Big thanks to Archies Supergroup
Its been great being a hero again and to land in such a helpful and fun supergroup
Glad to meet you all and dont think your getting rid of all of us :P
Also a thanks to Lauren and the others we have met along the way our receptions been great. Smurfpower accross 2 servers - huzzah!
Yep we got a great welcome on Union and met some lovely people in and out of Archies SG, thanks also to those we teamed with on the odd occasion we had a space in the team, you were all great
Yes we all had a blast in ARCHIES , the fun and laughter we all had was well enjoyed and as they say in Ireland "the craic was mighty " ...cheers all
Yes thanks alot to all the archies for giving us a home on union.
A big thank you from me also, was a pleasure to be part of such a great Sg Thank you for having all us Smurfs and Smurfettes.
@Rhi @Rhi.
Proud Member Of The Forum Cartel, For Smurfs

maybe i should post this on general as well under the title
PUGS are good
this is how I met superflame aka cybo the BALDRICK.
I was sending my normal oh your not in a team invite him/her now. On def villains mainly becuse i didnt know maeny plp on def at the time. Cybo jion the team me on my thug/dark and him on his bot/dark. Safe to say we killed all befor us. To cut a long story short (may post the long version in general1 day)he introduced me to Londons sg and I introduce the smurfs cov to archies or rather the cov def version. Most of us had only just started on def after running out of slots on union. (so blame me guys oh and cybo)
I am now the proud owner of 3 smurfs cookedfromfrozen smurf and vindaloo smurf on def and hob nob smurf on union
Its been great fun getting to know new plp on def and expanding the circle of players & friends.
The moral of this story is accept that PUG invite on occasion you never know where it may lead.
thanks smurfs
Your very welcome in Archies of course, its nice to have you all around and your begining to convert me into a smurf lover
also just thought I would say that once you join our asylum you never leave
And thank you to the smurfs too for providing us extra giggles. You're very welcome in the Archies
And as Mini said, once you enter the nuthouse, there's no leaving
I would just like to thank on behalf of 'ALL' the Smurfs, 'Archies Alts' and Archies in general for the warm welcome we recieved and the friendly SG's and coalitions they all run. We all met new friends and had a ball running our fire/rad superteam and I hope I have the pleasure of teaming with those in the SG in the future.
Once again thankyou all.