Kheldian powersets.




Recently they announced that scrappers, tankers, stalkers and brutes would be getting new powersets to broaden the selections available, considering that scrapper/tanker sets were considered pretty thin to most players.

However, kheldians still only have 1 primary and 1 secondary to choose from, and i was simply thinking it would be nice if kheldians got some love. I mean it'd give a good chance for them to be played more for different roles. E.G. Seeing as the current sets seem to differ in their roles that a warshade seems to have more control and blaster type effects and peacebringers seem to have more scrapper and defender type effects, but would effectively be classed as a "Jack-of-all-trades". It might not be a bad idea seeing sets that are more diverse, i mean having different primaries and secondaries to choose from that would cater to a play style.

I personally would like to see more shapeshifting types x) less squid more dinosaur!! Rarr!



I think the idea is we get less sets but more powers in them, and anyway, if they wanted more sets, they could just bring out more epics.

Peaceshade, anyone?



We get more powers in the sets on the epic classes because we don't have epic pools. I still think it'd make the epic classes more interesting.



Well, Kheldians are jacks-of-all-trades per definition, at least that's how I see them. Just call it a 'racial trait' or something like that. So, I probably wouldn't quite understand why Peacebringer A with powerset 1 can't have a certain power, but his pal Peacebringer B with pwoerset 2 can.
In the case of humans (or other races represented by the standard ATs) it's not that hard to see why the natural MA scrapper can't choose powers of the likewise natural Katana scrapper and vice versa. They both specialise in their respective powers in order to be super.
But Kheldians are different. Their whole concept says that they don't need specialisation to be super. To the contrary: They are so special, because they are all the more powerful when they don't specialise.
So, I would support a suggestion to add more powers to Kheldian powersets for more variety, but separate powersets would leave a somewhat foul taste.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



I wouldn't be keen on multiple seperate powersets for the Kheldians myself, it just seems to go against what they are to me.

What I would do for alterations (on the Peacebringer front) is remove Photon Seekers completely and push Dawn Strike into that slot, then move Light Form over into the primary tree. To replace the missing slot in the secondary set, I'd give them some sort of mez protection power for human form.



this is not personal Avo but if you try to make my fluffy lights of doom dissapear i will let you dissapear =D. however i totally agree on some mez protection so why not have the mez prot in the shields like sleep, disorient in the first and knockback, hold in the second and in the third immobilize and fear. ps i would love a snipe on my pb i dont know why but always wanted a snipe xD



The reason khelds dont get a power with mez already in it is because we get mez from our inherent power, which does unfortunately mean carting around 2 or 3 trollers for all around mez protection.

On the plus side, a team of 1 Pb, 2scrappers, 2 blasters, 2 controllers and 1 defender would give the pb 40% bonus restists, 20% bonus damage and mez 2 protection all around, which s'alreight. Who needs a tank when you can get a pb that can nuke and still have better resists all around



The reason khelds dont get a power with mez already in it is because we get mez from our inherent power, which does unfortunately mean carting around 2 or 3 trollers for all around mez protection.

On the plus side, a team of 1 Pb, 2scrappers, 2 blasters, 2 controllers and 1 defender would give the pb 40% bonus restists, 20% bonus damage and mez 2 protection all around, which s'alreight. Who needs a tank when you can get a pb that can nuke and still have better resists all around

[/ QUOTE ]

Mag 2 protection? Am I supposed to be impressed? A scrapper unyielding for example is mag 10+. It is also without proper damage aura, no gauntlet and toHit check in taunt.. Phaugh.



Whilst keldians are refered to "jacks of all trades" there are some trades they don't have. They don't really have team buffs, and control is fairly limited.

I did suggest some alternative keldian powersets a while a go, I'll see if I can find them.

Edit: I found these ideas for alternative forms, I'm pretty sure I suggested some powersets for them to go in too, but I havn't found them yet

OK some form ideas (attmpting to use resourses aleady in game as much as possible).

