A little something new
Hey this picture is really cute. I love it.
Keep up the good work.
"I'm not the biggest guy or the strongest guy around, when I get cut up it hurts like hell. I don't have invulnerable skin or telekinesis or accelerated healing. I'm just me, but I've got your back, I'm by your side, I'm way out in front. Fear can't hold me back from doing what I know to be right."
Don't ask me about joining Honourable United, I'm lazy. Ask Captain Cathode.
"If I had a punch, I would so hit that guy." - Millenium (because drinking nail varnish remover is for real men)
"Even though the distance between us might aswell have been infinity, I know you are always there for me. I know you have suffered with me in my moments of pain and smiled with me in my moments of joy. You took a journey of a thousand miles to reunite us on nothing but a slim belief it was right. I believe in no higher power than your love and our bond."
The Mint twins. Mint Muse - empath/psychic defender and Mint Sage - mind/kinetic controller. A pair of mutant psychics separated at birth but reunited. All together now, awww. Maybe Muse can start making a civil human being out of Sage, but we're not holding out much hope of that, to be honest,
Don't ask me about joining Honourable United, I'm lazy. Ask Captain Cathode.
"If I had a punch, I would so hit that guy." - Millenium (because drinking nail varnish remover is for real men)
"You ask so many questions and reject so many answers. You do not have to always be on. It's okay to switch off. When everything is in disarray and the spool unravels in your hand, just stop. Breathe. Return to your place of sanctuary and become renewed. Once you have conquered your within, you may start to deal with your without."
Madam Delphine - katana/SR scrapper, diplomat, spy and priestess of Love. She is many things to many people, and to all she is a bastion of calm and a sympathetic ear.
Don't ask me about joining Honourable United, I'm lazy. Ask Captain Cathode.
"If I had a punch, I would so hit that guy." - Millenium (because drinking nail varnish remover is for real men)
i love the stained glass window look ^_^
Dunno why, but these made me think of Tarot cards for some reason...
I'm definitely turning out to be a big fan of your work Jakey.
Much love has been poured in those pictures.
Don't stop now ^^
Nice work, it's turning into a cool set. Me likes
"Maybe in the end, what makes heroes into heroes...is that we're just too stupid to quit."
It's been a LONG time since my last update, but a new job has cut into my doodling time. However, while at training, I had some free time:
"Is not always being easy. Is not always being safe. Is okay. Know it all becoming of good. Will be good places one day. Is okay."
Soul Rain - the most gentle soul who will kill purely on reflex with his ripping claws. He can't speak very well, and there's oft a bamboozled team-mate wondering what the hell he just said, but on the whole, people can just about get the gist . Claws/Energy Stalker.
Don't ask me about joining Honourable United, I'm lazy. Ask Captain Cathode.
"If I had a punch, I would so hit that guy." - Millenium (because drinking nail varnish remover is for real men)
"You can say what you like about me, I cheat at cards, I crack wise, I steal the capes off heroes, but you can't ever say I only look out for Number 1. Well, that's only half true. Usually people say it and mean Number 1 is themselves. That's not how I work. I put her first. Always. It's not about debt, it's not because I owe her father for my livelihood and indeed, my life. It's because she earned it. She's the kind of woman who stood tall when things got bad. It's as simple as that. I do look out for Number 1, and that's Don Gerise. My boss, my leader, my sister."
Red Coat - ninja, gangster, card sharp. He's the right hand man of Don Gerise and helps run the Wild Cards. He's light hearted and genuinely fond of animals. He's not so thrilled with metas and will happily slam a whole bushel of them into the hospital (and if he gets lucky, the morgue). He doesn't actually like wearing ties, but the Don is a difficult woman to argue with.
Red Coat - Thugs/Poisons Mastermind. Hangs out on Defiant.
Don't ask me about joining Honourable United, I'm lazy. Ask Captain Cathode.
"If I had a punch, I would so hit that guy." - Millenium (because drinking nail varnish remover is for real men)
Wow! You are going great. These are awesome. You have an unique style. Both little stories and pictures are amazing.
Nice! good work me likes
Okay, so I've been on holiday and my job has kept me so tired I've not had much energy to draw, so here's what I've been doing on holiday. Shout if you like, don't if you don't.
Cyber Valkyrie - a birthday present for my good friend Winters. His Ice/ice tank in her 'cyber valkyrie' look that occurred in some fanfiction ('Broken String' by myself). There was a demand for me to draw this and it's the second attempt, one I'm actually pleased with and it's my first real attempt at colouring with markers, so any advice is welcome.
Draconis Grant - another present, this time for Lionheart UK of her toon: Draconis Grant (kinetics/radiation blast defender), who was to leave our community due to offline issues when I went on holiday, but has since been able to continue with us, so it's now a sort of 'yay, you're staying' present. this is done with my trusty old karisma pencils on a rocking boat, so forgive when the colour strays out of the lines.
Rosie aka "The Mint Muse" and Maralitu the succubus - more an exercise in pen control than anything else. That's why I drew them quite small on the page. Don't worry (or should I say 'sorry'?) there's nothing kinky here. Rosie and Mara are just good friends and Rosie is in fact the first person who has ever called Mara 'friend' in all her life. Rosie's quite fluffy that way.
Agme - Black and white doodle while I was at training. or on the train to training. She appears in a story I'm writing but she's one of the heroes that died in the Rikti War.
Andreas Smith - sketch for the upcoming card "Freedom" feat. my peacebringer/tank Andreas Smith (yeah, I don't like playing pbs so re-made him as a tank. C'est la vie).
Don't ask me about joining Honourable United, I'm lazy. Ask Captain Cathode.
"If I had a punch, I would so hit that guy." - Millenium (because drinking nail varnish remover is for real men)
Those are excellant Jakey, great perspective and anatomy and I love the chibi-Mint Muse :P
I'm just messing around with styles at the moment.
"I don't want to fight. I'm not here because I think violence solves anything. I'm here because if I'm not, someone's going to get hurt. It might be you, it might not be. But don't worry, I'm here and I'm not going to let any harm come to anyone. If I have to stand between you and a bullet then you know where to find me."
My ice tank, Max, aka the North Face.
Don't ask me about joining Honourable United, I'm lazy. Ask Captain Cathode.
"If I had a punch, I would so hit that guy." - Millenium (because drinking nail varnish remover is for real men)