LONDON-TRAPSMURF Dings the big 50!!
Congratulations mate, but how the heck you did it with that truly naff nova is beyond me
Proud Member Of The Forum Cartel, For Smurfs [/b] [/b]
Congrats old boy. You must be running out of power combos Villain side to try out!
BIG GRATZ too a top bloke, at last you can stop using that toon and the rest off us can keep them in AOE range instead off your nova pebble-dashing the bloody walls with the foes , my brute ran about that much he thought he was in a keep fit class ffs....
Congratulations on level 50 once again, London!
@Nanas (on Defiant)
Gratz on nova mob splating up walls lvl 50 ding London
Proud Member Of The Forum Cartel, For Smurfs

Big grats for your new 50 m8!

Proud Coleader of: Fuerza Letal (H), Liga de las Sombras (V), Legion del Fenix (H), Infernal Justice (H), and a happy member of GammaForce (H) and D.O.A. (V).
My alts:
This is English Forum, but London
(and dont forget to practice ur spanglish )
Gratz dude!
Big Gratz mate, well done
big Gratz to smurf
oh look big group my novas up hehehe
dam there after me
Im off
Another huge gratz from me as well lon,sorry i wasnt there as much for this ding but your nova was just to much to cope with
BIIIG bada-gratz, lelo corben dallas multipass!
Nova FTW! Poison trap FTW! Mines FTW!
But ice patch will save the day!
and a Gratz from me - well done
congrats Mark
Graaaaatz!!! I just hope thats the end of all that knockback.
Huge Gratz to London on dinging yet another char to 50!!As usual we had lots of fun getting there
Well done you
@Rhi @Rhi.
Proud Member Of The Forum Cartel, For Smurfs