Your greatest brute moment




Think it is a post about scrappers greatest moments, so i decided to make a brute version of it

My greatest brute moment is when i got attacked by 4 players and a heavy with my EM/elec brute in RV. It was no doubts that i had to pop power surge when they attacked, and they builded my fury up very fast. When my fury was high enough i went for the empathy, the poor dude got 2 shooted by TF+ET. The heavy also died so i was quite happy about that, then i killed the blaster and scrapper. The other scrapper popped elude so i coulnt beat him, and i dident noticed that power surge was about to drop, so she killed me. Still i was happy about i managed to get the most of them.

Whats your greatest brute moment?



My first 3200 damage on Citadel, back in august 06 when we used nukes to do the RSF. You could see a decent chunk of their total health going down with each ET/TF, really felt great even if it was only because of the -res debuffs and +dam buffs.


Some blaster who used a nuke on me in RV, while I was in power surge. Nothing makes you feel as strong as shrugging off a nuclear missile.

Broken Fury was also quite fun, all those 2-shot and the endless whines of the hero fotms on broadcast.

It seems everything I really like is being overpowered.



Getting the last hit against statesman in RV, wish i haddnt lost the screenie.
Every TF i did, especialy duoing the Eye of the Leviathan, with my stalker friend after reinforcments wiped the rest of the team.

TBH i find it difficult to pick the best bits becouse i love to SMASH!!! and loved the whole jorney to 50 and all that followed



Without a doubt it was meeting the lovely Cerebria outside Fort Cerberus on Mercy Island. Pretty much been an inseperable "crime causing" duo ever since... Yes occasionally The Colonel has a soft moment...



My greatest brute moment... Entering the Peregrine Island mayhem mission and realising that the police force consisted almost exclusively of peacebringers. Oh, elec/elec joy! I couldn´t stop grinning until everything and everyone on the map was utterly destroyed. I didn´t even spare the parking meters.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



I think mine would have been the mayhem mission before, when I found a big bunch of low damage psi cops. The stupid agro cap meant I couldn't actually get hurt, but clearing the map suddenly became an end issue rather than something to concentrate on

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



My greatest moment was tauntin all four heroes and soloing BAB in the future freedom phalanx mission. Until, my teammates interupted by killing the other 3 and stealing my kill damn kill stealers. I will have my rematch soon enough.

My other great moment was causing 2.1k damage to the malta AV in the lrsf. Good times.