although 3 would be too strong, no MM has a mezz power in their primairy. I would go for the trow knife power or sortlike.
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Thats not true robots get disorient in photon grenade and its aoe
We as MM, not the pets (As tier3 pet of ninja and zombi both get hold/fear/imm powers).
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
No, robot MMs can get photon grenade which is disorient.
I'd like confuse from them, thing is; with that and the dark miasma set you could have 9 effective members of your team - more depending on how fast confuse recharges.
this would be heaven.
I adore MM's, is all I really play these days :3
And I am madly obsessed with carnies!
I think for attacks, I love the idea of perhaps a few improved 'spectral wounds' style powers, instead of control powers, for example.
Also, I think pets would go (but I'm usually wrong XD);
All pets would have;
Psychic Visage (Post Death Special, Point Blamk Area of Effect) Foe -Endurance
A Psychic Visage has left the body of the fallen Carnie and has stolen some of your Endurance!
Resistance Self +Defense (Psionic), +Resistances (Psionic)
Carnival of Shadows have defense to Psionic attacks, are resistant to Psionic damage but vulnerable to Lethal damage.
Tier 1;
3x Attendant
Energy Rings (Ranged, Lethal/Energy) Foe Disorient
You have been Disoriented by the Carnival of Shadows Attendant's Energy Ring.
Energy Ring Toss (Melee, Lethal/Energy) Foe Disorient
You have been Disoriented by the Carnival of Shadows Attendant's Energy Ring.
2x upgraded to Harlequin Juggler
Exploding Ring (Ranged, Targeted Area of Effect) Moderate Damage over Time, Energy, Foe -Endurance
Hurls an Electrical Ring that explodes on contact. Exploding Rings deals good damage in an area and also drains some endurance from each target it hits.
1x upgraded to Seneschal
Spit Fire (Ranged, Fire) Damage over Time, Fire
The Carnival of Shadows Seneschal has set you on fire with her Spit Fire.
Fire Breath (Ranged) Cone, Damage over Time, Fire
The Carnival of Shadows Seneschal breaths forth a cone of fire that burns all foes within it´s narrow cone. Very accurate and very deadly at medium range.
Torch (Melee, Smash/Fire) Damage over Time, Fire
The Carnival of Shadows Seneschal has set you on fire with her Torch.
Tier 2;
2x Illusionist
Flight Self fly
Illusionists can Fly!
Spectral Wounds (Ranged) High Damage, Psionic, +Special
You are covered in Spectral Wounds. You are not sure if you could have possibly taken this much damage.
Blind (Ranged) Foe Sleep
You are blinded!
Flash Point Blank Area of Effect, Foe Hold
The carnival Illusionist has blinded you!
No Melee attacks No Hand to Hand
Illusionists don´t have any Melee attacks at all
2x upgraded to Master Illusionist
Same powers as before, but added-
Phantasm Summon Phantasm: Ranged, Moderate Damage, Energy
You can construct a powerful entity composed of pure light. Although made of light, the Phantasm is tangible and has powerful Energy attacks. The Phantasm can also fly and summon duplicates of itself. The duplicates are intangible, and cannot be harmed. The duplicates' attacks deal illusory damage similar to that dealt by Spectral Wounds. Only the original Phantasm can be healed and buffed. Recharge: Very Long
Phase Shift Self Intangible
The Carnival of Shadows Illusionist can Phase Shift in and out of reality. While Phases out, the Illusionist becomes intangible, and cannot be affected by those in normal space.
Tier 3;
1x Iron Strongman
Hurl Ranged, Moderate Damage , Smash, Foe Knockback
You are able to tear up a chunk of ground beneath your feet and Hurl it at an enemy. This attack is close ranged, deals moderate damage and can knock foes back. Damage: Heavy. Recharge: Moderate.
Jab (Melee, Smash) Foe Disorient
You have been Disoriented by the Strongman's Jab.
Punch Melee, Smash, Foe Knockback
A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.
Haymaker Melee, Smash, Foe Knockback
The Haymaker is a slow attack, but it makes up for it with a greater damage and a high chance of Knockback.
Giant Mallet Melee, High Damage, Smash, Foe Knockdown
The Giant Mallet deals heavy damage and can knock down foes. Damage: Heavy; Recharge: Moderate.
