Lowbie Battle Royal
Sounds fun, count me in.
Can Vet rewards be exluded from the arena? At lvl 5 I should imagine that Sands of Mu and the Nemisis Staff might be a little overpowered
There's no option to turn off Temp Powers, unfortunately. All we can do is ask people not to but those powers in their powerbar for the battles. Or encourage it.
I mean this sounds fun.
My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464
There's no option to turn off Temp Powers, unfortunately. All we can do is ask people not to but those powers in their powerbar for the battles. Or encourage it.
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Actually temp powers don't work inside arena at all (except arena temps bought from the shop) but vet reward powers aren't temp powers..
Can't use Vet powers in the Arana.
Problem solved!
Sounds fun, count me in!
Okay, gonna step this one up a bit.
<ul type="square">[*]The place: Pocket D Arena[*]The match: Battle royals or team battle royals[*]The weight: Level 1-5[*]Ground rules: (EDIT) No ground rules at this point.[*]The date: Tentatively, one evening during the week starting 5th February. I'm free any night that week except the 6th. If weeknights are no good, let me know and we'll try and arrange a time that accomodates the most people.[/list]If you're reading this and interested in joining in a fun little PvP event, reply with your name and prefered server below.
If we have a server clash, the event will likely move to Test.
If you're one of those who already expressed interest, can I ask you to post again with mroe info? Thanks!
[*]Ground rules: I'd like to try Tactical Start rules (disables insps) for fairness between true lvl 5s and exemped toons, but this is certainly open to discussion.
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Err, there's no arena setting that disables insps. Insps are an integral, required part of the game and disabling them is absolutely stupid. What tactical start does is make everyone start with 0 endurance.
What tactical start does is make everyone start with 0 endurance.
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Giving advantage to certain characters and builds.
[*]Ground rules: I'd like to try Tactical Start rules (disables insps) for fairness between true lvl 5s and exemped toons, but this is certainly open to discussion.
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Err, there's no arena setting that disables insps. Insps are an integral, required part of the game and disabling them is absolutely stupid. What tactical start does is make everyone start with 0 endurance.
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According to the Arena help text in-game, Tactical Start also disables insps. If that has been changed and the help text not updated, I apologise.
I would certainly agree that PvP above a certain level is balanced around and absolutely requires insipirations.
However at level 5 no character can possibly have more than one hold and no more than 2-3 mezzes in total, and those that do, do not tend to have the damage capability to destroy a player with one mezz application nor the recharge to stack it.
Really I see the inconvenience of no breakfrees as minor in comparison to the imbalance of popping a load of purple insps and becoming untouchable when no one has accuracy well slotted, or the imbalance between level 5 (8 insp slots) and level 50 (25).
If you feel I'm missing the point or just wrong, please say so.
What tactical start does is make everyone start with 0 endurance.
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Giving advantage to certain characters and builds.
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I don't endorse the 0 endurance thing, personally I really dislike it. I would use Tactical Start only for the reasons I gave above and if they no longer apply then I've no problem in removing them.
[*]Ground rules: I'd like to try Tactical Start rules (disables insps) for fairness between true lvl 5s and exemped toons, but this is certainly open to discussion.
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Err, there's no arena setting that disables insps. Insps are an integral, required part of the game and disabling them is absolutely stupid. What tactical start does is make everyone start with 0 endurance.
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According to the Arena help text in-game, Tactical Start also disables insps. If that has been changed and the help text not updated, I apologise.
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They have never been disabled in arena. Arena help text is about as reliable as finnish weathercast.
**further message content removed to avoid coming across as unnecessarily harsh because Im having a bad day**
Fair enough, it's gone then.
I do believe I am interested in this idea, anything really started yet or still getting interest?
I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc
Count me in, Union or Defiant are both good for me, I can always make a new char and get them to level 5 the day before.
We're only just starting out at the moment, the more the merrier!
I forgot to mention earlier that I'm a Union native myself, but as you pointed out it doesn't take long to make a lvl 5 on any server.
I'm up for it!
Now, to build! Muahahahahaha...
Sounds fun
Yay, more opponents
Interested parties so far:
How does next Wednesday (the 7th February) at 7pm on the Union server sound to everyone?
If you'd rather play on the Test server or on a different date or time, speak up please.
Sounds alright, see ya there.
I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc
Yay, more opponents
Interested parties so far:
How does next Wednesday (the 7th February) at 7pm on the Union server sound to everyone?
If you'd rather play on the Test server or on a different date or time, speak up please.
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Next wednesday should be good for me, Union also. As this is a lowbie event we shouldn't need to resort to going on test, should we?
Is the idea we turn up with a lvl 5, or are we exemping down to five?
Also, what's the rules/game type?
As this is a lowbie event we shouldn't need to resort to going on test, should we?
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Slots might be a problem for some (like me) .
Is the idea we turn up with a lvl 5, or are we exemping down to five?
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I would assume level 5s, otherwise it will be unbalanced due to slots and SOs. We did a similar PvP tournie at level 13 a while ago (2 vs 2 though), and it was really great fun since you had quite a few builds which worked well. I even managed to Sonic Cage Duckdee (who was my team-mate btw ).
CoX 50s: <ill/rad> <ice/ice> <fire/kin> <grav/sonic> <ice/storm> <earth/kin> <kin/elec> <cold/psy> <thugs/dark> <fire/dark> <dark/elec> <night widow> <EM/ninj> <mind/icy>
Good point Okton, slots aren't a problem for me but I guess they are for a lot of people. I'm happy to play on test.
Is this an all against all event? Or is it like the recent Buddy Royale?
Sounds fun, with the Level height being 5 I think even as a German gamer I can level my PvP-Toon up that high.^^
Just putting feelers out, to be honest...

How many folks would be interested in having a PvP event based around the lowest 'weight' class - lvl 1-5?
I imagine it could be a good laugh, since at that level the ATs seem to be pretty balanced - Stalkers don't yet have Assassin Strikes, Kheldians don't have Nova forms, Tanks don't have much armour, Controllers and Dominators don't have much control, no Hasten at all, etc.
If there are folks interested, we could sort out what kind of matches you'd like to see (single or team battle royal get my vote), which server (or use the Test server) and set a date - probably some time in February, to give you peeps time to level those PvP alts up the dizzying heights of 5.