Costume Competition - Union server
I dont have any nice cossies I think...will try to make it there anyway.
Great to see more cozzie comps
Well done to this SG, it's great to see a cossie comp being organised again. Everyone said that the introduction of Woolworths err I mean WENTWORTHS! would be the end of them as everyone would hoard their inf. Nice to see that coming to an end.
One little thing to be aware of tho, having checked out your website announcement, it says the prises are in INFAMY. since the comp is being held in Atlas I don't think many Villains are gonna be around to collect the prizes
Once again, top marks to you for community spirit and generosity. I may well bring along a toon or two to try my luck
One little thing to be aware of tho, having checked out your website announcement, it says the prises are in INFAMY. since the comp is being held in Atlas I don't think many Villains are gonna be around to collect the prizes
[/ QUOTE ]
thanks for the comment.
I do believe we advertised this under Union Heros topics!!
Sorry villains - you cant come!
See you all there anyway.
Get away from that computer once in a while!
Opinions are like bottoms, we all have one, and they usually stink.
Looking forward to it I'll be there.
Am I allowed to enter more than one toon?
If you have more than one plaync account and more than one computer, I see no reason why not.
The main point is - you have to be in Atlas, and online to take part - if you can co-ordinate more than one toon, then bring em on!!
Get away from that computer once in a while!
Opinions are like bottoms, we all have one, and they usually stink.
Pity I don't have four computers and accounts to go with them. My feet are an extra pair of hands, which I use often to open doors, pick things off of the floor, handle unsavoury things best not handled with the real pair etc. Ah well.. I'll try and make the competition.
Cool stuff. See you there out of morbid curiosity of what the winning line-up will be.
I think My 'Caithness Wolf' will attend.
'You lose more of your femininity every day Doroe. It's very appealing.' - SLEDGEHAMMER!
i dont like cossie comps im conspirisist you ALL fix them >.> <.< >-> >_>
Aurrius Valorum, reporting live from under Atlas' crotch
Well then. Congratulations to the three winners!
Shame I didn't win though... could've used the inf
Well congrats to whoever won but also........congrats to the organisers for pulling together what is easily the largest costume comp I have seen in this game!
Good work!
"oh so this is the usual size cozzie comp then.."
"..oh wait a few more turned up..."
"getting busier...."
" 0.o "
seriously it was a mass of names heh!
"no excuse for not going to ouroboros now...."
Yey...I see me 3 times plus one of those Ouroboros portals is mine - Aren't I cool?
Thanks to all who showed - It was our first ever and round of applause to Juguletta Diva for doing it. Weve learned a few things for the next one, but thanks for the experience!
Winners will be announced assoon a possible, together with screenies.
And welcome to all the people who joined our SG tonight!
Get away from that computer once in a while!
Opinions are like bottoms, we all have one, and they usually stink.
Thanks for the screenies Dustified, we will be posting some again too.
The Pride of Paragon hope you enjoyed it, and watch out for other events soon.
see here for the Pride Of Paragon Forums or here for the POP website.
Till the next time
Get away from that computer once in a while!
Opinions are like bottoms, we all have one, and they usually stink.
Very cool...and look forward to the less insane sequel.
Was really interesting seeing the amazingly brain-exploding costumes next to some classics. Though don't forget to post the winners...I think not knowing who won was the only sour note. Well, and siting next to Far Seer and the Super Baby. But that was sour awesome.
(Bumblegrave, that blue wolfthing in a scarf)
Well, I didn't win, but I managed to enjoy it, even with the shoving and more shoving from inconsiderate gits who absolutely HAD to stand in front of someone else. And heal spam. And buff spam.
But, my mains' fancy costume in an Arabian Nights style did land me a place in the finals. So all good.
Be great to see another competition happen too, as the turnout was astounding. I counted over 160-odd people in Atlas at the height of the madness.
Yay, I'm in 2 of them

A Fishy Tale: Arc ID: 334602
Co-Leader of the CREE when I can be bothered.
Finally the winners!
For anyone interested , there is a cozzie competition planned for this Thursday, 6th Decmber in Atlas Park (under the globe)at 7pm UK time, hosted by the Pride of Paragon Supergroup. Your event hostess is Juguletta Diva.
1st prize 20mill inf, 2nd 10mill, 3rd 5mill + booby prizes (wings boots etc) - more details can be found under
this link
come along and join the fun
Please note: our websrver is undergoing routine maintenance today, so if the link doesnt work, please try again later . Thanks
Get away from that computer once in a while!
Opinions are like bottoms, we all have one, and they usually stink.