The last 4 powers




I finally hit 40 on my Peacebringer today. Practically all my powers are slotted as I'd like them, and I have all the ones I was sure I wanted. In one level's time time I'll hit 41... and I don't have a clue what I really want for my final few powers. She's a Human/Nova with an emphasis on the human side and no intention of PvPing.

Powers I already have...

Luminous Blast
Luminous Bolt
Luminous Blast
Bright Nova
Radiant Strike
Incandescent Strike
Photon Seekers

Luminous Aura
Essence Boost
Reform Essence
Shining Shield
Conserve Energy
Quantum Flight
Restore Essence
Light Form

Speed Pool

Fitness Pool

Anybody got any bright ideas for what I should take for the final 4?

I'm currently considering...

Glowing Touch - I'm not much of a healer even on a proper healing character, but having the option to heal someone would be a bonus.
Dawn Strike - Not taken so far because I hate the idea of the end crash and stun, seems far too risky.
Thermal and Quantum shields - Shining shield feels quite limited against many villian groups now.
Boxing and Tough - Not taken so far because I hate wasting a power pick, and I would probably never use Boxing. (... unless that's the one that stuns. Would that stack with IS's stun?)

Ones I've dropped in the past...
Dwarf Form - I'm not crazy about tanking, making it effective took too many slots, and it didn't fit concept. Now that I have Light Form I don't feel I need it.
Solar Flare - I use Combat Flight for KB protection, maneuverability and concept reasons. You can't use Solar Flare while flying
Leaping Pool - Fighting in Combat Flight removes the need for Acrobatics IMO.

What do you think I should grab? Anything I'm missing?

"The Hamidon is a what what of what?" - Brian the mission guy.



After issue 9 you may want a +def power, so you might consider Combat Jumping or Manouvers.

Otherwise if you don't feel you need any of the powers you mention, you may as well grab Glowing Touch, one day a teammate might be greatful.

I really should do something about this signature.



I'd go with Dawn Strike for one pick. It's not a huge nuke but can come in handy - especially the knockback to buy yourself a few seconds. There is no stun and with Conserve running, one CAB will get you straight back in the fight. Even more so if you happen to be in LF at the time of using it. Plus it's fun and looks nice.

If you've picked DS then you'll need Build Up as well. I'm surprised it's not already on your list? I've used Glowing Touch to save team-mates from debt in the past and it's handy to have. Maybe Dwarf for four. Even if you don't slot it at all you get an extra heal and emergency tp should you ever need it.



Good spot, I din't notice Build Up was missing. How can you play a human form PB without build up?!

I really should do something about this signature.



Oops. I do have build up. Just forgot it.

Thanks for the advice. I've never got a blaster to 32, but I was under the impression nukes stunned - guess DS is an exception. It definitely looks like a better choice.

A +def power is also a good idea. I'll look at the available ones and pick one. Maneuvers might be good because then I could pick up Tactics and help my accuracy, though that might put a strain on my end. Guess I'll need to try it and see.

Which leaves probably Glowing Touch, and Dwarf Form if I don't get Tactics.

EDIT: Hm, looking at it again... Combat Flight+Maneuvers+Tactics = 0.5 end-per-whatever. Which is the same as Fly, and my end always drains very quickly when accidently fighting from fly. Tactics doesn't look like it'll be practical without more endred slots. Its looking like CJ may be the best option. Much less end cost and doesn't require slotting.

"The Hamidon is a what what of what?" - Brian the mission guy.



personally i'd get combat jumping for immob, Super jump so you can get acrobatics, will give you the knockback protection while being able to move at normal speed, as well as a bit of hold resistance. Then you could repick solar flare or get dawn strike, just cos its a nova



Nukes stun? Since when?


"You should come inside the box... Then you'll know what I mean."



I was under the impression that they self-stunned, as I think I remembered reading that somewhere. But I've never had a blaster over 32, so never tested it myself. Guess I was mistaken.

"The Hamidon is a what what of what?" - Brian the mission guy.