Workers Unite: 1 May event in Atlas Park!
There's 6 of us now, but I want the park filled with protesters! Get over there now! :-)
Lol, servers go down in 30 minutes... sigh!
6 ppl.. SIX people! Our "protect against the lack of the flyer" in Grandville was way more successful..
Well, it was fun anyway. See you on the other side of the "Let's grind again" horror!
Woord brotha':
Give us content, give us content!
Down with inventions, down with inventions!
Give us clown cossies and fat bellies!
Retirement homes for aging heroes!
N#die beach in Talos! N#de carnies for everyone!
More content, less discontent!
Proletarians unite! Down with capitalism (e.g. inventions)!
Let's grind again, like we did last summer!
Leeeet's grind again, grinding times are here!
Oh, yeeaah! Peace motha'!
You'd have more luck if you did this when everyone isn't at work/school.
lmao pwned by downtime
Today,workers all over the globe unite to fight capitalism, and the greatest threat is revealed: the dreaded invention system - a capitalist invention that will force workers into more slave labour.
[/ QUOTE ]
Force? No one's making anyone use them
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
lies, ive seen u runnind round with a gun pointing it @ people and making them take +res to holds!.....
Let us make this the biggest protest in Atlas Park history. The Stalinizer is already in place, so log on and start protesting (until I9 takes us down)
[/ QUOTE ]Had you organised this protest well in may have had more than 6 people turn up. Bad planning on your behalf!
Main 50 & Badger Nine Claws Claws/Regen/Body
Other 50's Ph10x Brute Unjust Law Tanker Samantha Urai Scrapper Codename 1250 Scrapper
Cepheus Defender Nilus Scrapper Electro Field Blaster S.PONGE Tanker
ye GG, j00 teh gun wielding suXx0r!
Today,workers all over the globe unite to fight capitalism, and the greatest threat is revealed: the dreaded invention system - a capitalist invention that will force workers into more slave labour.

Workers unite in Atlas park to protest today!
Special Guest appearance by the long lost comrade: The Stalinizer . Ask him nicely and you'll even see him in chicken outfit!
Let us make this the biggest protest in Atlas Park history. The Stalinizer is already in place, so log on and start protesting (until I9 takes us down)