This is how I'm playing my ice/storm (44 atm):
Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder - (
Name: Icy_Torment
Level: 50
Archetype: Controller
Primary: Ice Control
Secondary: Storm Summoning
01) --> Block of Ice==> Acc(1) Acc(3) Hold(3) Hold(5) Rechg(11) Rechg(15)
01) --> Gale==> Acc(1)
02) --> Frostbite==> Acc(2) Acc(5) EndRdx(15)
04) --> O2 Boost==> Heal(4) Heal(11) Heal(42)
06) --> Arctic Air==> EndRdx(6) EndRdx(7) EndRdx(7) ConfDur(19) ConfDur(37)
08) --> Hasten==> Rechg(8) Rechg(9) Rechg(9)
10) --> Swift==> Run(10)
12) --> Ice Slick==> Rechg(12) Rechg(13) Rechg(13)
14) --> Super Speed==> Run(14)
16) --> Freezing Rain==> Rechg(16) Rechg(17) Rechg(17) DefDeBuf(19) DefDeBuf(39) EndRdx(42)
18) --> Hurdle==> Jump(18)
20) --> Stamina==> EndMod(20) EndMod(21) EndMod(21)
22) --> Steamy Mist==> EndRdx(22) DmgRes(23) DmgRes(23) DmgRes(40) EndRdx(40)
24) --> Snow Storm==> EndRdx(24) EndRdx(25) Slow(25) Slow(46)
26) --> Glacier==> Acc(26) Acc(27) Hold(27) Hold(29) Rechg(31) Rechg(31)
28) --> Hurricane==> EndRdx(28) TH_DeBuf(29) TH_DeBuf(31) TH_DeBuf(33) EndRdx(37)
30) --> Hover==> Fly(30) Fly(43) Fly(43)
32) --> Jack Frost==> Acc(32) Dmg(33) Dmg(33) Dmg(34) Hold(34) Hold(34)
35) --> Tornado==> Dmg(35) Dmg(36) Dmg(36) Rechg(36) EndRdx(37)
38) --> Lightning Storm==> Dmg(38) Dmg(39) Dmg(39) EndRdx(40) Rechg(42)
41) --> Hibernate==> Rechg(41) Rechg(43) Rechg(46) Heal(46)
44) --> Frozen Armor==> DefBuf(44) DefBuf(45) DefBuf(45) EndRdx(45)
47) --> Ice Storm==> Acc(47) Dmg(48) Dmg(48) Dmg(48)
49) --> Shiver==> Acc(49) Acc(50) Slow(50) Slow(50)
A few comments to your build:
- Block of Ice: doesn't really need an EndRdx, a Hold or Rechg would be better.
- Gale: I never use it, so haven't added any slots to it. I don't think it takes ThT_Debuf anyway.
- Frostbite: useful for immobilising groups once you have Tornado and Lightning Storm. Careful before then since it will negate the kdown of Ice Slick. Given how low you are on damage, you might take Chilblain and slot for damage first, then switch to Frostbite later.
- Hover: Fly is all I would slot.
- Shiver: people tend to go for this or Arctic Air. Each one has its (dis)advantages. I might take it at 49 just because I don't need anything else, but it's probably overkill in terms of slows.
- Ice Slick: 3 Recharges!
- Health: not great for squishies since it won't prevent you from getting killed from burst damage.
- Flash Freeze: not a great fan of sleep powers, but OK if you plan to solo a lot.
- Hurricane: see slotting suggestion above.
- Glacier: wouldn't bother enhancing the Slow.
- Thunder Clap: low-mag disorient, so not that useful given all your control options. Something like Steamy Mist is much better imo.
- Jack: he's basically perma until you zone (or he dies), so I don't bother with recharges.
- O2 Boost: even though it's only a mini-heal, I find it useful for emergencies when teaming and to keep Jack alive, so you might want to take it earlier (or not).
- Epics: I'm quite happy with Ice atm, and depending on when the new changes come in (i.e. Containment for Ice Storm), might or might not switch to Primal for Power Boost.