Giant Mallet Smash Melee, Targeted Area of Effect, High Damage, Smash, Foe Knockdown
The Giant Mallet deals heavy damage in a small area and can knock down foes. Damage: Heavy; Recharge: Moderate.
Temp Invulnerability Toggle, Self +Resistances (Smash, Lethal)
When you activate this power, you become highly resistant to Smashing and Lethal damage for a short duration. Recharge: Very Long.
1x upgraded to Steel Strongman
Hand Clap Area of Effect Disorient, Knockdown
The Steel Strongman can clap his hands together to send out a violent shockwave. The shockwave can Knockdown most nearby foes and can Disorient many of those. Hand Clap deals no damage.
So there you go 8D
The only overpowered thing I can see, really, is the master illusionist phantasm.
I think to counter this, perhaps just the ability to summon a shorter duration PA, for example.
I also like the idea of their weakness to lethal damage, and their only real strength being in psi DEF/RES.
For pvp I adore the idea of psychic visage, any unwitting hero who kills your pets dealing with the evil end drain of this killer power!
Of course, it would be toned down in respect to the current one, in game. But apart from that, I think it'd be a well rounded, heavy in control but slightly lacking in overall damage set that would be amazing fun to play!
Obviously, this set won't be added into the game. I mean, people have been asking for carnival style costumes since the game went live. Now we have a jester's costume, so it's Carnie inspired, but obviously not replicated.
Perhaps just adding a 'Clown' or 'Circus' set, or something similar? That'd be amazing
What do you think? :3
Think I remember a post somewhere by, Posi, that they are not planning a Carnie or Clown MM. Ever.
Honestly? I'd like to never see a villain themed MM set. EVER.
Even the ninja MM isn't overly blatantly Tsoo based.
Making a villain group themed MM would just be far too much of a "niche catering" style move to me. After carnies were done, the freak lovers would complain. Then malta. Then blades. Then Rikti. Then CoT. It wouldn't end.
The MM sets need to be at least partially original just to stop some minor amounts of the complaining.
EDIT: Besides. I HATE carnies.
Friends are just enemies that haven't betrayed you yet.
Honestly? I'd like to never see a villain themed MM set. EVER.
Even the ninja MM isn't overly blatantly Tsoo based.
Making a villain group themed MM would just be far too much of a "niche catering" style move to me. After carnies were done, the freak lovers would complain. Then malta. Then blades. Then Rikti. Then CoT. It wouldn't end.
The MM sets need to be at least partially original just to stop some minor amounts of the complaining.
EDIT: Besides. I HATE carnies.
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What he said
Never have understood the obsession with Carnies personally; aside from the fact that of all the villain groups, Carnies are the only ones with female members that have a distinct aversion to clothes. Coincidence?
Personally (and I think this is another "nope it's never gonna happen" thing) I'd like to be able have customisable hench cossies. Zombie signature hero cossies for a necro MM. Brilliant. The complication of course is the upgrades. Each upgrade has a distinctive cossie change, so that'd make things a little difficult.
@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"
Truthfully? I'd LOVE some (at least semi) adaptable costumes. The main problem would wind up being servers having to account for not just one villain costume, but seven in the case of masterminds.
While it might be a nice pipe dream. In actuality it's an unfair use of other peoples processing power. More's the pity.
Friends are just enemies that haven't betrayed you yet.
While i agree with the sentiment that a carnie MM would be too niche. I really wanna see a MM set with female minions. Weather it's just allowing us to change appearance of exsisting sets (i could see female thugs, female ninjas and female mercs i spose. Robots and undead are kinda gender neutral). Or put in a new set, personally i'd like an army of catgirls, or schoolgirls (D.E.B.S anyone?).

There are so many cool powers in the game only possesed by Npcs, which makes you wonder why they dont make them available for players, cause it wouldnt take much time to do so since the code is already there.
What do you think about a carnie mm ?
Pets are already ingame which would make it easier to code.
Maybe somthing like this:
1. Spectral wounds (from illusion set)
2. Call Harlekin Juggler/Fencer
3. Blind or Deceive (from illusion set)
4. Cruel joke (1st upgrade)
5 Mad laughter (something like shockwave from sonic)
6. Call Strongmen or Seneshall
7. Summon Phantasm decoy (like decoy from the illusion phantasm minor dmg but invul)
8. Call Master Illusionist or Ring Mistress
(the debuffs on them need to be toned down aswell as the summoning abilities)
9. Deadly Joke (final upgrade)