Warwolf (scrapper form)

Form abilities: +hp, but less than dwarf, res to all but psi, Mez resist to stun, sleep and hold only, +damage, +run speed, +jump

Powers: A couple of melee attacks borrowed from Superstrengh, +Hurl and Rage. No travel power.

Creeper (stalker form)

This would use the arachnos spideroid skeleton, with a skin resembling the Dwarf armour plates.

Form powers: +Def (all but psi), resistance to stun, sleep, hold, +speed, +jump

Powers: Hide, Assassin Strike, Placate, Web (narrow cone imob, -fly, -speed), Teleport.

Grappler form (contoller type)

This looks like a huge humanoid body, compleatly covered in tenticles like the nova form.

Form powers: Resistance to sleep, stun, hold, knockback, Power Boost (+secondry effect) type effect.

Powers: tenticles shoot into ground, and emerge to hold or immobilise foes (basically reskinned plant control). Must be used on the ground against grounded targets. Ranged hold (with smash dot), ranged ST immobilise (with - recharge), rangeed aoe imob with smash dot, pbaoe hold, melee smash power, melee pbaoe toggle slow. Burrow travel power.

[/ QUOTE ]

Edit Edit: found it!


I really should do something about this signature.



Hmmmm, I don't know... Somehow this doesn't look right. Your suggestions from that thread seem to be nice... Actually I would like to see a new epic AT with that powerset, perhaps an evil one that could also use that MM set with the stalker form.
See, a WS with a stalker form and most of all Nictus fragments is using methods... yuck... It's like an alien zombie MM with AS. The normal WS powers are morally questionable enough, but what you suggest is a few steps further down the road. Even if it could be balanced power-wise I doubt that there is any chance to make it justifiable by even marginally heroic moral standards.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



There is PB stuff futher down the thread as well.

I really should do something about this signature.



Oh, I missed that, indeed. Looks nice, although a Bright Creeper form would probably disturb me just as much as the WS Creeper. But the buff-heavy set is a good idea.
The longer I look at these sets the less they feel like 'real' Peacebringers or Warshades, perhaps not even Kheldian, but more like a totally new class of epic shapeshifter.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



im sorry but NO NO NO i do not wanta see heroes epics getting any more work on them major like ie powers when they havent even relased villain epics. ok maybe once villain epics r out yes then they can look/add to hero epics but no way untill villains have theirs.

sorry i just feel very strong about villains and our'll epics

NOTE: intertesting idea though ppl.



Oh, I agree, villain epics need to be a much higher priority.

Indeed, I can't see the idea getting of the ground at all, sinc it would only benefit a small proportion of players (but more if heroes and villains had keldians).

Would be fun though.

I really should do something about this signature.



More good stuff to play with is always fun.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



The reason khelds dont get a power with mez already in it is because we get mez from our inherent power, which does unfortunately mean carting around 2 or 3 trollers for all around mez protection.

On the plus side, a team of 1 Pb, 2scrappers, 2 blasters, 2 controllers and 1 defender would give the pb 40% bonus restists, 20% bonus damage and mez 2 protection all around, which s'alreight. Who needs a tank when you can get a pb that can nuke and still have better resists all around

[/ QUOTE ]

Mag 2 protection? Am I supposed to be impressed? A scrapper unyielding for example is mag 10+. It is also without proper damage aura, no gauntlet and toHit check in taunt.. Phaugh.

[/ QUOTE ]

I did infact type the wrong number - it's mag 1 resist all around and that's ENOUGH for a majority of stuff in teams. Just because some other set has BETTER mez resist doesn't mean anything. It's like saying "My regen scrapper regenerates health faster than your invuln scrapper," whoop de doo.



I can't count the amount of times the 1 mag resist has failed me. Remember, that's 2 minions or 1 boss. Go on a CoT map, and you'll see how quickly your toggles drop. The majority of stuff with a mez will punch through it easily, or the mez won't be a huge part of the attack stream (a la Freakshow). A controller is useless. (For the team buff, i mean. Controllers rock and should be part of every team.)



Most of the time, mag 1 resistance is of little or no use, but mag 2 (i.e. 2 controllers) is plenty.

I really should do something about this signature.