CoX 50s: <ill/rad> <ice/ice> <fire/kin> <grav/sonic> <ice/storm> <earth/kin> <kin/elec> <cold/psy> <thugs/dark> <fire/dark> <dark/elec> <night widow> <EM/ninj> <mind/icy>
Hmm, i'm not sure what happend with gale there, didn't think I put any slots in it, ahh well, thanks for that advice it'll come in handy, and with Jack, didn't know he was like that, can slot him a bit better now
A few comments to your build:
- Block of Ice: doesn't really need an EndRdx, a Hold or Rechg would be better.
- Gale: I never use it, so haven't added any slots to it. I don't think it takes ThT_Debuf anyway.
- Frostbite: useful for immobilising groups once you have Tornado and Lightning Storm. Careful before then since it will negate the kdown of Ice Slick. Given how low you are on damage, you might take Chilblain and slot for damage first, then switch to Frostbite later.
- Hover: Fly is all I would slot.
- Shiver: people tend to go for this or Arctic Air. Each one has its (dis)advantages. I might take it at 49 just because I don't need anything else, but it's probably overkill in terms of slows.
- Ice Slick: 3 Recharges!
- Health: not great for squishies since it won't prevent you from getting killed from burst damage.
- Flash Freeze: not a great fan of sleep powers, but OK if you plan to solo a lot.
- Hurricane: see slotting suggestion above.
- Glacier: wouldn't bother enhancing the Slow.
- Thunder Clap: low-mag disorient, so not that useful given all your control options. Something like Steamy Mist is much better imo.
- Jack: he's basically perma until you zone (or he dies), so I don't bother with recharges.
- O2 Boost: even though it's only a mini-heal, I find it useful for emergencies when teaming and to keep Jack alive, so you might want to take it earlier (or not).
- Epics: I'm quite happy with Ice atm, and depending on when the new changes come in (i.e. Containment for Ice Storm), might or might not switch to Primal for Power Boost.
[/ QUOTE ]
Good points there Okton this is pretty much how I played my ice storm up to 50.
Think slotted hover is pretty useful helps you get around missions a little easier.
Still not convinced with glacier due to it pitiful hold time but it is a good panic button, but if you are planning to be hovering out of range then it might not be so useful. I have a build at the moment which is more up close and personal with arctic air and CJ,SJ,Acro, a bit more of a rush and better PvP.
If you are going to be soloing then an epic blast instead of hibernate might be worth considering.
I have the primal atm and it seems to be the best the power blast is really useful as well! I have tried all 3 on my ice/storm.
Have fun!
Thanks, I wasn't realy going for a PvP Controller, just more a PvE one, so I was trying to gear it towards PvE.
It still rocks in PvE watching all those confused minions running around in the arctic air killing themselves and doing the baywatch slo-mo with snow storm and freezing rain., all with Jack standing around not doing a thing! More vodka than ice on that pet methinks.
Uhm... i reeally like Ice/Storm troller, its probably the one with the best control at all, and its probably the one with better graphic effects too.
Troller is my favourite arch and that's why i have almost every possible troller... i have an ice/storm too (very low lvl...only 12) i like it but i think is veeeery veery difficult to play.
Why? lot of toggles, im always without endurance.
Artic Air is amazing, i love it, but its an endurance killer even with 3 end redux on (maybe SOs will make a difference..).
Things get bad if you use snow storm too, and i cant image what happen with steamy mist and hurricane!!! O_o
Firstly, i wanted to get them all but now i've changed my mind.
Im obviously getting stamina but i dont think i'll be able to keep 4 toggles on (artic air, snow storm, steamy mist and hurricane) because thei're endurance killers, expecially artic air and hurricane.
So i've started to think about that and i realized that probably artic air + hurricane is not a good combination.
Why should i send enemies away from me (with the repel/knockback effect of hurricane) if im supposed to confuse them with the air?
that's make no sense.
The only reason i thought to use artic+hurricane togheter is - ACC debuff from hurricane, but i should use frostbite to not send foes away from the confuse effect ><
This would be cool, but im not sure about endurance, i mean: Hurricane + steamy mist + Artic Air on; i see a gropu of foes, i cast frostbite on them, then snow storm + freezing rain and then i go in... but wil my toggles stil be on at that times? lol im not sure...
what do you say? :/
This ice/stom built seems to have a gret control/debuff potential but its so hard to play :/
Ok in my honest opinion, i believe theres 2 main ways too play a Ice/Storm, Hold/KnockBack and Hold/Debuff
On my Ice/Storm im going for a Hold/Knockback combo missing out Artic Air, Shiver, Freezing Rain, Steamy Mist, Hurricane etc. These are too big a End Drainer for my liking and i believe as a controller your job is too hold/Crowd Control, and leave debuffing too defenders.
