Invasion! - Drawing




Well i was working on this a while back, but real life matters got in my way, so i spent all today and last night finishing it up.
Anyway i hope you all like.

Just click the image to enlarge




Very nice Coston!, some love gone into building that picture up!, Congratulations!.



When I looked at it the first thing I thought was "what is going on?", soon followed by "wow, that's some awesome drawing and colouring skills".

I especially like the pencil lines on the drone's eye, I don't know why but I like it

The down side is the composition, I feel. It looks to me like you've drawn a bit here and there, probably the two heroes first and then added the rest to fill out the paper. What ever the cause, the downside is that it's chaotic. It seems like a collection of individual bits put randomly on paper.

What is the fire blaster firing at?
Why is he standing so.. noncialant as if it's only target prectice?
Why is that drone looking in the same direction as the blast is going, but not AT the blast's destination?
What's the Rikti at the front up to?

I hope you find my random musings helpful
Keep up the good work!

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



Thank you both for your feedback and positive comments.

I can see where shadowghost is coming form, but you have to think around the picture more, maybe the drone has another target he is firing at, tand the fire blaster is also aiming at something thats not on my picture, remember it is a war zone, and i can only include certain things, witohut cluttering my image to much, same thing with the rikti upfront, he maybe not included in the fight behind him, and looking at what is in front of him, thinking who he is going to attack. Also one of my first ever pictures that has contained a full battle scene etc. so still learning about balancing my composition out =)

Thanks for the comments!, appreciated



My 2 cents:

First of all, let me say that I really this because as it was mentioned, it looks like you put effort, love and fun into this. So kudos to you Costie.

Second, I'd like to point out what, in my opinion, let's the drawing down.
**The cross-hatch.
It's too thick and clashes with the colouring. You shoud either have full areas of black for shading or simply ink thin lines as contour with no shading. The latter applies to cases where you're going to colour the pic fully.
**The poses.
If, as your comment states, it is a war zone, they would not be just standing there. They would be flexing their muscles, jumping in fear of getting caught or killed and in anger that the Rikti are invading their homes... Stretch those construction lines, bend those knees and elbows, tighten the muscles, veines and nerves on their bodies

And finally, the composition.
It all depends on how you look at it. I believe that if you're going to portray a full scene, make it a full scene. Not part of it. -IF- you're making a part of a scene.. you shouldn't have to explain what is going on like you did in your response to ShadowGhost.
The picture should speak for itself.

But these are my nitpicks. You're obviously on a great high here so keep at it.

Nice one.



Thanks swishy! glad you commented on my work and im glad you like it!

Theres just one thing i don't agree with, but it is your opinion and please note, i do not have a problem with it.

**The cross-hatch.
It's too thick and clashes with the colouring. You shoud either have full areas of black for shading or simply ink thin lines as contour with no shading. The latter applies to cases where you're going to colour the pic fully.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok, go pick a Marvel comic book up, Not Anime or anythng, make sure its Marvel, DC etc, and take your time to blank the color out and look at the amount of cross hatching on the image, this does vary from artist to artist, but you will find a lot of artists do go heavy on crosshatching, and mix it with color, it is what gives you a Comic feel, and of course there is no 'should' when it comes to art, It's just my style, but i do greatly respect your criticism for my work, and am great full and will take much off it into account.




I like the cross-hatch I think its your style, and I agree, it is comic-bookish



I say yes to the cross-hatch... but only if it doesn't include colour shading also.

For an example; The Hero with the helmet... that helmet looks good cross-hatched, but the colour shading does not blend within, if you are going to cross-hatch your artwork, only use cross-hatch, not colour shading, and vice versa.

The helmet is good cross-hatched, and I feel it would be better if the middle shaded area was cross-hatched also, to keep the effect prominent.

All in all, keep it to similar styles within a page, you have all sorts of stuff jumbled and piled on. Stick within a theme.

But your skill has grown tremendously the past few years, I remember back on MSN all that time ago when we were trading sketches, theres huge improvement here. As for me, I haven't drawn since so I'm as bad as a rusty old monkey wrench.



Thanks for the comments guys



like it very much .. the hero in blue looks so bored must be thinking

"here we go again don't they ever learn"

There are only three alternatives. It thinks were either a threat, food, or a mate. Its gonna either kill us, eat us, or hump us.