Shadow Cyst tactics?




OK having embarassed myself leading a team to disaster with one of these things in the mid-20s recently (we had 2 wipes then everybody left with various excuses ), and in view of the fact that these b*****s are going to be cropping up fairly regularly in my career as a Warshade, what are the tips and tactics for these? All I know is "all on it", because usually the team blunders into it and so it spawns loads of nictuses. I've read a tactic on the US boards that says only one melee character (pref DA scrap with neg resist) should engage so it only spawns a few and everyone else should target from a distance. Any ideas?



Everybody attacks the cyst and hits it as hard as they can. Works more often than not




I like to call it the Young Guns Tactic. . .

Bassically go in all guns blazing and dont stop till it's dead.



Kill it fast. It spawns like crazy anyway so you want everybody on it. You can almost feel everybody's pulse rate rise a little when one of those is sighted but they're not a huge problem if everybody does what they're supposed to...that includes nobody running up to take a look then running back to the team in a panic with a purple trail behind him...



Kill it fast. It spawns like crazy anyway so you want everybody on it. You can almost feel everybody's pulse rate rise a little when one of those is sighted but they're not a huge problem if everybody does what they're supposed to...that includes nobody running up to take a look then running back to the team in a panic with a purple trail behind him...

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WS: Double Mire and Eclipse if have it, and go nova/human blaster and fire at will with team back up only the WS near it.

PB: Go Dwarf/Lightform/human MAXXED shielding, tank the S.o.B. and Blasters "Snipe" shoot it, without getting close enough to agg it, keeping PB alive.

Kheldians in Dwarf or Eclipse have a higher RES vs them I've found, sure you get slowed to hell.. but they don't kill you as fast as they would everyone else.

Or send the Granite in and have him/her tank it.

The MORE people near the Cyst.. the MORE dangerous it'll start to spawn-rate. That and when it dies the Unbound Nictus' die off eventually or get killed when the Cyst dies.

On a side note: when the Cyst dies.. it goes BOOOOOOOOOOOM



In a nutshell open a massive can of pwnage on the crystal til you can't unleash pwnage no more, then open some more.

Rinse, repeat.



In a nutshell open a massive can of pwnage on the crystal til you can't unleash pwnage no more, then open some more.

Rinse, repeat.

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