But thats how im going too play the game and thats what will best suit me.
Ok in my honest opinion, i believe theres 2 main ways too play a Ice/Storm, Hold/KnockBack and Hold/Debuff
On my Ice/Storm im going for a Hold/Knockback combo missing out Artic Air, Shiver, Freezing Rain, Steamy Mist, Hurricane etc. These are too big a End Drainer for my liking and i believe as a controller your job is too hold/Crowd Control, and leave debuffing too defenders.
But thats how im going too play the game and thats what will best suit me.
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That's a bit like playing a regen scrapper and skipping most of your secondaries hoping there's an empath around . Of course, you should play the game the way you like, but with good slotting (and Stamina), you should have no endurance problems running a couple of toggles like AA and Steamy Mist at once. I only use Hurricane (great ThT_Debuf) in certain situations, and usually switch off AA when I do. Likewise with Steamy Mist (I use it for stealth or against fire/cold/nrg damage). Shiver has a great -rechg (in addition to the movement slow) which will keep you alive much longer. If you really don't want most of the debuffs, at least take Freezing Rain. Really. Trust me.
CoX 50s: <ill/rad> <ice/ice> <fire/kin> <grav/sonic> <ice/storm> <earth/kin> <kin/elec> <cold/psy> <thugs/dark> <fire/dark> <dark/elec> <night widow> <EM/ninj> <mind/icy>
Uhm... i reeally like Ice/Storm troller, its probably the one with the best control at all
[/ QUOTE ] Earth/storm still the best
And okty, you stole my words!... sort of
Yeh, ive changed my build a tad compared with my statement earlier, i didnt know what i was typing. My controller now has Steamy Mist and Artic air, i have them both on without a netend loss and my endurance is around average.
Atm im stuck on getting a move for 28,
my choices are, Shiver, Flashfreeze, O2 Boost, SnowStorm, Hurricane and Thunderclap.
Shiver is just a wealer version of Freezing rain except a Cone AOE which means going in.
Flashfreeze is just pants.
Snowsotmr, Thunderclap and Hurricane all push mobs away and scatter as wheremy build is too keep mobs tight together.
The only other choice i really have is Super speed but i already have fly.
Looking at your build has just confused me even more because you've taken a different playstyle too mine.
Atm im stuck on getting a move for 28,
my choices are, Shiver, Flashfreeze, O2 Boost, SnowStorm, Hurricane and Thunderclap.
Shiver is just a wealer version of Freezing rain except a Cone AOE which means going in.
Flashfreeze is just pants.
Snowsotmr, Thunderclap and Hurricane all push mobs away and scatter as wheremy build is too keep mobs tight together.
The only other choice i really have is Super speed but i already have fly.
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Shiver is a very nice, very wide cone, slow (-rech,-movement speed) whereas Freezing Rain is a targetable AoE that does the same but has a big -resistance and big defense debuff (and the added neglible damage).
Snowstorm doesnt repel actually helps keeping the mobs inside your Freezing Rain. Nice -movement and again -recharge.
Hurricane is a lifesaver and doesnt just repel mobs...has a huge tohit debuff and is a must in my book.
Tornado is tricky as it knocks mobs back but it also does decent damage and has a huge defense debuff. Great for AV fights and for mobs stuck in Frostbite...and as a panic button for that matter.
Flashfreeze is quite pants as you said.
Thunderclap has its uses albeit limited.
Freezing Rain, Snowstorm, Tornado and Hurricane are must haves imo.
Shiver and o2 boost are optional but very nice to have.
"Extremists LOVE to fish to get us annoyed so we break the forum rules."
"The origin of life wasn't planned either, should all life be declared a bug and wiped out?"
"You know me.Ever the realist"
Yes, it's true what he says. Thanks for saving me typing all that arch
And SS for that matter is very nice too. Stacks to invis with steamy mist
Im kind of new too all this Controller Stuff, never rolled one before..Also its also to do with the fact i dont have enough power slots too get those extra moves, and i dont believe there as good as the ones ive chosen.
Im kind of new too all this Controller Stuff, never rolled one before..Also its also to do with the fact i dont have enough power slots too get those extra moves, and i dont believe there as good as the ones ive chosen.
[/ QUOTE ]
If you're happy with your power choices, then stick to them. The suggestions above come from people who've played extensively with these sets (and with controllers in general), but each person has their own playstyle. If you do ever want to see these powers in action, I'd be happy to team anytime on Union and show you (@Okton).
Earth/storm still the best
[/ QUOTE ]
You mean, after Earth/TA, right?
CoX 50s: <ill/rad> <ice/ice> <fire/kin> <grav/sonic> <ice/storm> <earth/kin> <kin/elec> <cold/psy> <thugs/dark> <fire/dark> <dark/elec> <night widow> <EM/ninj> <mind/icy>
Hmmm, good point. Even got me doubting for a sec Truely loved my earth/ta all the way, but /storm offers better control for my taste though. Long activation and recharge being bit of handicap of TA. Still /TA was prolly most fun i've played
Shiver and Snow Storm are very similar debuffs. One is anchored and one is a clicky. I have both because you can never have too much -recharge. Chuck in arctic air, freezing rain and ice slick for even more -recharge goodness.
Mobs attacking (usually each other) once every half an hour *is* control imo.
Hey all just looking for some advice on a new alt im planning to make;
) or the choices of power, so any advice welcome thanks.
Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
Name: Captain Avalanche
Level: 50
Archetype: Controller
Primary: Ice Control
Secondary: Storm Summoning
01) --> Block of Ice==> Acc(1)Acc(3)Rechg(3)EndRdx(5)Hold(5)Hold(7)
01) --> Gale==> EndRdx(1)TH_DeBuf(34)
02) --> Frostbite==> Acc(2)Acc(7)Slow(9)Immob(9)Immob(11)EndRdx(11)
04) --> Snow Storm==> EndRdx(4)EndRdx(13)Slow(13)Slow(21)
06) --> Hover==> Fly(6)Fly(15)EndRdx(15)DefBuf(17)
08) --> Shiver==> Acc(8)Acc(17)EndRdx(19)Rechg(19)Rechg(21)
10) --> Hurdle==> Jump(10)
12) --> Ice Slick==> EndRdx(12)Rechg(23)Rechg(23)
14) --> Fly==> Fly(14)EndRdx(25)
16) --> Freezing Rain==> Acc(16)Rechg(25)EndRdx(27)Rechg(27)DefDeBuf(29)DefDeBuf(29)
18) --> Health==> Heal(18)Heal(31)Heal(31)
20) --> Stamina==> EndMod(20)EndMod(31)EndMod(33)
22) --> Flash Freeze==> Acc(22)Acc(33)EndRdx(33)Rechg(34)Rechg(34)
24) --> Hurricane==> TH_DeBuf(24)TH_DeBuf(34)
26) --> Glacier==> Acc(26)Acc(36)Rechg(36)Hold(36)Hold(37)Slow(37)
28) --> Thunder Clap==> EndRdx(28)Acc(37)Acc(39)DisDur(39)
30) --> Hasten==> Rechg(30)Rechg(39)Rechg(40)
32) --> Jack Frost==> Rechg(32)Rechg(40)Rechg(40)Dmg(42)Dmg(42)Acc(42)
35) --> Tornado==> EndRdx(35)Rechg(43)Dmg(43)Dmg(43)
38) --> Lightning Storm==> Dmg(38)Dmg(45)Dmg(45)EndMod(45)Acc(46)Rechg(46)
41) --> Hibernate==> Heal(41)Rechg(46)Rechg(48)
44) --> Frozen Armor==> DefBuf(44)DefBuf(48)EndRdx(50)
47) --> Ice Storm==> Dmg(47)Dmg(48)Rechg(50)Acc(50)
49) --> O2 Boost==> Rechg(49)
01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
01) --> Containment==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Empty(2)
Now i'm not sure on slotting (probably wrong as I always do it